Chapter two

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"Who the hell are you?!" Tommy yells from behind Tubbo, who jumps in surprise.

"Who am I?! Who are you?!" Tubbo huffs and looks the the boy. "This is my fort!"

"Nuh uh, I just claimed it! So it's mine now bitch boy!" Tommy stuck his tongue out and laughed. Tubbo crosses his arms slightly annoyed by the stranger who had "claimed" his safe space. "Now what's your name?"

"It's Toby, but people call me tubbo."

"Tubbo is a stupid name." Tommy looks at tubbo.

"Yea well what's your name them huh?" Tubbo rolls his eyes.

"I'm Tommy! The biggest and strongest man there is!" Tommy smiles at tubbo. "What if we share the fort?" Tommy decided he liked this new friend. Besides, there were no kids his age around anyway.

Tubbo thought for a second before also liking the idea of a new friend. "Yea ok!" Tubbo smiles at him. "Wanna see what's in my adventure box?" Tubbo held the box up to Tommy.

"Yea." Tommy sat on his knees in front of tubbo. "Hey, why are you out here?"

Tubbo grabs his key from his pocket and unlocks the box. "Because my dad is a real jerk. So I come here to escape."

"My dad doesn't really pay attention to me anymore. He's to busy running off with my brother." Tommy huffs and looks in the box spotting a familiar key. "Hey, my brother and dad have keys just like that!"

Tubbo looks at Tommy. "My dad to, I don't know what it's for though..." tubbo pouts. The two friends walk around the forest for about two hours. Tommy eating mud and flowers, while tubbo breaks the sticks off the trees. Soon, they were back at their fort talking.

"So your birthday is April 9th?" Tommy nods at tubbo's question.

"Yep! Then we'll be the same age." Tommy smiles.

"Tommy! Tommy were are you?!" The voice yelled and echoed. Both boys turned their heads to the voice.

"That's probably my dad, I should go." Tommy sighs and stood up. "Here, it's my discord." Tommy smiles again.

"Bye Tommy." Tubbo smiled back and waved him off.

"Bye bye!" Tommy waved and ran off.

"Tommy! I was worried about you!" Phil hugged this youngest son tightly. Tommy hugged him back, and sighed. "Never do that again you hear me?"

Tommy nodded. "I promise I won't." Tommy let's his father go. "I met a boy in the forest."
Tommy smiles.

"Oh did you now?" Phil chuckles as the two walk home.

"Mhm! His name is tubbo, and he's my new best friend." Tommy nodded. "He's got a key just like you and wil!" Phil's face drops as Tommy said this.

"Tommy, I forbid you of hanging out with him." Phil saids in a deep and serious voice. Look straight at Tommy.


"Because I said so Tommy."

"But why?"

"Because I said you aren't allowed!"

Tommy jumps at phils outburst. He looks down at his feet. Phil sighs and puts a hand on his shoulder. "I'm just trying to keep you safe Tom, you understand?" Tommy nodded. "Yes dad."

Once they got home Tommy went right to his room after dinner and a stern talk with Wilbur. Who also agreed Tommy won't ever see tubbo again. Tommy was mad, it was not Wilbur, nor his dad's decision who he was friends with.

Tubbo had gone home shortly after Tommy, where he was met with a similar conversation with his now sober father. "I don't want you hanging out with that boy. His family are all assholes. He's probably one to." JSchlatt, tubbos father, glares at him. "Understand?" Tubbo nodded, with no intention of not cutting contact with his new friend anytime soon.

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