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The tedium of spending a hot-Pakistani summer afternoon inside her house weighed heavily on Iqra's spirits. She punched her stuffed teddy bear; a very usual happening. She even blamed it for the fact that the day of departure was drawing near. The teddy bore the punches, didn't flinch away and continued to smile.

"Stop smiling, Mr.Tubu." She continued to punch the poor thing, until Mariyah came along and rescued it.

"Iqra Apa, what's wrong?" She enquired and threw Tubu as far as she could; to save it from any further punches.

"Zainayyy ka bacha mairee gari lay gaya hai!(Zain has taken away my car!)" Iqra said venomosly.

"Apa, please, don't be upset. I'll ask uncle driver to prepare ammi's car for you." Iqra smiled down at her baby sister; the little girl was so intelligent and winsome.

"I love you, my Mario." She scooped up her little princess and began to kiss her red, chubby cheeks. She was dressed up in an exquisite frock that made her look so adorable that Iqra wanted to kiss every centimeter of her darling face.

"You're so yummy, Marriyah. Can I eat you up?" She teased.

"No way, Apa. I'm sure I will taste awful." Marriyah played along. They giggled together. Iqra stood up from her bed and settled Marriyah onto her hip.

"Hmm. So what should we do to ward off my boredom? Any ideas, maira bacha(my child)?" She looked at Marriyah expectantly; it wasn't unusual to hear good ideas from her.

"Apa, ORIGAMI*!!!! " She exclaimed.

"Baby, we did that yesterday too. We should do something else today, don't you agree?"

"Jee Apa(Yes, Apa). Let's make doughnuts then."


Half an hour later the sisters stood with a plate full of doughnuts for each of them. They settled around the dinning table and began to help themselves to the doughnuts. A car's horn announced the arrival of one of the inhabitants of the Hayat household, rather it announced the possibility.

"It better be Zain." Iqra growled.

Zain stepped into the room and the sight of doughnuts made his mouth water.

'Assalamualaikum! Iqra, may I permanently borrow some of these?" He grabbed one of them and shoved it into his mouth, finishing more than half of it in a single bite. Soon he reached for another one.

'Gross. Zain Insaanaun ki tarha khao(Eat like a human being)! Also, you're supposed to wait for approval after asking for something."

'Uhuumhum. ' He mumbled.

'Why and where did you take my car?'

'I wanted some alone time with your car. You know before you take it away to Ahmed's place.' He said in a clipped tone. Iqra studied her brother's face; he wasn't one to loose his cool so easy, something was definitely bothering him. 

"Is their something I should know about?" She probed. All she got was a blank look.


"I just realised something."

"What did you realize?" She felt her curiosity rising. He stared at her intently. She impatiently waited for a response.

"You know how I abhor supence. Blurt. It. Out." She glared.

"Gosh you're so easy to aggravate. I swear-" She interrupted him and he saw her reach for his wallet.

"This credit card is going to suffer the wrath of my shopping abilities. We both know it won't be able to bear much."

She challenged. He had to admit the threat was legit; she'd be able to put a dent into their mom's savings if she put her heart into it. She chuckled as she saw him gulp, he hadn't bothered to conjure up a come back.

"Zain yaar, kia musibat hai?(Zain what is the problem?) Speak up, man." He sighed.

"Ahmed will take you away one day. It just hit me when I was driving. Sure, I hate you a lot, but it's hard to swallow."

"Sheesh, Zainay, you're so sweet. You hate me, haan?" Her voice was laced with sarcasm. She punched his arm, playfully.

"This is such an off way to say that you'll miss me. Common, tell me that you'll miss me." She insisted.

"Who said I'll miss you, huh? I'll miss the cooking, yes, that's all I'm going to miss...."


>>Picture of Zain Hayat on the side<<

Origami: Japanese paper art. Want to see a demonstration? Visit my facebook page:

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