Chris's POV
I widened,"that was some sort of catholic prayer you got there." She laughed,"I'm agnostic. So it didn't matter anyway." I laughed,"oh then why do you go to Catholic School?" She sighed,"so I can have a good future and stuff. You know parents always want that stuff for me." I nodded,watching her,her hand had tightened around the fork. Andy smiled,"do you have fun there?" She sighed,"can we talk about something else please?" I nodded,biting my bottom lip,"sure." She closed her eyes for a second,her lips pulling into a frown,before she opened her eyes,eating. She took a long sip of her drink,noticing the quiet. She looked up,"no need to be silent at my answer." She finished,getting up and throwing her plate away. Jeffree looked at her,"so One direction or Justin Bieber." She gagged,"ugh no. Black Veil Brides." I smiled,biting my lip ring. Danny smiled,"so what music do you like little one?" She smiled,"I really like metal,rock,punk,some rap,dubstep,umm barely pop. Some indie. Love me some soul baby. Love broadway. Absolutely love underground artists,fun shows there. And that's about it,but no classical. Oh and I love country." My eyes widened,"wow awesome,that's a lot." She blushed,"sorry but Music is my everything,the thing that keeps me going." She smiled more. I smiled,nodding my head,"that's awesome girl,that you have a great respect for music. So what was the first metal/rock band you listened to?" She smiled,"BVB. They made me realize that I could be myself no matter,what anyone else thinks." C.C smiled and ran over,hugging her close,making her smile. C.C pet her head,"you amaze me Kennedy,sometimes I wished I could be like you." She stiffened for a second then smiled softly,"nah C.C you be you,you don't want to be. Drum your heart out." C.C smiled,hugging her closer. I looked at her and saw that C.C had pulled her onto his lap. She was stiff in his lap,but smiled,trying to hide it. C.C grabbed her drink,making her drink. Aww best friends. She smiled,grabbing it from him,sticking her tongue out at him. She put her cup out and stared into the distance,before her eyes settled into a daze and she got up,"I'll be right back." The girls looked where she was looking and they smirked,giggling. C.C pouted,"why'd she leave me?" Sammi smiled,"look where she's going and Ashley don't you dare cat call!" I turned and saw her walking toward some guy then realized it was the guy from the night before. C.C gasped,"how dare she leave me,we're bff's. I fed her diet coke and held her bags!" Juliet smiled,"she has a crush,let go C.C she's going to come back. Let her be." She cuddled into Andy,who kissed her temple. Andy smiled,"ahh young love." He turned and gasped,"that minxx!" I heard everyone turn and saw that they were making out. Ashley laughed,"awww teen sex." Then his eyes widened,"okay maybe we should intervene." I turned,standing up. Kennedy and that kid,were like hardcore making out and you could faintly see hickeys on her neck. I rushed over and pulled her off of him,she glared at first then gasped,blushing bright red,"umm this is totally not what it looks like. And yeahhhh." I fake glared down at her,"you have a lot of explaing to do Kennedy Scott Spears." She started to shake softly,"I I'm sorry. I didn't mean to,we were just kissing!" Se had started shaking softly as did the guy. I was a good actor,when I faked being angry. I fake glared some more and she started shaking more,tears threading to spill,"I should send you home." Then she started crying,"no no please. Chris I'm sorry. Please I'm so sorry. Don't send me home please." I almost cracked,but I liked to tease,"nope I'm calling your parents tonight." She gasped,starting to sob,"no please Chris. I know I'm a stupid horrible person. Please I know that I look like a slut,but please I can prove to you that I'm not,I'm not a slut. I know I'm not worth much and I'm worthless,but please don't send me home. You don't have to bring me out in public,I know that everyone is embarrassed of me,I'm sorry,please I'm sorry." I gasped,realizing I had taken it too far and hugged her close,noticing that the guy was gone,prick. She sobbed into my chest and then noticed that she had gotten my shirt wet,starting to hyperventilate,muttering I'm sorry over and over again. I led her over to the table,sitting her down. She was shaking and gasping for air. C.C hugged her close,"Shh what's wrong?" She whimpered,"sorry. I'm sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry." She was trying to stop crying and breathe at the same time. Crap,she wasn't calming down and I was afraid that she was going to pass out. Okay who was good at these things-Jinxx!! I looked at Jinxx,"Jinxx help me please." Jinxx nodded and walked over,kneeling in front of her,"shhh Shh Kennedy. It's okay. Stop apologizing." She tried nodding,but more tears spilled out her eyes,"I s-ji Sorry." Jinxx held her chin,"stop saying sorry little one." Kennedy nodded,gulping softly,"I s-s." he held a finger to her lips,"stop." She nodded,gulping. Jinxx smiled,"good. Now say anything except sorry. Something funny okay?" She nodded,wiping her eyes. She thought for