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Every moment led to this one—this very millisecond of the time that consumes our universe; planet by planet, star by star. Until there's nothing but the pain of loss—the scars of death; the anguish of agony.

When time holds all power—it destroys. Over the years, all that's good become deformed; rubbish for the decaying souls of the people you see on the street.

And, why fall in love when it'll be gone in due time—why waste the years you have trying to find something that's temporary? It's pointless yet, some still use all the time they have to find a love that might possibly last for a few years. Also, if they succeed, how long will it last?

Even the best relationships don't last forever—soulmates aren't meant to be. They just destroy each other; setting fire to the ground both stand upon and letting it burn their fragile bodies.


Carina felt like a gigantic weight had been lifted off her shoulders—having told her friends what she hadn't; having uttered the words she'd been waiting to release for years.

Prim, however, didn't. She still hadn't asked her friend if she remembered anything—if she'd liked what occurred in the broom closet. She, frankly, didn't wish to—although she knew it was necessary.

Caspian had one thought pondering around his head—heaving his body to the ground as it flicked itself around every brain cell he possessed. He'd wanted to question Carina on why she'd disappear some nights on their way from the Great Hall after supper—why, even though her biggest secret had been revealed, she still kept her movements warry.

She still snuck around sometimes—popping up at random moments behind the two other Slytherins. She hadn't spoken to Malfoy—she had no purpose to. Although, Caspian and Prim assumed that with the still secretive operations that she'd been meeting up with the blond boy in cupboards or under alcoves; upon desks, or behind closed classroom doors.

She hadn't been.


"Miss Lupin," a voice called from behind her.

She spun herself to face the person who'd been seeking her. "Yes, Professor?" She questioned gently. The black-haired man stood still, a scowl tracing his thin lips.

"You are to serve your detention with your classmate, whom has also redeemed need for a punishment, tonight in my office," He explained with a sour tone—clearly a Cornish pixie had been lying in his sheets this morning. Unfortunately, Carina had been the one to place the little blue creature among the scratchy duvet.

How she got one and proceeded to get into Snape's room, she'd never tell.

But, she'd just hoped that he'd never find out. Otherwise, she'd be placing in detention for the rest of her time at Hogwarts—this year and next.

"Alright, Professor. Who might this other classmate be?" She queried, her tone soft and a smile present on her face. She'd been a lot happier since coming out to Prim and Caspian. They both didn't hesitate to love her as she is―flaws and all. She'd felt so much better after revealing it to them, she faltered to tell them previously. They'd been so kind―holding her as she sobbed in Prim's arms; squeezing Caspian's hand as he rubbed circles upon her back with the other.

She couldn't describe the admiration she held for the two―it wasn't like a relative love or a true love; it was a soulmate love. Not all soulmates happened to be a love interest; sometimes it was the people who understood you most in the world. The people who, no matter what the situation, would always be there holding a hand to steady your steps.

That's what Primrose North and Caspian Bennett were to Carina. They were her soulmates. The three were all connected in ways that nobody could decipher or tear to pieces.

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