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Whoever they were, they were male, and they put up one hell of a fight. They bit down on my palm and I hissed, retracting. They turned on their heels, shoving me to the side. I stumbled slightly and they rammed into me, sending me to the ground. A pair of hands held me down, one on my throat, another on my shoulder. "Sensei!" The voice from before yelled. I snarled and shoved him, pushing him off of me. Scampering to my feet, I tried to run away, but he gripped onto my tail violently. Pain radiating up the appendage and shot through my spine. It crippled me and I howled, keeling over and writhing. Light bathed me and the grip loosened. I cracked my eyes open and saw multiple lights on me. One of them shifted and I saw my brother's expression.

He came toward me and I let out a warning growl, "calms down, Rin." He said firmly. I had no intention of doing so, not when he had highly trained Exorcist's on their way. What was he thinking? Did he want me dead? He leaned down and grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me to my feet. I groaned as my right shoulder spiked with pain. As soon as I was standing, I yanked away from him, but he grasped me again. It became a war at that point. I hissed as his fingers pressed harshly into me, shoving him away. After that, he grasped my elbow and began dragging me in the direction he hand come from.

I struggled against him, but he didn't loosen his grip, if anything, he pressed harder when I got too rough. After a particularly hard pull on my end, he dug his fingers in so deep that I stumbled and whimpered. Even still, he held strong. Shima, who had been the one to tackle me in the first place, expressed his concern on how rough my twin was being. Said twin didn't answer, however.

As we neared the clearing I'd escaped to, I yanked away one last time, nails dug into my flesh and tore at it as I pulled myself free. I fell backward and was immediately pinned down. Shima and Izumo ran out of the clearing, voicing the need for help. I struggled against my only family member, panting and growling for him to get the hell off of me. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain across my cheek. It was like a bucket of cold water and my vision swam from the force. After a few moments I heard an agonized whisper. "You have no idea what you're putting me through." There was silence, the only sound was our heavy breathing.

Then, I heard the sounds of chatter, and lots of it. Forgetting the previous moments, I struggled against my assaulter. Kicking at his shins and scratching at his chest, he grunted and, like I had at the exorcism site; I pushed away from him and turned over, trying to scamper away. However, I didn't get away as smoothly, as someone shoved a boot between my shoulders. I growled at them and wiggled about, only succeeding in getting my chest shoved harder into the dirt,

"Stop." My mentor's  voice cut through the air, "or else I'll recite that mantra you love so much." Memories of said phrases had my tail flicking wildly, but I halted my movements nonetheless. The shoe was removed and within mere seconds, my hands were pinned behind my back and there was a loud zipping noise. Hard plastic cut into my wrists, securing them so I couldn't fight anymore.

"Cable ties, you guys are cruel." I ground out.

"It's a necessity at this point, kid. Now," I felt her boot shove it's way under my shoulder and push me over. I went with her movements and struggled to roll over and sit up properly. She reached down and hooked her arm through mine and dragged me to my feet. "Someone better get to explaining," I swallowed hard and glanced over at my brother. But he was no longer looking at me. He trailed behind me, eyes downcast, as we exited the woods.

My eyes flashed over the cars that had arrived. Four to be exact, besides the van. All around, there were people, most of them were huddled by a silver sedan. I looked closer and realized that the cram school kids were talking with the Exorcists. I stopped in my tracks and shura came to a stop in front of me, pulling on the arm she'd been holding. I didn't budge however, these people were here because I'd fucked up. I didn't want to be near them, what if I was right before? They were here to execute me, if not that, they'd cart me off to get rid of me somewhere else. My panic spiked and I pulled against Shura.

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