Chris's POV
I woke up,yawning. I was layed out on the couch and realized that pretty much everyone was awake. I stood up,stretching,"morning everyone." I stumbled to the kitchens getting a cup of coffee. C.C yawned,"everyone's up except for Kennedy. Ronnie,Andy,Alex,and Michael tried but it didn't work." I laughed,"come on let's go." We trudged upstairs to her room. I let out a laugh,seeing her curled into a ball,buried into the covers and pillows. She was snoring quietly. I walked over,"Kennedy wake up." She groaned,pulling the covers over her head. C.C laughed,shaking her,"Upp!" Se groaned,scooting away,"go awayyy." I laughed tickling her feet,she kicked my hand away. We both started tickling and she sat up,"I swear to god if you don't fucking stop I'm going to kick both of your asses so hard you won't be able to have one night stands for a year! So fuck off!" She layed back down. I scowled and pulled her out the bed,"nope little one." She groaned,holding onto a pillow. I picked her up,walking downstairs. She was sleeping into the pillow. She snored softly as I sat her down on the counter. She slept peacefully,which made Sammi and Jinxx laugh. Oh little one.
Kennedy's POV
I yawned finally sitting up. I saw I was on a counter,"the hell?" I slid down,stumbling to the couch. I yawned curling up next to Michael. Michael looked at me,"so you going to kick my ass?" I shook my head,sipping someone's coffee. I sipped on it,before it was snatched from me,"little one that's mine." I kept my eyes closed grabbing it again,"mine now. I called dibs." I took another sip,closing my eyes snuggling into the cover,proably looking like a hibernating momma bear. I continued taking small sips,before I was full,"you can have it back now. Thankyou for your genorosity kind woman or sir. Though your identity may remain a secret at this moment in time,but later may we all hope to God that you reveal your presence to us in this very room." I yawned,cracking an eye open,shifting. "Im a big Edgar Poe fan. It gets in the way of everyday life sometimes." I stretched cracking my shoulders and fingers. I opened both of my eyes and saw Jack and Alex fighting over a waffle,"team Jalex!" They looked at me,"We both want the waffle but its mine!" I smiled,"just eat it together and have sex and become lovers. And get married. Make me happy,buy more albums. Have yourself a nice life. Maybe I could be god mother of you two's love child. Mmm hmm. life made." I laughed softly,"just kidding guys,but hey if you two want to become lovers im all for it." THey laughed and continued fighting about the waffle. I looked at Chris,"hey Chris guess what?" He chuckled,"what?" I smiled,"hey i just met you and this is crazy. So get in the fucking van." He laughed,"there is no van." I smiled creepily,"look outside." He laughed and looked out thw window,"holy shit there's a van outside!' I shot up,"what the hell. I swear is there really a van?" I looked and saw a white van. I closed the window,"oh jesus i was totally kidding about the van what if it comes and takes one of us eeeeeee." The door opened and two men in nice clothing came out the car,I jumped back,"oh my god oh my god. They're coming for us. they're coming for us. Chris Chris what do we do?!" Chris was freaking out with me when the door was knocked on,we let out some girly screams. "if we're quiet,they'll go away." I heard another knock and looked in the peep hole,seeing that the men were holding bibles. Whew only some Jehova's Witnesses. I opened the door,"hello." Thye smiled,"hi do you have a moment to spare so we can tell you about the wonders of God?" I smiled in fake sadness,"Im sorry but we're fixing to leave to go to church right now actually,dont want to be late." I fake laughed with them. One of the men smiled,"so young lady where do you go to church with your family,maybe can spread more of the good word there to everyone." I smiled,"The Church of Satan." They stood up atraighter,"where do you go again?' I smiled,repeating myself,"The Church of Satan. Tongiht there's going to be a great big ritual and I'm going to be the sacrifice for him. Satan himself told me that I was his favorite in our congregation." They backed up and ran to they're car,throwing some holy water onto the me and I shreiked in fake pain,falling to the ground. I love acting. One of them decided to grow some balls and dump the whole thing of holy water on me. I screamed in fake agony,"I'll murder you and your brothers!" I made my voice seem all croaky and make my eyes roll into the back of my head,shaking uncontrollaby. I heard them yelling the rosary as they drove off. I opened my eyes,standing up. I laughed walking inside and shutting the door,I was drenched,but that was fucking awesome. "That was fun. Okay y'all should try it at your own houses." I grabbed a towel,when I heard slow clapping. Chris and Dahvie were