a second and then let out a small laugh,covering her hand with her mouth,"ghost." He smiled,"what about ghost?" She looked at Ghost,laughing more,"on tumblr he he hah! He posts the dirtiest things ever!" She snorted,laughing more. I looked at Ghost,wiggling my eyebrows. She laughed,"you think,because he's the quiet one it would be all music and quiet stuff,but it's all candles and porn!" She laughed harder. "The things I see it's so disgusting sometimes,but it's hilarious at the same time!" She kept laughing. I smiled,her laugh was freaking funny and adorable. No,I don't like her in that way. "You think if Ashley had a blog,that's all it would be maybe some music and porn,but ghost is into some freaky shit." I smirked at Ghost who was smiling and chuckling. She covered her mouth,"I've seen so many private parts,whips,Bdsm stuff. Oh god,can't even describe what the worst picture was." She kept laughing and snorting,trying to stop. "Whew dirty mind Ghost dirty mind,but this one picture that went through my picture was this picture of Ashley in a thong and I was like should I reblog and like or should I just keep strolling?" She chuckled,taking a sip of her drink,"the things in tumblr that I have seen." I smirked,"do you look at sexual things on tumblr Kennedy?" She laughed,"oh god no. Whatever comes up on my dashboard,comes up on my dashboard." A lady was passing out flyers and Kennedy grabbed one and her eyes lit up,"oh La Dispute is playing in thirty minutes at the little stage in the middle of the mall. Lets go please please please!" I looked at the flyer,"who's La Dispute?" She smiled,"this awesome band that instead of singing its like poetry music,just please!" I smiled,"sure lets go." Kennedy jumped up,"ok ill be there,lets go I get to see Jordan." Her eyes went dreamy,"oh adorable Jordan." I laughed,"come on girl." She got up,grabbing her drink. She kind of speed walked,which was funny because she was short so her legs didn't mover her that far. She finally got there and was at the front. I stood by her so did Andy,Ronnie,Michael,Jinxx,the girls,Jayy. Well pretty much everyone,random people came. Finally the band came on stage and Kennedy was cheering,pretty much louder than everyone else. The first song came on called King Park and let me tell you. It was amazing,the singer was so passionate about it. And Kennedy was singing the lyrics,head banging swaying to the music. They played a few more songs and finally Jordan looked into the mike,"the whole show this girl,"he pointed to Kennedy," has bean screaming every lyric and having the best time. So come up on stage." She froze and looked at me and I nodded,pushing her through the barricade. Se climbed on stage and hesitantly walked towards him. He laughed and pulled her closer. She smiled more. Jordan smiled,"so how about you and I song New Storms for Older Lovers?" She nodded,smiling happily. The music started and they both started singing. The music was absolutely wonderful. Their voices mixing together was amazing. But the best part was when the music got slow and it was just Kennedy,"they say love's a funny thing,the way it fades away without a warning. It doesn't asked to be excused,but when it's gone oh it's gone. And it ain't ever coming back." She smiled,"There is nothing you can do to save it, to make it breathe the way it did when you were sliding on the ring. Trust me; It's gone for good" Jordan smiled and sang with her,"Now there is nothing you can do to stop me. She is happy when she is with me and I am finally alive. I'm sorry." They swayed to the music,looking up when the music ended and everyone was clapping. Kennedy smiled and tears were shining in her eyes,from happiness. I started cheering for her and soon everyone started clapping and she bowed. She hugged Jordan,hopping off stage. She ran over to me and started jumping up and down,"did you see that!! I sang with Jordan and everyone is clapping and yes yes!" She was smiling more saying Thankyou to the people that congratulated her. C.C ran up,hugging her,"Bestie that was awesome!" She giggled,"it was okay Bestie." He laughed,"I'm buying you a cookie!" She smiled and yelped as he dragged her off to a cookie stand. Andy laughed,"hah those two are insuperable. Thank god we're going to be on Warped tour together,I don't think we could part them." I laughed,"watching them." They were eating the cookies really fast,probably a contest. Andy looked at me,"hey why did she start crying in the first place." I gulped,"I was messing with her,just joking around. Telling her that I would send her home and shit. Just kidding. Then she started sobbing saying that she was worthless and just repeating sorry over and over. You heard her." I watched her,"she was saying over and how she was stupid and that we were embarrassed of her." Andrew's eyes widened,"we're not embarrassed of her." I nodded,"I know." Andy looked at her closer,"do you kinda get that vibe on her like don't ask questions,leave me alone,fuck off. Like almost like she's pushing people away somewhat." I nodded,"yeah,wonder why?" He watched them,thinking,"we'll get everyone on board about it,just