Chapter 20 - What!?

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Catra's POV

When I woke up the bed was empty, I started panicking until I saw a note on the nightstand, "Good morning Sleepyhead, don't worry I just went to class. I picked up your schedule and made you breakfast. Good luck with your classes, Love Adora" it said and I smiled while reading it. I ate my breakfast and looked at my schedule, my first class was in half an hour, I had a quick shower, got dressed, brushed my hair and teeth and left for class, I still had 10-minutes but I wanted to be there early since I don't know my way around the school yet. We didn't do much learning in class because the teacher assigned us to draw something that we're familiar with so she could see our levels of art, I decided to draw Adora. I went back to the dorm because I only had one class today, Adora wouldn't be back for a while so I decided to see if Glimmer and Bow are free, I went to their dorm and knocked on the door. Bow opened the door, "Oh, hey Catra. What are you doing here?" he said, "Hey Bow. I only have one class today and Adora has a few more than me today so I wanted to see if you and Glimmer wanted to hang out," I said and he smiled. "Sure, come in," he said opening the door more, I went into their dorm and saw Glimmer on the couch, "Hey Sparkles," I said and she looked up from her phone "Hey Horde Scum," she said and I sat beside her. "So, what do you want to do?" Bow asked standing in front of us, "Idk but I want to stay in the dorms I don't feel like going out," Glimmer said, "We could just talk," I suggested and they agreed. 

We talked for about an hour until I got a phone call, I went into one of their rooms to answer the call, "Hello?" I said, "Hello, is this Catra Michalka?" the person on the other line said, "Yes. Who is this?" I said, "I'm Audrey, I am from the Battle of the Bands committee," Audrey said. "Oh, why are you calling me?" I asked confused, "Well after what happened with your school, the committee decided to disqualify your band b-" she said, "What!?" I said cutting her off, "Yes, but we heard that your band is all attending Brightmoon College so if any of you want to compete you can join their band," she said calmly, "Okay, thank you for telling me. Goodbye," I said before hanging up. I walked back to Glimmer and Bow and sat back down on the couch, "What happened? We heard you shout," Glimmer said, "Oh, sorry about that. It was the committee for the Battle of the Bands, our band has been d-" I started to say but was interrupted by the door slamming open and a panicked Adora coming inside. "Bow I lost Catra! Oh hey Catra, hey Glimmer. Wait, Catra? Oh thank god, I thought I lost you," Adora said frantically, making us all laugh, she came towards me and hugged me, tight. "Why'd you think you lost me?" I asked and she pulled away from the hug, "Well I didn't see you at the dorm and I thought maybe you got lost on the campus," she said with a nervous chuckle, "Well, I was just hanging out with your friends here," I said and jabbed my thumb in their direction. "Okay so back to what I was saying. the committee of the Battle of the Bands called me and told me that our band has been disqualified because of what happened with the school," I said, "What!?" they said in unison, "That was exactly my reaction. But anyways they also know that we all transferred here so they are allowing us to join your band if we want," I said and they let out a sigh of relief. "That's great and all but our band has everything that your band has. I mean we could have two basses I guess, and two or three guitars and two lead singers could work and maybe even keyboard if I do the synths but two drummers?" Glimmer said, "Oh well Scorpia likes working bts as well we just needed a drummer as for Kyle, Lonnie and Rogelio I think they're okay with not playing and focusing on school I mean this school is harder than the Horde so..." I said and trailed off at the end. "Well in that case then it's just you Catra, a second guitar and lead singer that works," Adora said, "OMG the chemistry on that stage is going to overflow!" Bow said excitedly, "You're right Bow, the options for love songs are immense and the jury would love it!" Glimmer said with the same energy as Bow. "Wait, who said anything about love?" I asked confused, "Well... Adora?" Glimmer said but it sounded more like a question, I turned toward the blonde with my arms crossed, "What did you tell them?" I asked sternly. She laughed nervously and rubbed the back of her neck, "I may or may not have told them about the whole date? But before you told me not to," she said and I sighed, "It's fine Adora," I said after a bit of silence. 

"Wow, the tension in the room. Catra you really have some effect on her, I mean I've never seen her that nervous or scared before not even with my mom and she can be really scary sometimes," Glimmer said making me laugh, "What, I wasn't scared," Adora protested, "Sure you weren't," I said sarcastically. "Okay we're going to go now," Adora said quickly, grabbing my hand and rushing towards the door, "Bye," I said waving, as Adora dragged me out their dorm. She dragged me to our dorm without saying a word, she opened the door and brought me inside, she pinned me to the door, one hand beside my head and the other at my side. I was as red as a tomato, "Uh-A-Adora? Wh-what a-are you doing?" I asked nervously, she just looked me in the eyes and locked the dorm room, "Who's the nervous one now?" she said cockily. "M-me," I stuttered out which made her smirk, "Well I finished all of my classes for today so what do you want to do?" she asked slightly losing her cockiness and confidence, "I think I might have something in mind," I said gaining my confidence, "Oh, and what would that be?" she said confidently again. Before I said anything else I flipped us around so she was pinned against the door and it was her turn to blush, "What do you want to do?" I asked, "I-I," she stuttered out, "What's wrong?" I said, getting closer to her face, "Cat got your tongue?" I whispered into her ear and I felt her shiver. I grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her over to the couch, "I want to cuddle and watch TV," I said and she looked a bit surprised, "Okay," she said grabbing the remote and turning the TV on. She lied down and opened her arms, I lied down between her legs and nuzzled my head on her chest, "How about we just cuddle," she suggested, while wrapping her arms around me, "That sounds good," I said. We laid there in silence, enjoying each other's company, Adora stroked my hair and I soon fell asleep.


Word count: 1258

I'm sorry? 

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