laughing,"that was fucking awesome!" I bowed,"thankyou thankyou." Andy and Balz looked at us,"how about we all go to the mall today. No one's busy. Juat a fun day." Everyone nodded and I saw they had extra clohes with them,weird. Suspicious,very suspicious. But whatever. I walked to my room and picked out an outfit hmmm what to wear? finally I just decided on a black tanktop and jean shorts. I brushed my hair,putting into a ponytail and brushed my teeth,putting on my grey vans. I grabbed my BVB bag and put my wallet and manga in it. I walked downstairs,waiting in the front room. My sunglasses dropped so I bent over,grabbing them. I heard a wolf-whistle and i turned seeing Ashley. he smirked,"damn girl you have a nice ass." I rolled my eyes,"whatever Purdy boy." He laughed,:just saying hot stuff.' I laughed,"just stop. I'm not a Purdy girl or Purdy Princess. K. The only thing we have in common are our perverted minds. I will admit you're attractive,but the player thing. Kind of a turn-off." I smiled,"So I'd really appreciate it if you kept your sexual comments to yourself.' I turned around watching the t.v. I could practically hear him smirking,'ooh fiesty. Those shorts show off your nice ass. Got some junk in that trunk?' I scowled at him,"listen Purdy,talk all you want. Tease all you want,but I don't like you. So if you want to stare at the "junk in my trunk" go ahead,but you touch it,I'm going to kick you in the balls so hard that you can't touch yourself down there without crying." I smiled and turned,waiting for everyone else. I felt someone hug me to them and saw Dahvie and Jayy Von,"little cupcake!" I smiled,and pulled away,walking outside,"no hugs for you!" I walked to my camarro,so yeah Ronnie's car is now mine. Haven't told him yet,but I now own it. I opened thew door and hopped in,turning on the c.d. I rolled down the window,"hey C.C come on!" ronnie looked at me,"what if I want to drive my car." I laughed,"ha no. C.C and I called dibs last night!" He gasped,'you didnt!" C.C knuckle bumped me,"oh yes we did." He hopped in and we turned on the music. Boyfriend by Justin Bieber came on and we gagged,I changed the channel and some Slipknot came on. We sang along,driving off to the mall. I saw everyone behind us and I turned to C.C."watch this." I opened the window and made some funny faces at them. I saw them laughing and kept on,laughing. i sat back in the car,rolling the window up. We pulled up to the mall and I hopped out with C.C. I turned to C.C,"dude we should get subway for lunch." He rubbed his stomach,"mm subway." I smiled and walked with everybody inside the mall. I looked around seeing It was huge. I heard Ronnie,"where so you want to go first?" I looked around and gasped seeing a Japanese Manga/Anime store. I pointed and walked over quickly,leaving everyone behind. This store had Cosplay costumes,clothes,Japanese food,manga,anime,dolls,videos,games,and stand ups. I walked to the back seeing they had a sale on Negima!,Soul Eater,Blue Excorcist,and some anime. I grabbed a basket getting ten different books. I grabbed some pocky and some bento boxes. I saw everyone in the store looking around. "Hey Kennedy these books are backwards!" i laughed, seeing Chris,"no they're manga,which is read traditionally how the Japanese read it. Right to left,instead of left to right. You'd like Soul Eater and Blue exorcist."I turned and gasped seeing my dream everything. Animatronic Cat ears and tails. I grabbed a set in black seeing they were only thirty bucks,pretty cheap. I grabbed some matching black cat paw gloves. I walked to the check out counter grabbing a anime/manga magazine. I checked out,paying a hundred dollars. Which wasn't to bad at all. I saw Sammi trying on a Ciel dress and I giggled which turned to laughing. Sammi turned,"do I look funny?" I smiled,"no but that's Ciel's dress from Black Butler and he's a twelve year old boy,I just find it funny and adorable. Get it Sammi. And Jinxx should get Sebastian's outfit so you two can match." I smiled at them and saw Ronnie in the back by the Yaoi. I smirked,"whatcha looking at?' He looked at me,"it seems really interesting, I think I might buy it." I smiled,"you like Yaoi?" "What's Yaoi?" "Gay stories." He put the book back,walking off making me laugh. I walked outside,sitting on the bench. Sammi and Jinxx walked out,holding hands,"that store is cool!" I nodded,"yeah." I stood up,putting on my animatronic cat ears and made sure they worked. I saw Ashely,Devin,Kylie,and Michael had some too. I stood up,walking with everyone. I smiled,"I just fell like obnoxiously power-walking today." "Lol why?" I looked at Jeffree,"I just do. You don't have to be by me whine I do it,I just need a good laugh." I started power walking to the forever 21 store. I looked next to me and saw Andy,C.C. And Jake power-walking with me,"hey boys,burning so many calories