to you know be caring." I nodded,"yeah." We rounded everyone up,telling them the situation and plan. We disbanded,seeing C.C and Kennedy walk back,looking full. C.C groaned,"too many cookies." Kennedy held her stomach,groaning,"twenty five is too much to handle." C.C groaned,gagging slightly. Kennedy groaned,"I'm gonna be sick!" She ran to the bathroom and the C.C gulped,"me too!" I laughed,"ok this isn't supposed to be funny,but it is." jefree and Jayy laughed with me. C.C came back first,looking better. He coughed,"that was disgusting." I patted his back,"you ate them." He groaned,"don't remind me." I waited for Kennedy and she stumbled out the bathroom,walking/slash limping. "That was horrible. I almost threw up on a baby,a baby!" I laughed,"and it felt like acid coming up my throat." Se looked at C.C,"never again. No more eating contests with you." I laughed,"want a diet coke?" She nodded,"large,fountain machine,straw,with the top." I nodded,walking off. I bought it and handed it to her,which she started drinking. She looked at Jeffree,"so J-star?" He laughed,"J-Star?" She nodded,"yep nickname. We going partying tonight?" He looked at her,"you party?" She smirked,"yeah party real hard. Just kidding I'm a loser,I party alone. Or with the nerd herd." Jeffree looked at her,"nerd herd?" She smiled,"it's my group of friends,we call ourselves the nerd herd. We all love the same music,well somewhat. I listen to metal with my friend Alidia,and then there's the others who like rock and punk,and not metal. And we're writers,poets,singers,artists,delinquents. You know the typical brat-pack thing." I smiled,"that's cool." She smiled softly,"yeah not a lot of people like us because we're different and express ourselves." I nodded,listening,"go on." She smiled,"there's me,Kate,Brooke,Stefanie,Alidia,Twin,Jesica,Megan,Catherine,Madeiliene,Shelby,Maren,Courtney, umm Grace, and that's it." She closed her eyes for a second,"we've a,most gotten kicked out of the library about twenty times,laughing too loud." She laughed for a second,"good times and then sometimes we run in and slip and god the sound is so loud it's like bam!" She was laughing,clutching her sides,"but the best was when my foot was asleep so I stood up and I collapsed and fell backwards into the bookshelf and dear lord Jesus I fell and was laughing. It was like ow but lol!" She was laughing harder,"I'm sorry but gosh now that I think abut whew." I smiled,drinking some water. She looked around for a second,"look can I head to that music shop for a second please?" I nodded,"sure." She got up,walking off towards the store. I sat around talking to everyone for a bit,when Vic looked around,"where's Kennedy?" "Music store?" He stood up,"we'll I'm going cuz the people next to me are sooo annoying!" I looked seeing Austin and Kellin,who flipped him off. They got up with him, walking into the music store. After a few minutes Vic ran out,"dude guys come see this this is hilarious!" I got up and followed Vic and what I saw made me burst out laughing. Kennedy was in a cd's basket stuck. She was blushing,"don't ask just get me out of here." Jayy Von reached a hand to her then pulled back,smirking,"hah no bitch." She scowled,"C.C darling." He laughed,"nope." She gasped,"the hell? You have stabbed me in the back two times Mr. Coma and where I come from shit gets real when you get stabbed in the back." He laughed,turning around. Se snapped her fingers,"woah bitch woah. Mmm mm no. Rude. Come back here Christian!" He stopped turning around slowly,"My name isn't Christian,it's C.C." She smirked,"oh well Christian suits you better, a real drummer would be named C.C." He growled,"say it again girlfriend and I will end you!" She smirked,"chriiiistiiiann." He growled,"that's it!" He grabbed her pulling her out,"I'm going to tickle you so hard!" She laughed,"funny thing,yeah no." Se grabbed her bags and ran to Ronnie,grabbing the keys out of his back pocket,"thanks Ronnie! P.s-nice ass!" She ran off towards the car,dodging people. C.C laughed,"oh it's on!" He took off after her,running. Dear Jesus,We have to put up with two C.C's now? Andy sighed,"dear Jesus there's two of them." Sammi smiled,"I think their cute!" Juliet and Kylie giggled,"yeah I'm going to go watch." They walked off with Ella trotting behind. Austin chuckled,"women." I nodded and we talked for a few minutes,before we all decided to leave. Austin gasped,"oh no..." I looked and saw in the back of the parking lot and saw Kennedy driving the Camarro and C.C chasing behind while the girls were in hysterics. I ran over,"what the hell?!" Sammi and Ella quit laughing,"oh uh sorry!" They motioned for the car to stop and Kennedy saw me and she gasped pressing the windows up button as I walked over. I started to open the door,but she pressed the lock button. I scowled,"open the car. Now." She shook her head and I looked at Ronnie,"Ronnie give me the extra keys." I looked at C.C,"and you! I swear you two are getting punished when we get home!" He laughed,"your not the boss of me!" I scowled,"don't test me." He nodded,"yes sir!" I know I sounded like a dad,but that's how I am when I'm