Chapter 5

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Kennedy's POV

He laughed,"oh i will bring it. I always bring it." I smirked,"be prepared to open a can of whoop ass." I heard oooohs from the pool. I held up the diet coke,"and let the games begin!" I did the battle cry that sponge-bob and Patrick do when Jelly fish hunting. He let out snorts of laughter and I pushed the other guys into the pool,leaving me and Andrew,"BOSS LEVEL!!" I took a sip and smirked,'you and me Gazelle. I'm a gone kick yo white ass." He took a step forward,"I don't think so little one. Because I am the master at kicking asses." I laughed,"oh really. Let us see who is the real master at kicking asses." I ran towards him and started tickling him,making him weak. He was too distracted and I pushed him into the pool. I let out another sponge in battle cry,"I am the master!!!" I jumped onto the lawn chair,"I am the champion and you are the loser of the world!" I jumped off,almost slipping,"woah woah woah almost died." I held a hand over my chest. I smiled softly,taking a sip of diet coke,"mmm sweet poison." I yawned softly,my stomach growling in hunger. I blushed grabbing my sunglasses. Chris laughed,"are you hungry?" I laughed,"pfft n-" I was interrupted by my stomach growling loud. I blushed and nodded,"okay yeah." HE got out the pool,"okay how about we take you ot to eat,since C.C and Jake ate everything in the kitchen." I heard some sorrys making me crack a smile,"oh no its fine you guys dont have to get out the pool and dressed for me,I can just eat later or something." He laughed,"no its okay go get dressed and then we'll all go out to eat wherever you like okay?" I blushed nodding,"oh uh sure okay." He laughed and pushed me towards inside the house to the stairs,seeing that everyone else was out the pool. Weird,but okay. I walked upstairs,putting on some black skinny jeans,a BVB tee shirt and my misfits hoodie. I blow dried my hair,putting it into a pony tail and putting my vans on. I opened the window,feeling it was now cold so I zipped my my hoodie up tightly. I walked downstairs,yawning again and layed on the sofa waiting for everyone else. I hummed softly,making shadow puppets with my hands. I laughed softly,seeing C.C walk into the room.  He looked at me,"what are you laughing at little one?" I smiled,"just making shadow puppets and funny voices." He laughed and then smirked,';so what do you think about little miss Barbie pants?" I laughed,"umm well I really ugh she just annoys me. Why would she try to point out people's flaws when we already see them everyday?" He isghed,"yeah but it's been four months and im sick of her." I smiled,"just be like bam bam and grab her by her hair and swing her around." He laughed,ruffling my hair,"ill have to do that short stuff." I hit his hands away,smiling. I heard footsteps and laughter and saw the rest of the people in the living room. I stood up,tripping over my feet and falling,"owwww." I stood up,fixing my hair,"spazz moment 24." I stood up,blushing,"can we uh go now please?" Chris smiled that beautiful adorable amazing grin,"sure girl lets go." I walked outside to the see at least twenty cars,"umm which one are we going in?" Chris laughed,"whatever car you want to." i smiled,"oh okay then umm. let's see." I walked around and saw a truck,a range rover,the norm and then my eues widened,seeing a black 2012 Camarro with black leaqther seats. I smiled,"this one. I want this one." I heard laughter and I turned,"whoevers car this is,thankyou." I heard a twinkiling of keys and I saw Ronnie holding the keys,"the baby is mine." I shook from excitement,"can I?' He laughed,'sure darling." I smiled and ran,hugging Ronnie,"Thankyou Thankyou!' I grabbed C.C's arm,'your driving!!' I unlocked the car,climbing into the passenger side seat. He climbed in and I rolled down the windows,"hey everyone waffle house!" I heard "it","but thats so many carbs,I cant eat that." I snorted,:just fuck Ashley all night long,youll get exercise. Youre good at fucking,I presume correct?' The look on Ashley and It's face-priceless. I rolled the window up,"let's go C.C!" We drove off and turned on the radio,living on a prayer,blasting. We looked atg each other," TAKE MY HAND AND WE'LL MAKE IT I SWEAR!!!!" " OOOOHHH OHHH LIVIN ON A PRAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYERRR!!' We laughed,driving faster. After about ten more minutes of driving and singing to classic rock,we finally got there. We parked and got out,seeing everyone else already inside. C.C looked at me,"how did they get here first?' I laughed,"because we almost got pulled over two times." He laughed,walking inside with me. I sat down at the table next to Michael and Vic. The waitress walked by and took our drink orders. I yawned softly,laying my head down and resting silently. I yawned softly,closing my eyes. I jumped up,startled when I felt something poke me in the side. I jumped up,seeing Vic holding a straw,"I had to wake you up,you were getting sleepy." I laughed softly. I  drank some water looking around while everyone talked. I saw a guy in the back boothe and saw he was reading a manga. I smiled and looked away. I tried to distract myself from not to look at the teen guy again,but my eyes fucking drifted over to him. He loooked at me and then winked,making me blush and quickly look at the menu. I smiled at the menu,ordering a chocolate chip waffle. I sighed softly,listening into everyone's conversation. I felt someone staring at me and noticed that it was no one at the table,but the guy. He smiled at me and motioned with his finger,to come over. I shook my head softly,blushing. He started to get up and my eyes widened. I looked at Jinxx,"Jinxx tell Chris Ill be right back." "Where you going?" I smiled,"just to talk to someone." He turned,seeing the guy and winked at me. I blushed and got up,grabbing my drink and walking to the boothe,I sat down. Hew smiled,"you know staring isnt nice right?' I smiled,"well I'm sorry sir,but when I see a gentleman reading a manga such as Negima,I just have to stare." He smiled,"you read Manga?" I nodded,"of course right to left." We chuckled at my joke. He smiled,putting his book away,"so tell me what is a pretty girl like you doing in a diner with a bunch of band members and their girlfriends?" I smiled,"I won this contest this summer to go live with your favorite band for the summer,and we had a party and then I got hungry." He smiled," I see so the maiden was hungry and her knights in shining armor brought her to digest some nutriance?" I nodded,"yes oh kind sir,you hit it right on the spot." He laughed,"well then my fair maiden." I gasped in fake surprise,"but oh daring knight I am not your maiden,how dareth you procalim that upon my council?" He gasped,"oh princess I aopologize dearly my stupidty had come out,because i was mesmerized by your beauty." I blushed,taking a sip of my drinl,"why thankyou oh kind sir." He looked at his watch and gasped,"oh my fair maiden,I must bid adieu,I have to put thine horses up for tomorrows ride in the fields of the countryside." He grabbed his stuff and I stood up with him. He smiled at me,"oh princess parting is such sweet sorrow." I smiled. He grabbed my hand a nd placed a kiss on the top of it,smiling. I blushed so hard. He smiled and grabbed a sharpie writing on something on my arm. He let go,"till we meet again fair princess." He kissed my cheek and walked out,leaving me standing there,my mouth open in shock and joy. I looked down at my arm and his number was wriiten on my arm signed prince charming. I turned around walking back to the table and sat down. I felt eyes on me and I looked down at the table blushing and smiling the whole time. I smiled,holding my place where he had written on my arm. I heard a bunch of laughter,"what just happened Kennedy?" I smiled,"umm I just went over to talk to him and we just talked and uh then he had to leave. He called me princess,fair maiden,and beautiful. And he kissed my hand and cheek. And wrote his number on my arm!" I smiled,blushing more. I heard a few whistles and oh yeahs. Gah,so embarresssing.

The contest of a lifetime. Which surprisingly I actually won.Where stories live. Discover now