Chapter Six

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TW : ᴍᴇɴɪɴ ғ ᴅᴏᴍᴇsɪ ʙs xʟɪɪ xʟɪɴᴀᴛɪɴs)

     It had been about a week since Tommy was imprisoned by Dream. He had gotten no visitors, not Wilbur, not Phil, no one, no one but his friend Dream. He had visited him every day since in prison, so Tommy started to ask questions about what the Dreamsmp was, and what his family had to do with it. Dream had told him it was a secret nation that only few were allowed in. Wilbur had been brought to the country with Phil, and one other, but Dream never named this person. Phil had been found by Dream, and asked to join the nation, where he could be free from all real world problems, he encouraged Tommy he could stay here and do the same.

     Tommy had excepted his offer, he wanted to see more than England, but he only agreed if Dream let Tubbo in. So that's why Tubbo was walking around with Phil now.

    "Tubbo? Hi I'm Phil, Toms dad." Phil smiled, but it was almost hopeless and cold. Tubbo smiled back to not be rude, but he felt like something was wrong with this man.

     "Yea, I'm Tommy's bestest Friend." Tubbo nodded remembering every time he and Tommy secretly meet in the woods. "Where is Tommy?"

     Phil looked down. "You can't see him." Phil mumbled, still feeling guilty for letting Tommy walk away with a person the Dream. "Excuse me." Phil walked away from tubbo, now he was on his way to Wilbur.


    "So you wanna get techno, who hates both mine and Tommy's guts, to help break Tommy out of prison?" Wilbur crosses his arms looking and the avian man in front of him.

     "What other choice do we have wil? It's been a week, any longer and Tommy won't be himself when we see him again, I'm not going to watch another kid disappear. Not again." Phil looked down with a guilty plea on his face, he needed to at least make sure Tommy was okay. Of course Phil shared the same concerns as Wilbur, that Technoblade would not help them.

    You see Technoblade had left the family right after Tommy turned 9 and their mom had died. Techno blamed Tommy for it, voices whispering in his ears telling him to throw the young child off a cliff. He resented Tommy, but deep down he loved Tommy. Techno wanted nothing more than to have a relationship with his brothers, however Wilbur would never forgive him, and Tommy had no idea he existed. Phil had once told him that he would try to keep Tommy away from the Dream smp for as long as he could. He didn't want Tommy to be involved in war, or any of this. But it was to late now, Phil had to explain what this place was when he saw Tommy next.

     Wilbur looked up at the skylight, this was the only choice wasn't it? They'd have to ask Technoblade for help if they wanted to see Tommy back. "Fine. But if he does anything I'm going to fucking kill him." Wilbur said the last part through gritted teeth. "Let's get going."

—— 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙 ——

    Light airy white dots fell onto a hooded piglin. A tight braid hung around his shoulder, as he rode a horse through the thick snow back to his house. In recent minutes, techno had received a note Phil would be visiting with a guest. Even when he asked who it was Phil didn't answer him and only told him in was important.

    Technoblade, the adopted son of Phil, and older by two minutes, the eldest of three brothers. When he was a kid, maybe about 5 or 6, Phil made Wilbur and himself promise to keep the youngest brother safe. Tommy was born, resulting in the death of their mother. Techno started gear voices, and they would always tell him to hurt Tommy. Sometimes he could fight back, and sometimes they got to much. Now a days, he ignored the voices, but that only made him feel even worse for hurting Tommy. When he was 15, and Tommy was 9, he left in the middle of the night. Half way down the street he was stopped by a small, tired voice behind him.

—— 𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘 ——

    "techie? Where are you going?" Tommy yawned, His words messy due to his missing front teeth and tiredness. "Why's that suitcase with you?"

    Techno clenched his fist, he turned around face full or pure rath to the boy. "Tommy go home. It's none of your business." Techno pushed him back slightly. Tommy stumbled, tripping down onto the concrete. But he up fighting the stinging pain of scrapes on his palms and knees.

    "I wanna go with! Please please please?!" Tommy jumped up and down. No matter how much techno yelled at him, pushed him, even punched him, Tommy always loved him, was always there asking questions about his books, asking to braid his hair, asking to spar with him. Techno hated him, absolutely hated him.

    "No! Fucking no Tommy! You're to weak, slow and and annoying to come with me! How are you even my brother? You fucking pathetic!" Techno's mind had blurred what exactly happened next, but he clearly remembered Tommy laying on the side walk clutching his head and blood pouring out his nose. Techno scuffed and walked away. "Weak."

—— 𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘 ——

   Technoblade stopped infront of his house, hopping of Carl and leading him to his covered pen. He walked to his front door shaking his hood and boots off post entering the house. Techno looked up, seeing his father obviously nervous. "Hey Phil, let's talk." Techno kept his usual monotone voice, but flashed a small smile of comfort and sat down on the couch next to Phil.

    "Hey techno, uh so here's the situation. We need help to put it blankly.

    "Who's we?" Techno squinting his eyes.

   "Hey Technoblade... long time no see what?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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