Kennedy's POV
Kennedy's POV
I smiled,blushing,"he's just a guy that's nice and sweet okay. It's not like he's Andy Bi- Nobody! " Andy looked at me,"like who?" I choked out,"no-body nobody at all." He laughed,"come on tell me I wanna know he looks like Andy who?" I blushed,"oh look i have to go to the bathroom. Ha ha yeahhhh." I got up,rushing to the bathroom. I washed my hands and sheets,getting the blush to die down. I sighed and walked out and saw C.C and I did the Clavin Klein model walk,making him choke on his food with laughter. I laughed,sitting down. I started eating when I felt something ice cold go down my back. I jumped up,shaking my shirt. I shrieked softly,getting out. Everyone was laughing,"what the hell C.C or should I say Christian?" He stopped laughing,"hey don't call me that!" I laughed and whispered in his ear,"watch this." I grabbed my waffle and closed my eyes and slung my waffle randomly.i opened my eyes and C.C was holding a hand over his mouth,snorting on laughter. I looked and saw that the waffle was on it's face,syrup all over. I snorted on laughter. I high fived C.C laughing harder,that I was crying. I looked up and saw that she was steaming mad. She was holding her coffee tightly. I snorted more and then felt a scalding sensation all over my face and into my eyes. I yelled grabbing a napkin,wiping all over my face,but everywhere i touched burned. I could barely touch my face without it hurting,so I just stopped moving,trying not to cry. I couldn't even open my eyes now.
Chris's POV
We were all chuckling at the waffle incident, but then in slow motion we saw the coffee go flying into Kennedy's face,burning it. I jumped up,rushing over to Kennedy. I looked at Carmen,the whore,"what the fuck?! It was just a joke!" I grabbed a napkin,wetting it in water,and gently touched her face with it making her flinch backwards,"Shh it's okay." I tried again and she flinched farther away. I looked closer,her face was bright red and her eyes were swelled shut,probably the whore's lipstick poisoned her or something. I saw Juliet,Sammi,and Ella yelling at Carmen. Kennedy let out a small whimper. I hugged her softly,"here lets get you home,so Sammi can take care of you. She's good at helping people who are hurt okay?" She nodded,softly. I led her outside,paying quickly. "C-Can C.C ride with us please?" I nodded,"sure sweetie of course." I called to C.C and helped her into the car. I drove off,seeing everyone follow us back to the house. We got back and I helped her out,setting down her down on the couch. Her face was swollen more and burned. Everyone else walked back in hissing and oohing at her face,making Kennedy raise her hands up and cover her face, even though you could see it hurt her more. I glared at them,"Sammi please tend to her." Sammi walked to her,removing her hands.
Kennedy's POV
"Can you open your eyes?" I shook my head softly,my head pounding. I heard her sigh and walk away. I stayed still,and flinched when I felt a cool cream on my face,"w-what is that?" Sammi chuckled,"it's a healing cream that my mom taught me to make,the swelling should go down in about thirty minutes." I nodded,"I'm sorry Sammi." I heard her gasp,"why are you apologizing?" "You shouldn't have to do this,I should just deal with it,I shouldn't have flung the waffle." She chuckled,"don't apologize,it was funny, and she shouldn't have overreacted like that." I sighed softly,"sorry I ruined dinner guys." I heard Ronnie's voice,"you didn't ruin it. Stop apologizing little one." I chuckled,"why does everyone call me little one?" Ronnie ruffled my hair,"cuz your short shortie." I tried to pout,but couldn't move my face,"damnit Ronnie if I could move my face I would pout or stick my tongue out at you!" He laughed. I sighed,"hey Andy?" I heard him chuckle,"yes little one?" "If I ever get to see again can I see you and Dahvie make out?" I heard a bunch of snorts and coughs,"Wh-what?!" I sighed,"you heard me. If I ever get to see again can I see you and Dahvie kiss slash make out?" He coughed,"Little one why would you want to see that?" I tried to smile,but couldn't,"I read this fanfic once and it was a Dahvie and Andy one and you two were so adorable together. So yeah'if that doesn't work Jinxx and C.C,Jack and Alex,or eeeee omg Chris and Jayy!!" I heard some laughter,"no Kennedy." I sighed,"come on don't be a little bitch,it's one kiss. And besides maybe it could turn into something more like the big bow chicks wow wow." I heard laughter,"did you just say that?" I let out a small smile,"yes. Yes I did." I coughed slightly,"okay so I'm blind for a good bit,can I have come thing to drink. I'd probably fall down on my fat ass if I tried to get up. Like one fall all it takes and you hear a silence and then swoosh everything crumbles,people die,terror. Yeah no." I heard some laughs,"stop that you're not going to bring the house down." I rolled my unopened eyes,"ok so what if Jinxx knocked Sammi up,my