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Carina was never one to believe in love—non-family love, that is. She'd enjoyed romance novels since she was twelve but, didn't consider it to be something that could happen to her.

Nobody wanted to be with a werewolf—half-werewolf. It wasn't in the cards for Carina to fall in love, in fear that if she produced a child with her spouse that they'd inherit her lycanthropy. She'd easily given up the hope of starting a family of her own someday.

She also wasn't one to believe in the kind of love that just—happened. She didn't think that two people could wake up one day and suddenly love one another. In the books she read, she preferred the more realistic development of relationships.

The formation she knew of was learning to love someone for who they were—not appearance or even how good they are in bed.

Love wasn't about having the most attractive boyfriend or the best-dressed girlfriend. It was more so, learning everything you can about someone—knowing their desires and wants; understanding their fears and needs.

She believed that the universe responds to each individual's frequency. It doesn't recognize a personal desire, want, or need. It only understands the frequency at which each individual is vibrating at. For example, when she turned she would vibrate fear, guilt, and shame—so she might attract a vibration similar, almost the same, as her frequency. If she were to radiate a frequency of love, joy, and abundance, she would attract things that actively support that frequency. It was like tuning into a radio station. You have to be tuned into the desired radio station if you want to listen—just like you have to be tuned into the energy you want to manifest in your life.

Or, at least, that's what the idealistic books told her, because—how would she know? The only type of love Carina had felt was that of her father; mother, sisters, and brother.

Relative love.

It was a wired thing. You've been born into a love—well, most had. Some children, like Draco Malfoy or Tom Riddle, had been born to a parent or parents that didn't care—didn't deliver the love a child needed.

But, not Carina. Her mother, Caoilainn, and her father, Remus, both loved her more than anything—until the death of Caoilainn Lupin on Saturday, December 29th, 1993.

Carina had been in the middle of Potions class, when the student messenger barged into the classroom— pissing off Snape, before delivering the news that Carina Lupin was needed by the headmaster.

Her father, who had been teaching at the school at the moment, was stood in the large circular office awaiting his daughters' arrival. Miriam—the only other Lupin in the castle, seeing as Arden graduated the year prior—landed herself in Dumbledore's office third.

When the—at the time—sorrowful headmaster announced that Caoilainn Lupin had been murdered in the middle of a London alleyway, Remus screamed at the top of his lungs—and if Miriam hadn't cast a quick silencing charm on the room, they were all sure the whole school would've heard the agony Remus Lupin was feeling. He'd just lost the love of his life.

After that day, the withering man was never the same. He quickly became cold—pushing his daughters into the care of Arden and Grayson. Though the latter wasn't much help, as his wife had just given birth to his first child, Danielle Milan.

Arden and her fiancé happily took in the thirteen-year-old twins, caring for their sisters as if they were their own kin.

Now, the married Mrs. Lynch had one child of her own, Amelie Della, and was still housing her sixteen-year-old sisters.

Grayson, or Mr. Lupin, had three children, Danielle Lyra, Caelum Atticus, and Estella Chloe. He and his family live in a small home in Lorraine, France—him working as an Alchemist.

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