Whew!" I kept power-walking into forever 21. Stopping at the sweaters,I picked up two. I kinda got lost for what seemed like an hour. I was a shop-a-hic in this store. I saw Jeffree and he had stolen a shopping cart from somewhere,as did I. Hey more shit for us. I finally got everything I wanted in y, size and checked out. The look on the people's faces were hilarious. With all of the discounts and clearances it came to 120 bucks. Score! I walked out with three big bags like Jeffree"damn I haven't held this much stuff since I went grocery shopping for the plane ride." I staggered over,"oh who will hold this labor,this heavy weights." I eyed C.C,"kind sir?" He laughed,"nope." I groaned,"C.C come on,thought we was cool." He rolled his eyes,"we're cool,but I'm not holding your stuff." I laughed,"ok dude whatever I see how it is. What we had is gone." I picked up my bags,"when you are begging for a wonderful friend that will make you food and feed you and watch movies with you,you is up on yo own." I smirked and walked towards rue 21. I walked in grabbing some black,blue,red,and green eyeliner. I checked out,my arms hurting more. I saw a henna station and walked over,looking at the designs. I looked at one and saw it was long hibiscus flower with little mini flowers on the vine. I sat down and payed my money,keeping my arm still. After about thirty minutes and I was starving,she was finished. I got up and saw everyone eating at the food court,I sat down in a chair next to Ashley. I leaned my head on his shoulder,"I don't know where your shoulder has been,but it's my pillow. For now." He laughed,"so what's going to happen why I go places without you?" I picked up a plastic knife,"I'll cut it off. Preserve it In a jar." I yawned,"so hungry,but too tired." He ruffled my hair. I smirked,"okay let's play this game I made up. Pick up lines, two people go and the table votes. Whoever wins two out of five wins." He smirked,"okay." "You first." He smiled,"hey did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" I laughed,"that sucked!" I laughed,"baby I love you more than I like free pizza and I love free pizza." He smiled,"good good okay beat this." He flipped his hair,"sweetie I've been seeing you all not long and an outlaw needs a cowgirl in his bed to keep him company." I smirked,"okay good one that was good here's mine." I brushed a piece of hair behind his ear,"you know darling. They say a southern belle is as sweet as the tea she drinks,how about you find out and take a sip of me?" He clapped,"that was really good." I smiled,"thank you oh sir." My stomach growled,"ok fattie needs food. What do I want. Chinese? Italian? McDonalds? Chinese it is." I got up and stood by Austin,Dahvie,Jeffree and Chris."hey tall skinny people." Chris looked down,"hey,wats up?" I yawned,"eh nothing. Just hungry. You know fat people problems." Chris hugged me with an arm,"dude your not fat." I laughed,"yeah sure and you're not the lead singer of an amazing band." I ordered my food,grabbing a cup,filling it with diet coke. "Diet coke,diet coke. Sitting in a boat with a diet coke." When I get bored,I sing/say random things,so there we go. I saw Ryan give me a weird look,I chuckled,"I'm not crazy,just weird." I grabbed my food,paying. I got some utensils,sitting right next to Ashley. I opened the box,"this food deserves an award. Just kidding I'm starving." I was fixing to eat when Chris stopped me,"shouldn't you be saying a prayer right now,we looked in your file and it says that you go to a Catholic School and don't Catholics pray before they eat." I looked confused,"file?" Chris laughed,"of course we had to look up on you,so we know that we didn't get a murderer or something. You're parents had to send us one. Now about that prayer." I rolled my eyes,"I'm eating whatever." I started to dig my fork in when the food was pulled away. I scowled,putting my fork down,doing the sign of the cross. I closed my eyes,putting my hands in prayer,"dear Jesus Christ. The man I ever so worship. Thankyou for blessing me with the opportunity to be with amazing band members today. I ask of you to bless this in your name oh lord,giving my thanks up to you. It is right and just to give thanks to you. Also dear Jesus Christ,please let all of the guys and their girlfriends be safe in what they do and that the singers don't lose their voices. And that Jinxx and Sammi Doll's wedding comes soon,I can't wait to see pictures." I sighed,fixing to finish,"oh oh oh wait one last request,please let Andley,be real. I've been praying really long and hard about this one and I think it's gonna happen with your help and support,I think this year we can go 100 percent. So let's keep up the good work. In your name,all of the Angels in heaven and God's name. I say Thankyou for this meal. Amen." I did the sign of the cross,starting to eat. "How's that prayer for you?"
