chapter 24/labels

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a/n: be nice to Kagami in this episode she has severe mommy issues combined with trust issues, Kagaimi Slander will not be tolerated

also little warning, there's going to be just a little smut in this chapter so you can skip it if you want it won't make that big of a difference

the research I did for this chapter was traumatizing, I will never get the ounce of innocence I still had back 💁🏾‍♀️

If you know me irl no you don't 😀 matter of fact if I know you irl and you're reading this, don't even mention this to me, especially if you go to my school dear God please I am begging you. skip. this. chapter. If you don't I will pass away from embarrassment and never finish this fanfic 🤸🏾‍♂️


sexual scenes

Luka losing his cool for a second🙅

viewer discretion advised


"Not yet"




It's been over a month since Luka and Kagami decided on their platonic relationship and it was going well...ish. Kagami refuses to add any official label to their "relationship". Luka feels hopeless, he loves her, he knows he does but he doesn't know how she feels, with her blank face it's impossible to read her emotions. He knows he deserves better but he doesn't know if he can let go of another person that he loves.

Luka lays in bed noticeably naked under the covers with his platonic friend Kagami in his arms.

"Hey Mimi" he whispers in her ear

Her eyes stay closed as she hums in response

"I love you," he says placing a kiss on her forehead

Kagami sighs "we talked about this Luka, I'm not ready for a new relationship"

"We've been hooking up for over a month now Mimi, I feel like you're using me" he pouts

"Well I'm not, I like our relationship just how it is- remember? 'no strings attached' we made that promise the day we officially became friends" Kagami remind him

Luka shifts from under her "yeah well that was a mistake"

"Agreeing to this friendship?" Kagami asks, looking up at him

"No, agreeing to be just friends with you, I want to be more Mimi" Luka frowns


Luka sits up bringing Kagami with him, sitting her on his lap to face him

"I want to be more" he brings her face to his and places a soft kiss on her lips

Kagami melts into the kiss before pulling away, "I can't" she looks away blinking back tears

"Why not" Luka tilts her head back to face him, wiping away some rouge tears from her face

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