Chapter 3 - First band meeting

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Adora's POV

"Welcome everyone to our first band meeting!" Perfuma said, enthusiastically, "Today we will do introductions, discuss the name of the band and if we have time we will discuss songs for the battle of the Bands" she said, taking out a clipboard. "I will go first, my name is Perfuma and I'll be your manager and if anyone needs counselling of some sort I can offer that too," Perfuma said, smiling, "I'll go next I guess, so I'm Glimmer I play the keyboard, synths, I also sing but not as well as Adora and I can do makeup and costumes," Glimmer said, motioning towards me when she said my name, "Um I'll go next, I'm Mermista I play the bass, sing and I can also do makeup and costumes. So I guess me and Glitter are gonna work together," Mermista said. "It's Glimmer, and I look forward to working together," Glimmer said, "Ugh, whatever," Mermista said, then everyone turned to me, "Okay, guess it's my turn then. I'm Adora, I play guitar and sing like Glimmer already said," I said. "I'm Bow, I play the drums and can also sing but obviously not as well as Adora and Glimmer," Bow said, motioning to me and Glimmer, "If everyone is talking so highly about your singing skills, I want to see for myself," Mermista said. "Okay how about we let the others introduce themselves first and then we can have auditions " Perfuma said, calmly, "I'm Frosta I will be your bodyguard/bouncer," Frosta said, pointing her thumb at her chest, "She's gonna be our bouncer? She looks like 14," I whispered to Glimmer, "I'm 18 for your information. And I am more than capable of protecting you guys," Frosta said, angrily. "Sorry," I said, putting my hands up in defence, "I am Sea Hawk, I am, I am! I will carry equipment, be your chauffeur and do the lights at the shows we will play. I can't wait for the ADVENTAH we will go on!" Sea Hawk sang and shouted, raising his fist in the air and putting his leg on the table. "Adventah" Bow said raising his fist in the air as well while the rest of just looked at each other. "Okay so that leaves just you Entrapta," Perfuma said, looking at a small girl with long purple hair that was tapping away on some device, "Entrapta?" she said waving a hand in front of the other girl, "What? Oh, right. I'm Entrapta and I will do all the soundboard things and anything else tech-related," she said, then looked back at the device. "Okay that's everyone the," Perfuma said, clasping her hands together, "Now what about our name?" she asked us.

After the introductions, we talked about our name and decided on 'The Rebellion', which was suggested by Bow. Now we were going to decide who the lead singer was, Glimmer and Bow said that I should do it and Mermista also wanted to do it, so she suggested we each sing a song and then the others will vote. We did karaoke and Mermista went first, she sang Julia Micheals' Uh huh and I was very impressed by her voice.

It was my turn and I decided to sing The Middle by Zedd, Maren Morris and Grey. It was a song that me and Catra would sing all the time together, back in the Horde, the whole time I was singing it I was thinking about her and our little private shows we would have just the two of us. We would scream the chorus to each other's faces, jump around and have fun, it was our favourite song. When I was finished everyone was looking at me wide-eyed and their jaws agape, I was confused by their reaction because I kind of got lost in thought again.

"Was I good?" I asked, rubbing the back of my neck nervously, "Good? you were amazing!" Glimmer said, "Yeah, you're definitely going to be the lead. I don't think we even have to vote," Mermista said, "Okay," I said, shrugging. "Oh, everybody come sit down, they've announced the bands that are going to compete," Perfuma said, motioning for us to sit back down, "Okay so... Summer nights from Elberon College, The Vagabonds from Mystacor Academy..." Perfuma continued on until one name caught my attention. "And lastly Breaking Point from Horde Academy," Perfuma said, as she was saying it I was drinking water and spit it out when I heard the name, "Adora! What's wrong? Why did you spit out your water?" Perfuma asked me worried. "You said Horde Academy right?!" I asked, frantically, "Yes, why? Do you know it?" Perfuma asked, calmy. "Yes, I grew up there. If they're competing then we are in for a challenge." I said, calming down. 'What if she's there?' 'She must be there, I mean she is the best singer there, Shadow Weaver wouldn't let her leave the band' 'What if she's still mad at me?' 'Will she ever forgive me?', all these thoughts crept into my mind, my heart started pounding loudly in my chest and it was getting harder to breathe, I started feeling dizzy. "Adora? Adora!' I heard Glimmer shout, "Guys give her space I think she's having an anxiety attack" I heard Perfuma say before I blacked out.

When I woke up I was laying on the couch, I slowly started opening my eyes only to be greeted by Perfuma's big brown eyes. "You're awake, here drink some water," she said, handing me my water. "Thanks. Um how long have I been out?" I asked, then took a sip, "Um just an hour," she said, she hesitated for a moment, looking at her feet then looked back up at me, "What triggered your anxiety attack?" she asked, gently. "Well as I said, I grew up there. I also used to be in a band there with my best friend, she was a natural at playing and an amazing singer. We used to do everything together, especially music. I mean if you think I can sing, just wait till you hear her I mean she is just amazing. But we always said that we would stay together forever and go to college together, but then I got this scholarship to Brightmoon which I couldn't turn down. She didn't understand why I couldn't just stay there with her but I had to go, the last time I saw her she was mad at me. And hearing the name of my old school and home just brought memories of her and lots of thoughts and I just got overwhelmed I guess," I explained to her, she nodded in understanding. "Okay, so was she the trigger or your old school/home?" she asked me, I thought for a while. "I don't know actually," I said. "Okay why don't you tell me about her and then tell me about the Horde and then we can find out," she said, I nodded in response, "Okay tell me about her," Perfuma said grabbing a notepad and pencil, "Okay, her name is Catra..."


Word count: 1183

Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger but the chapter was getting too long so... sorry not sorry. The next chapter will be in Catra's POV and then I will continue where I left off here so don't worry you will get to hear all about their childhood and how Adora doesn't even know she is in love with her Best Friend. Like before tell me what you think and leave suggestions of songs cuz I NEED HELP!!!

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