1- Alone and lost

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Tommy ran, his heart pounding, not unlike the rain that was pelting him

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Tommy ran, his heart pounding, not unlike the rain that was pelting him. Tommy knew that no one would follow him in the downpour, so he took it as his chance to run from Logstedshire. The small home-like place Tommy was forced to stay in during his exile, and he despised every second of it. Tubbo had chosen L'Manburg over his best friend, and he hadn't even visited Tommy once. Tommy tried not to think as he continued to run, and run, and run.


Tommy had eventually reached a small beach, he had been traveling for about a week, only taking breaks to eat, sleep, and do other various tasks, so he desperately needed to rest. Taking a deep breath, Tommy pulled out his communicator, and was surprised to see that there wasn't the typical chatter of the SMP chat, had he already gotten out of range? Tommy sighed as he sat down under a tree, Dream wouldn't be able to track his cords if he was out of the communicator range, so Tommy could rest without fear of anyone finding him.

After about an hour or two Tommy decided it was time to get back and moving again, he didn't want to stay in one place for too long, it would only be a matter of time until he was found, so he needed to keep moving, so he chopped down the tree, and made a crafting table and climbed in heading off into the distance.


Tommy sat in the boat it had been, well, Tommy didn't know, he had stopped counting, but it couldn't have been more than 2 weeks. Tommy ate the last piece of bread he had, and begged, and pleaded to no one in particular that he would reach land soon, he didn't want to  die out at sea, alone, away from any sign of civilization. Almost on cue Tommy could faintly see a land mass in the distance, judging by the size of a trees he was coming up on a jungle, so hopefully he would be able to hide in the dense undergrowth. Docking on the shore he quickly destroyed his boat, and began to make his way through.

Tommy aimlessly wondered the jungle, holding his iron sword tightly, using it to cut through vines, and the dense undergrowth, pushing a few vines out of his way he found a small clearing, it had what appeared to be an abandoned house that was built into a hill. Tommy approached it slowly, taking notice of the cracked windows, how the wood seemed to be overtaken by vines, and lined with ivy. Tommy pushed open the door, the inside was in pristine condition, but coated with a layer of dust. Tommy pushed open one of the chests, hoping for something, anything that was edible. Must to his delight there were a few stacks of carrots, and ate a few. Tommy continued to explore this abandoned house, eventually finding a small room with a bed in, which Tommy promptly passed out in. Tommy was just thankful a place to rest, that he didn't stop to think about why this place had been left abandoned, or to notice the buzzing of his communicator


"Are you sure?" Grian said, tapping his finger on the table, where he was sitting, Xisuma had quickly called everyone in the server about a mysterious person appearing on the server.

"Yeah, this isn't a cam account, I'm not sure how they got here, considering the nearest server is weeks away," Xisuma said, his voice was slightly grainy as he spoke through the communicator, "also, does the name 'Tommyinnit' ring a bell to anyone?"

"I think he competed in MCC once" Stress said, "I'm pretty sure he was on a team with Ph1lza."

"Alright, just keep a lookout for any strangers while your doing your things" Xisuma said, leaving the call.

Grian shrugged it off, and went back to his daily activities, getting stock for the barge, causing mischief, and generally having fun. A message buzzed through on his communicator

<MumboJumbo>: hey grian
<MumboJumbo>: do you have any slime balls?
<Grian>: I might have some at the hobbit hole

Grian put his communicator in his pocket, being too impatient to wait for a response he unfurled his brightly colored wings and began to fly to his old base. He could fly much faster than only human with elytra, on account that he was an avian, so he was able to get there after just a few moments. Pulling in his wings Grain noticed how run down the place was, some of the windows were cracked, and the place appeared over run with vines and ivy, It had been a long time since Grian had been here last. Pushing open the door Grain coughed as dust wafted up towards him, the place was coated with the stuff, but Grian shrugged it off as he sifted through the chests, looking for slime balls. After awhile he was able to find three, so he sent Mumbo a quick message, and turned to leave, when he remembered the whole thing with the stranger appearing on the server, Grian decided to look for him, just incase, it wasn't likely, but why not?

Grian quickly checked each room, there was no sign of Tommy, until Grian pushed open the door to the small bedroom, and jumped as he noticed the human shaped mass in the bed. Grian pulled out his communicator, and sent Xisuma a private message.

<Grian>: Found him
<Grian>: at my old base
<Grian>: looks about 10-12, and appears really beat up.
<Xisumavoid>: Hmmm i cant come over at the moment, tell me when he wakes up!

Grian sighed, and just stared at Tommy for a few moments, before realizing that waking up to a stranger just standing in the door way would be a pretty unsettling thing to wake up to, so Grian sat beside the bed, and sighed, "time to play the waiting game."

1000 words

I hope y'all enjoy this! It's based off of a oneshot i wrote recently, and has a ton of changes lol, anywho, hope y'all have a good rest of your morning, afternoon etc! -Vee

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