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Sorry for the delay! Enjoy!

I was in the backseat of, what I assumed to be, Shura's vehicle. My mentor sat in the driver's seat, the rear view mirror repositioned to keep an eye on me. I would occasionally catch her looking at me through the object and I found myself shying away into my seat every time. We were on our way to Aiko National Children's Hospital, which was Shura's top pick. I huffed in my seat, and my fire-haired teacher cast me a glance. "What?" Her voice breaking the air for the first time since she's started the car.

I shook my head slightly, not wanting to stir her up any more. However, she pestered me. Sighing, I crossed my arms over my chest and looked out the window. "Why are we going to a children's hospital? I'm sixteen, not eight." My tone was a bit more whiny than I'd wished, which didn't help my case.

She sighed, "despite what you may believe, Rin, you are a still a child. A place like Aiko is specialized for situations like this."

I scoffed, sarcasm lacing my words, "yes, because Aiko has had hundreds of half demon, Satan spawn cases. I bet they'll see me and be just utterly bored with the situation." I hugged myself tighter, my gaze never leaving the blackness that existed outside my window.

"Knock it off," Shura chided, "I'll handle it, don't worry."

"I'm not," I muttered to myself, a bit sourly. My mind wandered off and I felt a weight push onto me as I thought of the mess I'd created. Looking into the night, I wished more than ever that I'd succeeded in my attempts. If I thought my life was hell before, oh boy, I could only imagine the time I'd have locked up in a sanitary purgatory.


Anxiety slowly crept up inside of me as we neared city limits. The bright lights of skyscrapers and night life pierced my eyes, causing me to squint. The kiddo den was apparently on the outskirts of the city, and I prayed to God that it was the other side that we were on. Yet, no deity would grant me relief as we pulled up to the large parking lot. I chewed my lip as we entered the lot, my hands fidgeting with my short sleeves. We pulled into a spot and rolled to a stop. Shura cranked on the shifter and put the vehicle in park before taking off her seatbelt and sighing, hands thudding against the top of the steering wheel. "You ready?" She said casually, her eyes meeting mine through the mirror. I shook my head sharply and she sighed, opening her door and getting out.

I swallowed dryly, eyeing my own door handle with disdain. Once I left this car, shit was gonna hit the fan. Well, much more so than it already has tonight. With a deep breath, I unbuckled myself and exited the vehicle in one go. We walked side by side into the emergency room, and I was not surprised at how dull it was at this hour. Shura immediately went to the service desk as I hovered near the entrance, my feet cemented in their place.

"I need to speak to the highest level employee currently on the clock," she was firm in her tone, but the woman apologized, saying she didn't have the authority to call such a person. "Listen lady, I'm with the True Cross Order and have a mission of sorts. Just get me your supervisor and I'll explain myself to them." I sighed once again, and the woman peeked over my mentor's shoulder, finally spotting me. With furrowed brows, the woman picked up her phone and held up a finger.

One step closer to being trapped.

My skin itched and I broke free from my stance. Walking forward, I mentioned my need for the bathroom. Her head turned and concerned pink eyes met mine. "Will you be okay?" I nodded and turned to walk away, but she caught my wrist. I flinched and she loosened her grasp. "Do I have to pat you down?" She meant it jokingly, I'm sure, but there was a tone to her words that told me she wasn't past searching me right here. I shook my head this time and she dropped her hand.

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