Violence is Never the Answer

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Shura's POV:

I trailed after the nurse who was leading us to the ICU. Yukio had remained silent as I chattered with the staff, occasionally I'd caught him rubbing his already red eyes. I still believe it's a horrible decision to allow him in here, but what could I do? He'd most likely just come in anyway if I'd denied him. To be frank, I didn't want to cause any more chaos, not with the current situation. My first priority was to make sure Rin was okay, followed closely behind by Yukio's well-being. However, despite its necessity in my head, second place was still second place, how unfortunate for my teal eyed teen. Although, I doubt he'd complain.

The nurse rounded a corner and we sat in front of an open doorway. We'd passed through a majority of the Intensive Care Unit and were now on the far end, where several small rooms sat. Considering Rin hadn't been in some horrendous motor accident or similar, it made sense that he wasn't mixed in the havoc that was the main rooms. Thank god, since the atmosphere here was calmer, albeit only slightly.

We were motioned to stay where we were as the nurse took a few steps into the room. I heard some chatter, and then there was a spike in the frequency of the voices inside. My foot inched forward and I gave Yukio a stern look. His teal eyes were perturbed. He ached to see his twin, and I'm sure whatever we were hearing inside the room was making him itch, but he held still nonetheless.

I took a few steps inside the small room. Unlike the waiting area and emergency room, the walls a décor here weren't a variety of pastels. With white walls and simple pale blue accents, it seemed more akin to your average hospital than one suited for small children. Seeing as how this was an ICU, it made sense that presenting itself as "warm and inviting," was of less importance than making sure the patients were cared for.

I heard a commotion to my right and my eyes darted over to see a slightly closed curtain. Without pausing, I pulled the curtain to the side and almost stopped in my tracks, but the sight before me didn't allow for hesitation.

Rin was sitting on the bed, but that was to be expected. However, the nurse seemed to be struggling as they clutched his hands and tried to detain him. Under their hands, I could see stitches leading all the way up to Rin's elbows and fresh blood on his wrists. I grit my teeth and gripped one of his elbows and shoved it down to the mattress, forcing him onto his back in the process. The nurse exchanged looks with me before readjusting to where both of us were holding an arm down.

Rin continued to kicked and thrash about, but only for a few moments. Then his body seemed to release and I felt his muscles relax under my palms. For the first time in days, I went to go look at his face, but he'd turned away from me, the tendons in his neck taught with just how badly he was trying to hide from me.

I stumbled over my words, "R-Rin, what the hell, what- what have you done?! Why are you fighting?" I lowered my volume, realizing that his brother was just outside the door and wouldn't hesitate to investigate if alerted to something as serious as this. "What happened?" I whispered.

He didn't answer, nor did he move from his awkward position. The nurse finally spoke, telling me they'd be back with a doctor who would re-suture his wounds. Before leaving, they made a point to motion to the call button, "please press that button if you need help with anything." I nodded and turned back to my insufferable teenager. I let go of his arm, seeing white handprints where mine once were. A small tingle of guilt filled me and I wondered just how badly I might've been hurting him.

The air was still between us for a moment as I grabbed a few tissues off the bedside table to wipe my hands. My left hand was partially stained red, dried blood imbedded in the groves of my skin. I sighed, in disbelief at the extreme turn of events. Rin completely turned away from me at the sound, hugging his exposed arms to his chest.

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