Chapter 1

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S sitting on this plane was boring as fuck. I had already listened to my plane ride playlist,had finished my manga and magazine. There was no anime channel,I mean come the fuck on. Anime is awesome! Oh fuck yeah! The plane has just landed,so after about thirty minutes of waiting,finally got off the plane. Thank God. I went to the baggage area and got my bag,well two bags. I pushed past the huge crowd,muttering obscene curse words under my breath at the people stepping on my feet. I finally made it outside,"oh Thankyou I can breathe again!!" I got a few looks,but fuck them ho's. I saw a sign with my name on it,I walked to the guy who got me into this limo. Damn,arriving in style. Like a g6. Lol no. Fuck that shit. I got in the limo,holding my Black Veil Brides bag in my lap. The driver was completely silent the WHOLE drive. I tried to be nice and put on a little "southern charm," But he just stayed silent. Finally after about two hours in sunny little California,yeah yeah Motionless In White is from Scranton,Pennsylvania,but they had to do some recording in Cali,so don't judge. Because when you judge,you just need to shut the fuck up. He pulled upto this somewhat gigantic house,I got out,holding my bag. He practically threw my bags out onto the ground,"really douchebag? Really?' He didn't answer and got in the limo driving off,"well fuck you too!" I picked up my bags and walked up to the door,ringing the doorbell. I gripped my bags and bit my lip softly. Who would answer the door? Chris,Angelo,Ricky,Devin,Balz,Ryan? Or a security guard. I saw the door open and there stood a girl,she smiled brightly,"hi!! I'm Kylie! Devin's girlfriend,you must be the girl who won the contest?!" I nodded,smiling,"yes I'm Kennedy." She smiled more,"come on in!!! I just love your accent it's so cute!" I blushed,"Thank you." She practically pulled me inside the house,I almost fell,but I didn't say anything. She smiled,"here here give me your bags! Wait let me go get the guys,there downstairs playing x-box." She ran off leaving me standing there. Did she,was she like that all the time? I sighed,looking around for a second. The place was cool looking,leather,grey,reds,a bit of maroon. Awesome sauce! I heard a bunch of footsteps,ok Kennedy don't fangirl when you see them and especially don't cry or embarrass yourself in front of them,especially Chris. Oh Chris Motionless the very definition of Beauty. I shook my head,shaking the thoughts of him from my mind. I saw someone grab my shoulders and I jumped,"the hell?" I turned and saw Kylie,"it's just me no need to get scared!" I sighed,"whew okay then thought for a second you were slender man." "Slender Man?" My eyes widened,"listen good,Slender man is a game charachter who is a scientific experiment gone wrong. He is very tall,wears a suit,has no face,snatches children,and had many limbs growing out of his back. The more you know about him the better chance he'll come and get you." She nodded,her eyes wide,"o-okay." "Look Dude no need to be scared,just hug Devin and eat some beignets or something.' She gave me a weird look,"sorry beignets are a Southern dessert." She nodded and smiled more,"okay! So here's the guys." I turned and I gripped my bag,holding in the loud fangirl squeal and spaz dance. Balz looked as adorable as ever,as did all of the guys and Ricky EEEEE adorable! And Chris oh sweet mama Jesus,sexy as ever. Don't think dirty Kennedy you are clearly a guest. I smiled,"hey y'all." "Dude nice accent! Are you a southern belle?" I rolled my eyes,"if you want to be stereotypical then yes,let me go get my pet alligator and my shotgun. I'm going to go shoot some raccoons right now,let me just get in my truck." I laughed,"no I'm just a girl from Louisiana with a good sense of sarcasm." Chris smiled,"you know I just gained some respect got you." I smiled happily,"awesome!" Kylie smiled,"let me show you to your room!" I nodded,she started to drag me,"Kylie please let go,you're going to kill me!" She blushed and nodded,"oh sorry!" "Dude it's all cool,chill." She smiled and pulled me upstairs. My eyes widened at the cool room,it was chic and stylish,"this is so cool thanks!!" Kylie smiled,"awesome I helped design it thanks!" She smiled,"I'm going to talk to Devin okay?" I nodded,"sure to ahead." she left and I let out a fangirl squeal sort of. I pulled my laptop on,opening it and pressing FaceTime. I called my friend Shelby who picked up,"Shleby!!! Guess where I am?!" She laughed,"where?" "In. Motionless. In. White's. House!" "Wait you won the contest?!" I nodded,"yes!!! And downstairs right now as we speak there as sex gods downstairs sex gods!!"She laughed,"Kennedy they're not sex gods." "Shelby yes they are. Chris's nickname is the sledge hammer what does that stand for?" "umm I d-," I cut her off," dick Shelby dick! It stands for Chris's dick!" She nodded,"ooohhhhh." "Wow Shelby, I made you watch the Bryan stars interview,and Balz is like an adorable teddy bear!" She smiled,"he is!!" She laughed,"okay so earlier today I made this Grell reference and I totally thought of you,cuz Black Butler!" I gasped,"oh Sebastian Darling! Let us battle forever in this moonlight of eternity!" We laughed and then Shelby went ha ha ha like the old butler in Black Butler which made me laugh even harder. "Shelby st-stop too much laughter! My sides hurt!" I saw her gasp,"hey look Kennedy I got to go,it's time for dinner and my mom is getting antsy." I laughed,"okay see ya later Shelbert." I hung up and started unpacking. After about what seemed like an eternity,I was done. I walked downstairs,accidentally tripping down the last three stairs and landing flat on my fave. I felt someone lift me up,"are you okay?!" I saw it was Angelo. I laughed,"yeah gravity never liked me anyway." I laughed softly,walking to the couch,"owww fuuuck." I sat down,closing my eyes.

Chris's POV

While the girl and Kylie where upstairs,the guys were making innocent conversation,if talking about sex is innocent conversation. I laughed with the guys and chuckled at Kylie going to sit in Devin's lap. "Devin Kennedy is adorable! Her accent is aww! And she's funny!" Devin chuckled,"Yeah I guess,I mean I don't know her well." Balz started to say something when we heard talking from upstairs,"Shelby I'm in Motionless In White's House!" I chuckled softly,biting my bottom lip."sex gods downstairs!" We all laughed at that. Kylie held onto Devin more,making me laugh. But what I heard next made me blush,"dick Shelby dick! Chris's dick! Sledgehammer!" I let out a choked laugh,blushing more. I heard laughter from upstairs and downstairs. I heard more laughter from upstairs and finally she came down,actually falling down the last three. Angelo ran over and surprisingly she was laughing. She got up and sat next to me and Ricky,closing her eyes. This girl was an interesting child and I couldn't wait to know more about her. No not that way you fucking perverts.

The contest of a lifetime. Which surprisingly I actually won.Where stories live. Discover now