fat ass trips,falls into her,and she loses the baby. Do you know how bad I would feel about causing that?" I heard a chuckle,"whatever little one,you're not fat." I laughed,"yeah and Jayy Von is straight." I heard the fridge open,and a few moments later I felt something in my hands. I took a sip and spit it out,choking on it,"what the hell is this shit? It tastes like piss." I heard laughter,"it's water Kennedy," "Well no shit,no wonder it tasted disgusting." I heard some more laughs,before my eyes slowly opened. I blinked over and over again,"ow ow ow." I got up,"I'm just gonna stumble slightly to the vertical left to the restroom and wash my face off in a circular hand motion indicating that the medicine should wash away." I started to awkwardly side step out of the room,"just ignore me guys. I have an Exuse. I'm white." I walked to the bathroom,washing my face off. I yawned softly and heard sleepover yelled by everyone. I laughed softly,yawning again. I walked out,yawning again. I looked at Chris,"I'm going to go get changed into my pajama's Kay?" He nodded,smiling. I blushed and walked upstairs. I got into my room,shutting the door. I grabbed my grey shorts and black tanktop,putting them on. I washed my face and brushed my teeth,undoing my hair for the night. I put on some light eyeliner,just a habit of mine. I walked downstairs,holding my domo toy,just in case I fell asleep. I sat on the couch,holding Domo closer. I yawned,snuggling into the couch. I felt someone tug domo and I held him closer. I felt a sharper tug and I snapped my eyes open,"stop." I sat up,sighing,"no sleep for me then. Damn." I felt someone pet my hair and then more hands,"what th-" "Shh little one enjoy the petting." I looked up seeing Dahvie,Jayy,Ronnie,and Chris. I shot them a look and pulled away,"no." I scooted away and felt someone grace me and start petting my head again,"noooooo." I pouted and just let them pet me. I saw Alan sitting by Austin,"Ginger princess save me with your ginger powers." He looked at me as Austin laughed,"what no.. Okay fine." He got up and pulled me away. I hugged him,"thanks darling." "Darling?" I sighed,"Southern thing. Just go with the flow." He laughed,"whatever little one." I chuckled and then my phone rang. I picked it up,answering it,"hello this is Kennedy speaking?" I heard a laugh,"this is Kennedy speaking?" I laughed,"I know it's you Gondolfi." She laughed,"damn. Though I had you." I laughed,"can't have the swag master." She snorted,"you swag sure!" I smiled,"whatever Gondolfi." She laughed,"there's a lot of noise going on in the background are you in an orgy?" I choked on air,"no I am not Gondolfi! I would never do something like that,it's simply gross and awkward and you got to see everyone else naked. No. Definitely not my thing. No no no." I heard her laugh,"your blushing aren't you?!" I rolled my eyes,"ha! No,um ok maybe. Of course not. Yes." "You're such a prude you don't even want to participate in an orgy I mean all those naked bodies just tog-" "shut up Gondolfi that gross and disgusting and the only person that I know that would participate in that activity would be Mr. Purdy boy. No wait and you. Yeah that's something that you would do,but me HA! No." She laughed,"yeah so I could feel Ashley all u-," I scowled,"how many times have I told you I called dibs. Dibs dibs dibs. Mine alllllllll mine. Every single music artist I like dibs. I called it. Dibs." She laughed,"you whore,you totally want an org-" "I don't want to participate in an orgy! Okay okay that's not my thing. To see naked people nooooooooo nooooo Noooo! That's gross and ugh and sweaty and ugh and the noises oh god the noises of disgusting pleasure. No. I. Refuse." She was laughing hard over the phone,"you you just HAHHAHAHA!" I scowled,"you will never ever EVER see me in an orgy or sex or an act of sexual acts of pleasure,ok most girls my age are practically giving IT away,I would like to keep it Thank you. So if you want to find me that's not where I'm going to be. Definitely not." She was laughing and wheezing,"you prude!" I scowled,throwing my hands,"I'm not a prude Gondolfi all I'm saying is I just ugh no you're going to make me say it and I'm not." I walked upstairs,"I'm not going to say it." She smirked,"you're a vi-." I growled,"Gondolfi." "Come on pussy say it." I sighed and whispered softly,"fine I'm a virgin." "What was that?" I scowled,"shut up!" Gondolfi laughed,"ok whatever ho,I'm just fucking with you,see and talk to ya later. Oh wait your in Cali,so I can't see you later lol bye girl!" I sighed,"bye Gondolfi." I hung up and rubbed my face,"god Gondolfi." I walked down the stairs when I felt someone pull me down,making me land onto the ground,"OWW what the he-" someone pulled me up,"what was that with this Gondolfi girl,orgies,sex?!" I recognized Andy,Dahvie,and Chris who were interrogating me and C.C was fixing my hair,giving me a disapproving look. I sighed,"she's just a friend