Chapter One

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A young boy runs through the forest, away from the not so comforting blue house he was forced to call home. A man yelled after him, but didn't dare run. As the boy ran farther he soon sat down on a small patch of grass. He looked around suddenly being hit with a wave of calmness.

The boy was 17, and his name was Toby but most people knew him as Tubbo. He lived next to a woods that he would run to every time he couldn't handle the stress of his father smashing beer bottles at walls with holes and scratches on them. So that's why he was here now, to clear his thoughts. He usually made forts out of big branches that had fallen off trees, or tested of flowered were poison by eating them. But today's here was another boy only a few meters away from him. Tubbo quickly hid behind a tree before the boy could see him.

Now, your probably wondering who this boy is.
We'll, need to rewind time about an hour or two...

Now the boys name was Tommy. 16, almost 17 in this own words. He lived with his older brother Wilbur, and his father Phil. Sometimes his dad would mention some dude named Techno? But Tommy didn't really pay all of attention to that. Right now his family was being annoying, why wouldn't they let him jump off the roof into the pool? It's not like he was jumping onto the grass! And ether way the roof was only like, 10 meters away from the ground, so what's the big deal?

So that's how he found himself walking through the forest, and a after like 30 minutes, he came across a fort like structure. He explored the fort hoping to find something cool. But he only found a locked up box. What the fuck was that? He decided that he would find something that he could open the box with, but out of the corner of his eye he sees something move.

So that brings us right back to where we were.
Deep in the forest that the two boys found themselves in.

"Hello?" Tommy called out cautiously. There was only silence in return, he was met with rustling leaves, but no reply. He shrugged it off and ventured deeper into the woods to find a heavy stick. Tubbo let out a breath from behind  the tree. He slowly walked out from behind it and made sure the boy he'd seen had left. Tubbo wondered why the boy was here, as he was off the path and fairly far from any houses. He decided to worry about that later and went into his fort, seeing nothing out of place besides his treasure box. Inside contained everything he'd found in the woods. The most interesting was a strange key that he sore he'd seen in his father's office. He unlocked the box to make sure everything was still in there.

"Who the hell are you?!"

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