Chapter three

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Tommy sat at the counter. "You guys are leaving again?" He groans and looks at the older men. "But why?"

"Because it's Important business Tommy, you know the drill." Wilbur smiles and ruffles his hair. "Besides it's only for a week."

"But still! Why can't I just come with?"

"Because your to young." Phil handed Tommy and Wilbur some food.

"I'm always to young." Tommy mumbles to himself before pushing the plate away. "I'm not hungry." Tommy went to his room and opened his laptop. He went to tubbos discord profile and messaged him.

'I think mine and your dad are going to the same place.'
'Why is that?'
'There's to many Coincidences. Let's meet at the fort and then follow them."
'Are you sure that's a good idea? We don't need to know.'
'I do. Please tubso?'
'Oh fine, but let's not meet up. Let's just follow our own dads and see what happens.'
'Yea okay, deal. See ya 👋'

Tubbo sighed as he heard some shout to him. "Tubbo! I'm leaving! Don't get into to trouble!"
Schlatt yells from the front door.

"I promise I won't!" Tubbo shouts as he prepared to follow his dad, silently laughing.
Soon enough that's what he was doing, he followed his dad all the way to a weird door connected to a tree.

"Psst!" Tommy whispered to tubbo as he sat next to him. "I was so right!"

"Yea Yea now quiet down." Tubbo huffs and looks at his father, who was now face to face with Phil and Wilbur.

"And you promise not to cause trouble again?"
Phil looked at Schlatt as he unlocked the door.

"Yes I promise." Schlatt sighs as all he followed Phil inside. Tommy shifted from his position and in the process breaking a twig. Wilbur snapped his head around, looking into the trees. Tubbo and Tommy ducked down quickly, and waited to see if Wilbur had seen them. Luckily, they hadn't been spotted and Wilbur walked into the door closing in behind himself.

Tommy let out a breathe and walked towards the door. "Dreamsmp?"

Tubbo looks at him. "What?"

"The door, it's says welcome to Dreamsmp." Tommy looked back at tubbo and pointed the the worn writing on the door. "We should go in."

"Tommy are you crazy?! We don't know what's in there, and besides the door is locked." Tubbo walked away. "Come on, let's go."

"No way. I can finally find out where Wilbur and my dad go all the time! I'm going with or without you." Tommy pulled a key out from his pocket.

Tubbo groans. "Fine, but if we get caught it's your fault." Tubbo walked back to him. Tommy unlocked the door and went inside.

"Woah." Tommy said as he and tubbo walked around. "Tubbo what happened to your ears?" Tommy points at them.

Tubbo tilts his head. "Huh? His ears now resembled floppy goats ears, and he had little horns on top of his head. "What do you mean?"

Tommy held his phone up to show him. "See?"

"Woah! That's freaky." Tommy and tubbo laugh as they continue to look around the world. They were joking and laughing, forgetting they were to stay hidden.

"Ahem. Who are you?" A mans voice spoke sternly from behind them. Tommy tensed and turned around to see a man In black armor, a lime green hoodie and black jeans underneath the armor. He wore a white mask with a smiley face on it to cover his face.

"Uh..." tubbo hid behind Tommy.

"I-I'm Tommy, and that's Tubbo..." Tommy looked at the man trying to show no fear. "We... uh, we found a door."

"Mm." The man thinks for a second. "You too come with me." The masked man turned a started walking. Tommy and Tubbo look at each other before following the man.

"I'm dream, and I own this land. How did you to get in here? The door is always locked."

"I had a key." Tommy now spoke with no fear, and no hesitation. Dream raised an eyebrow at him.

"Where did you get the key?" Dream turns around and faces Tommy looking down at him.

"My brother had one, so I took it."

"Who's your brother?"

"I'm not telling you." Tommy glares at him. Resembling His older brothers intimidating gaze. With that, Dream had figured it out. He lead the boys to a house that looked pretty incredible.

"Sapnap, call Philza and Wilbur here. And lead the shorter one out of the smp." Dream grabbed Tommy's arm.

A man, Supposedly Sapnap, walked out of a room. "Alright, I'll be back." The man was in the same armor as Dream, but under was a white hoodie, black Adidas sweat pants, and a bandana around his forehead. Sapnap grabbed tubbo and started pulling him away from the house.

"Tommy!" Tubbo screamed out and tried to get free of the strangers grip.

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