{Chapter 5}

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-Tsukauchi's Pov- 

I've been working on a child abuse case for 4 years, we just haven't got enough evidence, but we're slowly getting there. It confused me on why my officers insisted we always went through the day. It actually annoyed me, because I almost puke every time I enter that house. Not many believe that this case is worth the time, why, well simple, Toshinori doesn't think it's important. If the number 1 hero doesn't take it as priority, than why should we. That's what's going on through everyone's head. I on the other hand take this case with high priority, so I send the other cases to everyone else. I have a lie detector quirk, so I can tell when someone is lying or telling the truth. The bad thing is, you can't really rely on a polygraph in court, so I can't rely on my quirk either. I sighed. Their kid Izuku Midoriya, I looked in his file, and all I'm saying is that he'd be very useful as a hero. I mean no collateral damage and easy arrest, who could ask for a better quirk. 

When I closed the file for the day I saw Eraser walk in with a bunch of printed pictures in his hands. He also had a bunch of papers. "Evening Eraser, what can I do for you?" I asked. I was quite curious what he wanted, considering he doesn't do a lot of cases outside of the occasional vigilante. 

I heard an audible sigh, which confused me, to say the least. "Izuku Midoriya, he's a first year at UA, in my class, and a girl in the class revealed multiple concerning marks on him," I saw the pictures tossed on my desk on top of the file, "these are pictures I've taken of him, also some papers that I had Nezu write from the little information I got out of the boy." This shocked me. That was more than I have collected over the 4 years I've been working on this. It was from the source as well. This was perfect. I smiled at the thought of being able to put his parents away for a long time.

"Tell Nezu I thanked him, this is very helpful." I grabbed the pictures and I felt my eyes widen. There were burns everywhere on his body.  I wanted to cry, this kid has suffered so much, just because All Might, didn't see his case a priority. That pissed me off. 


'At the UA dorms'

I stayed on my bed and looked at my ceiling. I was growing a crush on an asshole, that's just great. I really need to get some medicine for my sleep problem. I sighed. Izuku Midoriya; quirk puppeteer, he's able to turn people into his own personal puppets, but I still don't know the full extent. His quirk is somewhat similar to mine, if I think about it. I can't wait to see him in battle. 

I wonder what his hero costume looks like though. He's pretty hot though. It's only the 2nd day, why the hell am I thinking this. I shook the thoughts out of my head once again. "He's giving me headache." I muttered.

"Oi I heard that." I heard from the left side of my wall. That was his room wasn't it. I sighed for the 3rd time in less than an hour. I then heard a knock at the door. I got up and opened it to see the devil himself.

"Sorry about waking you up." I muttered to him. Clearly, he heard it because he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. It was surprising because he's a bit shorter than me. He seems about 5'7. Not overly short, but not tall either. While thinking this I was now in what looked like a training room. I cocked my eyebrow. 

"Follow me." he said. I did as I was told and when I did, we entered a closet, it looked like his safe place. I heard him yawn.

"Someone tired." I teased. I don't know what reaction I was expecting, but I most definitely wasn't expecting what he is doing right now. He is currently curled up beside me like a cat would. I smirked and cupped around him. I could feel my face heat up as I closed the closet door and closed my eyes. I drifted off into my usual dreamless sleep.

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