Chapter Four

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"Tommy!" Tubbo struggles to get away from Sapnap.

"Tubbo! What are you doing with do." Tommy took a step forward as he watched his best friend be dragged off into the distance

"He won't be hurt, he's just going back to your world." Dream pulled the teen inside to reveal a relatively clean place. Compared to Tommy, it was luxurious. "We'll begin business once Phil and Wilbur are here."

"Business? Tommy looks at Dream confused.
He wanted to get this over with, and be done with it. He wanted to make sure tubbo is okay.

"You'll see." Dream smirks under his mask. After an uncomfortable moment of silence, Phil  bursts in the room looking worried. His face seemed to calm a little once he saw Tommy. Wilbur was right behind him and showed a more stern face, made to intimidate both Dream and Tommy.

"Come here Tom." Phil walked over to him and pulled him into a hug.

"Your in huge trouble." Wilbur sighed and looked at Tommy. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just curious..." Tommy looked down, he new there was more to that excuse.

"Your not supposed to be here Tommy, you could've been hurt." Phil looked at Dream, who had a annoyed look shown on the half of his face you could see. "Dream."

"Hello Phil. Take a seat." Phil pulled Tommy close as the three sat down. "As you can see, Tommy and his friend found Dreamsmp. Which is why now he can't leave."

Tommy looks at Dream. "Are you kidding me!? No! You can't keep me here!" Tommy glares the him.

"Where's tubbo?" Wilbur looks around.

"He was extorted out. So I came up with a deal. You don't wanna serve prison time yea? If Tommy takes your place Wilbur, I'll shorten it to three months, and he'll be free to go." Dream looks at Wilbur he knew he'd think about it even if he said no.

"Absolutely not. He's 16! There's no way he's staying here." Wilbur glares at Dream.

"I think he's old enough to make his own Choices." Dream leaned forward. Tommy looked away, having been treated like an adult instead of a child. He could make his own choices, and so this small phrase made Tommy want to trust the older masked man. "So what do you say Tommy?" Dream looks at him.

Tommy looked around, Phil and Wilbur's scared looks told him that this was not a good idea. He looked at Dream and now Sapnap he felt safe. Their comforting looks made him think they wouldn't hurt him. "I... I.. uh..."

"Tommy, come on. You can't be considering this!" Wilbur grabbed his arm, changing his facial expression to a softer one. "Toms, you can't trust these two. They won't do you any good." Wilbur looked at Phil for some help, but Tommy tuned out whatever he was say to him.

"If I take this deal, will you give me answers Dream?" Tommy looked out at the older man unaware of the smug look on his face.

"I'll tell you anything you wanna know. I promise." Dream smiled.

"Yea kid, we don't bite." Sapnap spoke for the first time in this meeting.

"Toms, please, say no okay? I can explain this all when you get home, just please..." Phil was practically begging at this point, and it was then he noticed that his father had big black wings that resembled a crow.

To Tommy, it was go back home, where he got no respect, and no attention. Or go with this masked guy, who was giving him respect, and attention. But could he really choose a stranger over his family?

"I'll take this deal." Tommy said after a long silence. Dream and Sapnap smiled at the young boy. While Wilbur stood in disbelief, and Phil looked at Tommy in shock.

"Tommy what the fuck! Your literally joking right now!" Wilbur yelled directly at Tommy, although he wasn't even mad at his little brother, but at the situation. He was mad at Dream.

"Perfect Tommy. I'll be sure to give you any answers you want. Now sapnap, Get these to out of here." Sapnap nods and pulled Wilbur along and out of the room, while Phil followed willingly knowing he could do nothing else to save his boy. Tommy, although a little frightened, couldn't help but feel better when his family left, but he didn't know why...

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