Chapter 40

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Ariana's POV

It was the next night, and Stephen and I prepared ourselves for our business at the club. As we readied ourselves, he emphasized the importance of staying together. "Stay with me and don't wander off," he instructed, inserting a clip into his gun. Irritated by his tone, I retorted, "You don't have to talk to me like I'm an amateur."

"Better safe than sorry," he replied, his words filled with caution. Offering a dismissive hum, I walked past him, my determination fueling my steps. Sensing the tension between us, Stephen pressed for an explanation. "You've had an attitude ever since our talk on the boat. Why?" he inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity.

I turned around to face him, frustration evident in my expression. "Because you pissed me off," I declared, not holding back my feelings. Without another word, Stephen walked out of the room, leaving me seething with annoyance. "Asshole," I muttered under my breath as I rolled my eyes and grabbed my purse.


Quietly entering the club through the back entrance, a surge of energy washed over us. "Wow, it's really packed tonight," Jayda whispered, her voice filled with surprise and curiosity. Intrigued, I couldn't help but ask about the unexpected crowd on a Monday night. "What's the occasion? Why is it so busy?" I eagerly inquired, wanting to know the reason behind the bustling atmosphere.

Jayda clicked through the computer, her fingers dancing across the keys. "Well, there's a rising singer performing tonight. I don't know her name, but she sure knows how to draw a crowd," she explained, her eyes scanning the screen for more details. Shifting our attention to the club's financial matters, I asked about the accounts.

Jayda's face lit up with a confident smile as she responded, " The club is a real money maker. I took care of the deposits at the bank earlier." Grateful for her dedication, I accepted the statements she passed to me, expressing my appreciation for her efforts. "Thank you for handling that. With Carmella's party and the ongoing situation with Capri, I've been running nonstop," I admitted.

Observing the subtle change in our dynamic, Jayda spoke up, sensing the tension that had taken hold between Stephen and me. "You and Stephen seem off lately," she observed, her gaze filled with concern. Sharing my frustrations, I recounted our conversation during our time in Greece. "When we were in Greece, he hinted that I should stop working and focus on the kids," I confessed, a hint of frustration lacing my voice.

"But you've managed to be a working mom flawlessly. You never skip a beat with the kids. Warren is the same with me," Jayda pointed out, emphasizing the strength and resilience we had displayed during the two years Stephen and Warren were absent. "Exactly," I replied, determination seeping into my words. "We held everything together during their absence. I'm not about to let go of this newfound independence."

Confusion gnawed at me, and I couldn't help but question Stephen's sudden protectiveness. "I don't understand. Why is he acting like this now? He's always been wary of my involvement in the mafia, but lately, it feels like he's taking it to another level," I pondered aloud, my mind racing with possibilities. Jayda's voice held a hint of suspicion as she voiced her thoughts, "I believe they've done something they had no business doing." Her words struck a chord within me, maybe they were up to something. "And we're going to find out," I asserted, a steely resolve taking hold.

Excitement began to bubble within us as I shared the news of our upcoming trip to Jamaica. "Oh, next weekend, it's our trip to Jamaica. You, me, Malaysia, and Paris," I announced, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. Jayda's eyes widened with joy as she exclaimed, "Girl, I've been waiting for this!" Anticipation for our well-deserved getaway filled the air, momentarily pushing aside the feelings of our current challenges.

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