Chapter 15 :

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Chapter 15 :

Lasercorn's POV :

They gave me food. I tried to eat slowly because I hadn't ate in ages. This was not the best meal I ever had but it was perfect.

I wonder why all those good things are happening to me...

I hope this has nothing to do with Matt...

They opened my door and told me to follow them.

What was happening? I got up and followed them.

"What is happening?"

"The queen is showing her new slave the spaceship." Slave?

Why do I have a bad feeling?

That can't be good.

That can't be good at all.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere where the queen will see you." Why would she need to see me?

Why me particularly?

I had a really really bad feeling about this.

They opened a door who was leading to a room pitch white.

The walls were white, the floor was white.

I got in and they closed the door behind me. I turned around.

Why only me?

In the middle of the room there was some kind of glass. I could see through.

It wasn't a mirror because I couldn't see myself but the room was the same the other way. All white with a door.

There was also a sit.

I sat on it and waited patiently.

I do not like this.

I'm ready to fight if I have to.

I looked down to see what I was wearing. I sighed.

I hope that Matt was at least in good clothes that could keep him warm.

I hope that he was ok.

The door opened and I looked up.


It couldn't be...



But there he was.

I started banging on the glass as hard as I could, tears falling down of my eyes. He looked up and met my gaze.

He started crying too. He brought his hand on the glass and I brought mine where his were.

I put my head on the glass and he did the same. We were both crying uncontrollably.

I love you.

I mouthed and he cried even more.

This glass was so frustating!

I love you too. He mouthed back, crying even more.

I wish I could hug him...

I wish I could see him...

He opened his eyes widely and started yelling and banging on the glass.

He was looking at me and behind me.

I slowly turned around only to be greeted with a punch.

I fell on the floor and was quickly hit from everywhere.

I started screaming and fighting back but one of the guy kept telling me "If you fight back, we'll kill him." So I stopped fighting back.

I kept yelling and yelling.

The pain was becoming unbearable.

I'm sorry Matt.

I love you.

Sohinki's POV :

I was banging my fists against the glass and yelling as loud as I could.

I have to save him.

People are always saving me, now it's time for me to save someone. I took a few steps back, took a deep breath and ran to the glass. I hit it with all my strength but it didn't break.

My shoulder was aching but I didn't care.

I took a few steps back again and ran once again to the glass.

This time, it broke into a million pieces.

I ran to the guys in the armors, took one of their guns and shoot them all in one motion.

I grabbed David and put him on my shoulder.

I didn't even know that I could do that... I ran out of the building.

Alarms started to ring, burning my ears but I couldn't care less.

I had David and I had to protect him.

I ran even faster.

I spotted a door and opened it.

Nobody was there.

I closed it and locked it.

I sat with David next to it and tried not to make any sounds.

"We've lost them!" "They shouldn't be far away from here!" "The queen is going to kill us..." Fuck the queen.

Fuck the fucking queen.

They walked pass the door and I hugged David even tighter, trying to tell myself that everything was ok. The footsteps started getting lower and lower and I knew they had leave.

David was bleeding.

I needed to find some way to turn on the light or something.

I got up, leaving David against the frame of the wall and started searching for a light switcher.

"Got it!" I whispered.

I pushed the button and the lights went on.

"Hello there..."

SpaceShip (Weshire, Sohincorn, Ianthony)Where stories live. Discover now