
273 13 19

TW; Slightly Mature Content

The phrase 'tragically beautiful' is now one of my favourites since my Key / kekesxcorner / used it to describe my new username.


Choke them on the ashes of the dreams they burned―leave them at the bottom of the grave they laid in the bedrock for you. Let your only true answer be the breeze of the howling wind through the soul of your enemies.


Primrose North did not wish to disclose to her friend what had happened with Caspian and herself the night of the party. She didn't think that Carina would understand what she felt for the git―completely unknowledgeable to the fact that Carina already knew. She already possessed the apprehension that Prim and Casp had been sleeping together for a few weeks now, in secret.

Carina wasn't going to push her friend to talk when she still hadn't explained the reason she was in the Hospital Ward just weeks before. She felt guilty, to say the least. It was horrid that she did not pluck up the courage to define the cause of her visit―elucidate the reason for her monthly disappearances.

Prim also was the only person who remembered Carina and Malfoy's broom closet minutes―except Malfoy himself. She knew she had to confront her friend about it but, she didn't know-how.

It was obvious that they'd kissed in the closet; Carina's eyes having been dilated—Malfoy's hair being ruffled up to the side a bit. No one could deny it; not even the two themselves. Well—as long as they remembered. By which Prim was positive Carina didn't.


"Hey, darling," Caspian greeted his 'girlfriend'.

"Hi," She mumbled, considering how she'd tell him. Today Prim was going to tell Caspian about Carina and Malfoy. She didn't know how he'd react since they'd been fighting that night but, have seemingly forgotten.

"What's wrong? Is it something with me?" He'd never been insecure with a girl but, Prim was the only one he truly cared for—loved, though neither knew it yet. They still worried if their little hook-up era would come to a tragically beautiful ending; soon. They wondered if their 'love' would last—if they were just better off as the friends they'd been for years.

"Nothing with you, Cassy. I just wanted to tell you something—private," He frowned.

"Go on then, love. I'm listening," She smiled at his calm reaction. It made her heart flutter—seeing him smile. He'd never been as happy as he was when he was in the presence of Prim or Carina.

Prim took a deep breath, releasing it almost immediately."You remember the party a few weeks ago? When we..." She trailed off.

"When I told you I liked you and we hooked up for the first time?" He laughed awkwardly. It was still touchy between the two of them—it'd been so sudden. She nodded and opened her mouth to continue but, he cut her off abruptly.

"Is this about us, or someone else?" His voice wavered.

"Not us," she grinned softly. "It's about Carina." He sighed gratefully, the worry leaving his toned face. She grew weary of telling him, the internal battle she'd been experiencing prior, returning to her clouded mind.

"What is it, Rose?" He questioned faintly, trying to snap her out of her busied thoughts.

"Well, during one of our games Zabini dared Carina and Malfoy to go in the closet for a few minutes," She huffed quickly. "I think they kissed and enjoyed it."

"Woah, Woah, Woah. Slow down," He hushed, placing his hands upon her shoulders gently. "What did you say? And," She looked towards him. "Speak slower, please."

"During one of the games, Zabini had dared Carina and Malfoy to play seven minutes in Heaven in one of the broom closets," She paused. "After they came out, Carrie looked really flustered and Malfoy's hair was messed up."

"And your insisting...?" He pushed.

"I think that they snogged the whole time and I think they both liked it. But, I'm not sure either of them remembers it because they were incredibly drunk,"

"Well, that's her choice, Rose. If she does recall it—it is likely not but, if she did. She knows who he is and what he does with girls. It'll be her own fault if he does something to her," Prim nodded, standing from her armchair and walking over to the bed that Caspian sat on. He was plastered upon the sheets—looking like a god, in her mind. His arms were rested behind his head, which was laid against the wooden headboard abaft him.

She sat on the edge—Caspian retracting his arms from beyond his head to reach out towards her; pulling her onto his lap. She straddled his legs; placing one limb across each. Caspian possessed his own private room—ensuring that they would never be caught while having a bit of fun.

They both leaned forward so their lips were brushing the other—Prim pushed upwards connecting their mouths as Caspian's tongue slid its way into hers. Their mouths moved in sync for a moment before he lifted her further onto his lap—a visible and feelable bulge emitting from his trousers. She moaned slightly—his pants rubbing her sensitive spot perfectly.

He reached to grip the hem of her jumper but, a knock interrupted their session. They both heard a faint shuffling behind the locked door and then another soft knock.

"Casp? Are you in there?" Carina's voice sounded, her tone wavering a bit. Prim hopped off Caspian's lap faster than lightning as he answered the girl outside.

"Yeah, I'm in here Carina," He signalled Prim to grab the book she had as she began to read on top of the armchair again. "Prim is too."

"Can I come in?"

He looked back towards Prim who had just finished puffing down her slightly screwed-up hair. She nodded and he slowly opened the door revealing a heavily dishevelled Carina. "Of course,"

Carina walked in gradually, smiling at Prim as she noticed her sitting in the corner. "I...I have something to tell you both. It's kind of," She took a breath. "Private."

"Is this about the Hospital last month?" Prim questioned, to which Carina nodded faintly.

"You know how my dad - he - he was a werewolf?" Both of her friends nodded. "So, Uhm..."

"Car, it's alright. You don't have to. I'm not mad about you not telling us before and - "

"No, I want to. I just," She sighed. "I'm half-werewolf." Gasps emitted from their slightly parted lips. Prim rushed over and engulfed her in a hug, pulling her onto the bed across the bed—sprawling her upon her lap. Carina began to cry quietly—there was nothing to feel ashamed of because she was with her friends.

"So - so you turn?" Caspian asked quietly, gently striding over to the two girls. Carina only nodded slightly as Prim's arms tightened around her. He sighed softly, "Why didn't you tell us, Car? You know that we would've been there—we still will be," She smiled silently.

The three sat there—Caspian whispering reassurances into her palms; kissing them lightly and wiping her tears every few minutes. Prim cradled Carina; rocking her back and forth, on and on. It was almost completely quiet the entire time—not a full word needing to be said to truly console the girl.

Neither of her friends questioned why she'd lied to them in the years prior but, they didn't want to. She had her reasons and they understood that. Prim and Caspian weren't going to interrogate her on such a personal topic.

And she was eternally grateful for it.

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