from school okay? And she's like that always joking." Jayy looked at me and smirked,"so what was "It"?" I blushed red,"nothing. Absolutely. Nothing." Jayy laughed,"look into my eyes and tell me with a straight face that it is nothing." I looked into his eyes,"it was nothing. Absolutely nothing " he raised an eyebrow and I started to crack,"it uh I-I-it was nothing." My voice was high pitched. He laughed,"no sweetie Jeffree and I are going to say some words and we'll know by your blush if you're lying." I nodded,taking a small sip of tea. Jayy smiled,"Diet Coke." Jeffree smiled,"popcorn." They went on saying things such as bra,underwear,cars,lip balm,socks. Jayy Von smiled at Jeffree and at the same time they said virginity and I choked on my diet coke. I felt someone pound my back and I felt tears run down my face,"what did you say?" My voice was choked. Jayy Von smirked,"Virginty." I blushed so red I couldn't feel my face. He smiled and hugged,"oh little one its okay to still be a virgin." I kept blushing. I heard awwws,"awww everyone the virgin is so embarrassed. Adorable." I covered my face with the pillow,"oh shut up." I put my hood on,pulling the strings close. I a laugh,"so Kennedy who's the hottest in this room?" I lifted my middle fingers and spun it around the room. "Shut up. I'm not answering at all." Someone undid my hoodie,"answer or no sleep." I growled,"no one in this room. None of you are even remotely attractive." Lie. Total lie. Chris. Andy. Ronnie. Jacky. Austin. Jinxx. Angelo. Balz. Everyone. Excluding me. Someone pressed a finger into my side making me jump and squeal in ticklish laughter. I heard Jayy Von,"what was that?' I shook my head softly,yawning."I'm ticklish there." It really got quiet all of a sudden. I yawned again and then felt hands tickling me all over. I jumped up,laughing swatting their hands away,"no!" Jake laughed,"I ordered pizza,it's gonna be here in like five minutes." I smiled. We were all talking when the doorbell rang. I got up,grabbing Jake's wallet,"thanks babe." I laughed,walking to the door. I opened the door,"why he-" I looked up and saw who it was. Oh my God. It was the guy from the diner. He looked at me and smiled,"oh princess if I knew that this was your castles would have brought a thousand roses." I blushed looking down,"oh enough trouble you went through just for bringing the squire his pizza." I heard him chuckle,"oh princess your beauty from within shines through." I smiled,"so dear how much does this pizza cost if I may ask such a question." He smiled,"free of charge but for a small price." I smiled,"and what's that?" He smiled,"a kiss." I choked on air for a second,"w-what?!" He chuckled,"a kiss and the pizza's free." He smiled,"yep just one kiss unless you want more." I heard wolf whistles from inside,"dude Kennedy we want free pizza,kiss him." I blushed,"okay how much would the pizza cost if I didn't kiss you?" He looked at the calculator,"thirty bucks for the deluxe supreme." I turned scowling at Jake. I didn't have thirty bucks,dammit Jake. I sighed," fine just one kiss!" He smiled,"one kiss." I leaned forward slowly and our lips pressed together. Well there goes my virgin lips,yep my first kiss. I felt him smile against my lips. His lips tasted like freaking heaven and the sparks,oh the sparks. It felt like lightening was striking our lips. He puled me closer and wrapped his arms around my waist. Then I felt it,his tongue. Oh no oh no what do I do what do I do?! His tongue prodded my lips and I opened slightly,and as our tongues touched I started to recoil but stopped not wanting to disgust him. Well I guess this is what making out feels like. After what seemed like five minutes we both pulled back,my lips swollen along with his. He smiled,"you're an amazing kisser." I blushed,"uh thanks you to." He smiled,"so I guess your pizza's free." I smiled,"yeah." He smiled handing me the pizza,"here you go princess." I smiled,grabbing it. He smiled,"goodbye." I blushed,"bye." He turned and I started to close the door when he put his foot in the door,he leaned in and kissed me one last time,"goodnight." H walked to his car,driving off. I shut the door,and turning around. I glared at Jake,but was smiling,"you better enjoy this damn pizza." I opened the box taking a piece,sitting down on the sofa. I opened a diet coke,"no one speaks of this. Not a damn word. Got it?" Dahvie giggled,"yeah no making out jokes everyone. Bruised lips aren't funny." I blushed,"stop it Dahvie,cheap ass over there had to order the thirty dollar pizza." I glared at Jake,who was eating a mouthful of pizza,"Sorrry" I yawned,"okay seriously I'm exhausted,good night." I stood up,"night sorry I must leave but hey it was getting too hot in here anyways." I smiled,"if y'all are gone in the morning it was nice to meet you." I waved goodbye and walked upstairs to my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I turned off the lights and climbed into bed.