pissed off. I grabbed the keys hopping in the drivers seat,"buckle up now Kennedy." I turned to her,"do you know how many people you could have hurt by driving like that? Do you?!" She nodded,"yes but in my defense I was driving very well,in the BACK of the parking lot with no one there and C.C was behind me. ALSO I panicked from him chasing me and I was forced into the car by my nerves,which caused me to do the only thing possible. Drive. Now Christian there didn't have to chase after causing you and everyone in the vincinty of the area to rise up in sheer panic. Fear being the real culprit,thus leading me to be not guilty i say! Hear thee hear thee!" I looked at her,"good reasoning,but you're still punished. I forgive you,but a punishment is in order." She sighed,"ugh this is all C.C's fault." I laughed,"no it's not,you're just blaming him cuz he's in trouble." She pouted,sighing,"hey don't pout." I called Ronnie on his cell phone,"hey look I'm gonna head back to the house to bring car-driver here home. Is everyone else coming back?" I heard some words and then,"yeah. Everyone's coming back." I laughed,"okay cool." I hung up and turned around and noticed Kennedy and her bags gone. The door was open and I hopped out. I looked and I saw Kennedy talking to Andy. I scowled,walking over. She looked and yelled,running to C.C and jumping on his back. "Run with wind C.C!!' He was running to the car. I tried running after them,"get to tha chopppahh!!" They reached a fence and I laughed,"no escaping me now." C.C set her down,and they took off running in different directions. I smirked and ran after C.C knowing those two would stick through thick and thin. I reached him,tackling him. He yelled,"BESTIE!!!!" She stopped,and ran over,"noooooo let my Bestie go!" I laughed,"nope he's mine!!" Se looked at me and him,"we'll okay then didn't know you swung that way,but that's okay. Treat him damn well and make sure he can somewhat walk tomorrow dear." I gasped,"I don't swing that way! I'm not gay!" She laughed,"okay sweetie. Condoms are in Ashely's car,enjoy." I let to of C.C,"I'm not gay! I like women not men! Take it back!" She smirked,walking to the car,"tough shit darling." She threw her bags in the trunk,"well I'm tired. I need a driver,two lovebirds get their own car,clean up after yourselves." Se climbed in and Ben laughed,"I'm riding with her!" He hopped in the driver's seat along with Austin,Andy,Jinxx,Sammi,Juliet,and Ricky. I started to walk towards a car and realized that everyone was already driving off. I cursed,getting in Jeffree's pink car with C.C,"of course Jeffree would leave us in the car." I drove home quickly,parking. I walked inside and everyone was watching t.v except for Kennedy,"where's Kennedy I have a bone to pick with her!" Jinxx laughed,"she's upstairs." I walked up there,opening the door and saw her sleeping on the bed,"oh no payback time now." I grabbed her in my arms walking downstairs. I opened the door and walked to the pool dropping her in and running inside and locking the door. I saw her jump up off the water,looking around,scowling at me and flipping me off. I was laughing hard with everyone else. She got out of the pool,shaking her hair. I saw her wince pulling her hair out of the ponytail leaving long her hanging down her back. She walked over,trying to open the door making me snicker. She tried again and scowled,"open the door Chris." I pretended to not hear her,putting my hand up to my ear,"what did you say?" She laughed,"haha Chris open the door it's freezing." I laughed and unlocked,but locked it. She scowled,"Chris I swear right now open the door." I laughed unlocking the door and letting her in. She walked in,"never again." She shivered,starting to walk upstairs. Ashely laughed,"nice bra kitten." I looked and you could see her bra through her shirt. Se smirked,"hoped you enjoy the view Purdy. Because the underwear match too." She winked,smirking more and walking upstairs. Sammi clapped,"that was a good one dear!" I heard her upstairs,"thanks dear I've got a whole book of comebacks,come and ask me if you want some." Sammi laughed,"we'll good job,I'll have to order a copy." She walked halfway downstairs,"my price is to get to see Jinxx shirtless. I mean hot damn you have a man." She winked walking upstairs. I chuckled,"that teenager is something." Sammi was blushing so hard which was funny. We watched some more t.v when Kennedy came back down with a towel on her head. Vic laughed,"ohh Madam Sarcasm." She smirked,"you know it señor." She grabbed a book from her bag,"Sammi it isn't published but here's the book. Shirt off Jinxx." Jinxx looked at Sammi,"come on Sammi,you don't need the book." Sammi bit her lip,"but squidgie,just take your shirt off. He sighed,"are you serious?" Se nodded,holding the book. He sighed,taking off his shirt. Kennedy smirked,"looking good looking good. If I could whistle I would be wolf whistling all day long!" He blushed putting on his shirt. She sat down on the couch when her phone rang,"son of a bitch,I don't want to talk to anyone but the public awaits." She sighed,answering,"hello this is Kennedy speaking."
