Chapter 9 - Battle of the Bands Pt 2

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Adora's POV

We finished our last song and I felt a tear on my cheek, "Thank you, we are The Rebellion," I said then waved and walked off stage and Glimmer, Bow and Mermista followed behind me. "Great job guys," I said supportively, "Same for you," Bow said and Glimmer nudged me with her elbow and nodded her head behind me I turned around and saw Her. "I'll see you guys later, wish me luck!" I said and they nodded and gave me discrete thumbs up, I started jogging towards her grinning from ear to ear and she started smiling. "Hey Adora~" she said, in a flirtatious tone while smirking which made me smile but I quickly stopped and smirked back at her, 'This is my chance' I thought. "Hey Catra~" I said trying to sound as flirtatious as possible, which obviously worked because now she was the one blushing, "Do you want to talk outside?" she asked, sounding hesitant "Yeah" I said sounding as confident as possible. "After you m'lady," she said gesturing towards the back door, I laughed at her silliness and she started laughing with me, 'I missed her laugh so much. It's one of my favourite sounds in the world' I thought. We walked to the door and I held it open for her "After you m'lady," I said with a smirk, imitating her antics "Hey, that's my line," she whined and I shrugged then laughed at her childishness and again she was laughing with me.

"Long time no see," I said awkwardly, "Well I kinda saw you in the supermarket once a few weeks ago," she said then looked away from me, "That's um actually when I wrote Empty Space," she said rubbing the back of her neck, blushing. 'She wrote that song about me?' I thought, " Well, I liked your performance," she said moving her hand slightly motioning towards me, "Uh, t-thanks, I uh liked yours too," I said blushing and rubbing my neck nervously. "And that special someone... that's me right?" she asked me which made me blush even harder, "How'd you know?" I asked sarcastically, "Pft, well it was kinda obvious. But, anyways I mean I wrote a song for you, you wrote one for me..."  she trailed off at the end. "Look, I meant what I said with those songs..." I said taking a deep breath, grabbing her hand "I wanted to apologize to you. For leaving, for not coming back to see you sooner, for not being there to protect you from Shadow Weaver," I said but was cut off by Catra, "Adora I don't need your protection! Will you stop with the hero complex for once?" she said angrily, pulling her arm away. "I actually believed that you wanted to reconnect but I guess I'm just a pity project to you. Aren't I? That's what I've always been to you!" she said, tears forming in her beautiful heterochromatic eyes, "No! You were never a pity project to me! You wer- are my friend!" I said tears forming in my eyes, "No, we were never friends. You just wanted to use me to boost your hero ego," she said lowering her voice and looking away, "No Catra! That's not tru-", I tried but she cut me off, "Save it!" she said before running away. "Catra!" I yelled but she was far gone, I fell to the ground sobbing, 10 minutes later I heard familiar voices, "Adora! Where are you?" Glimmer said as she and Bow came through the door, "Adora? What happened? Where's Catra?" Bow asked rushing over to me. I couldn't bring myself to find the right words, "Gone," I said pointing in the direction she ran off to, I nuzzled my head on Bow's chest and started crying again, "Hey, it's okay," Bow said stroking my head.

After crying in Bow's arms for what felt like forever we went back to our dorms and I explained everything that happened between me and Catra, "And then she left," I said, finishing the explaination, "Wow, for such a short time a lot happened," Glimmer said. "Well? What should I do?" I asked them and they looked at each other for a moment, nodded and looked back at me with serious faces, "We think you should go see her and apologize properly. Not that your other apology wasn't good, it was just not what she needed to hear. She obviously thought that when you apologized for not protecting her that you meant that she needs you to protect her, but she can stand her own ground fine. Which is why she reacted the way she did, you need to understand her point of view and consider her feelings too Adora," Bow said. "Okay. I will go tomorrow after school, and after I get her something from the shops," I said standing up with determination, "There she is. That's our Adora! Go get your girl," Glimmer said, "Yeah!" bow exclaimed with an arm in the air. "Guys, calm down. I haven't even apologized yet and we don't know if she will accept it. Plus I don't even know if she feels the same way," I said rubbing my neck, "I'm sure if you say what your heart tells you instead of what your mind thought she would want to hear that she'll accept it." Bow said, with a hand over his heart, "Yeah, and I'm sure she feels the same I mean your awesome. Plus did you not hear what she said in her song?" Glimmer said. "Okay, I will. Thanks, you guys," I said hugging them, "No problem" they said in unison hugging me back, "Goodnight," I said waving, "Night," Glimmer said opening the door, "Goodnight," Bow said following Glimmer out the door, then shutting it behind them. 'Tomorrow is gonna be a long day' I thought before drifting to sleep.


Word count: 978

Sorry for not uploading yesterday, I'm not the best at writing conflict so it was hard. Anyway thank you for reading and if you have any suggestions let me know, I hope you enjoyed it. Also sorry if this chapter was painful but, you know Catradora they can't just get back together so quickly without conflict.

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