1: Bagels

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I am so happy that isn't me right now

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I am so happy that isn't me right now.

I don't know how the hell I did it, but I managed to escape what could've been yet another beat down from the Skylie by the skin of my teeth. Instead of me, some girl I've never met before got accused of the stunt I just pulled. I have no idea who she is, all I know is that she clearly doesn't know what she's doing when it comes to Skylies. Seriously, who talks to them like that?

"I-It wasn't me, I didn't do anything!"

"In accordance to protocol 112, you will now be escorted to the transporter and taken to cell 113498 for theft of-"

"I told you, I didn't take anything!"

The two Skylie guards, one with hawk wings and the other with barn owl wings, drone on about their stupid protocol in their monotone-ass voices. They don't give two fucks about what the girl is saying. Everybody familiar with Skylies knows that they won't listen to you unless you do something that surprises them, and this girl is doing the exact opposite of that. She was either high ranking before ending up on the streets or knows jack shit about how Skylies work. Sucks for her, she should know this by now just based on the state of her frayed and dirty clothes.

"NO! Please stop!"

I watch from the shadows of the alley as the Skylies start to drag her to the nearest transporter, kicking and screaming with tears running down her face. I would thank her for taking the hit for me, but I can tell she probably doesn't want to hear anything like that right now. Also, I don't want to give away where I'm at, thank you very much.

So, I just sit back and watch with my stolen bag of bagels and sandwich as she's teleported to the nearest 'felon facility'.

It's a prison. We all know it's a prison, no need to hide it Skylies.

Sticking to the shadows of alleys and places I can hide (because I'm nowhere near in the clear yet), I navigate my way through the busy, dusty, and run-down streets back to the abandoned mall. Apparently, back in the day, malls used to be a place where Landers could go to buy expensive things from a lot of different stores. That was long before Skylies and Darklins showed up though, back when we were still called 'humans'.

Anyways, I get back to the mall. Quickly finding the concealed door in the cement wall, I pass through the illusion barrier and into the grounds of the mall itself.

There're easily hundreds of homeless people just outside the mall alone. We've kind of banded together and made our own little community, hidden away from the skylies. It's nice, and nobody judges anybody here. We provide for each other the best we can, making the best of our situations. Since I'm young and able-bodied, I'm sent out with other young and able-bodied people to fetch food and water for us, like gatherers. I couldn't find much to grab today in my zone. The place was too heavily guarded by Skylies for me to properly grab things, and it was way too crowded. I usually have better luck with stealing food on weekdays, so hopefully, this will even out.

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