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"so, i know you're pissed off and whatever, but can i have a dollar? i really want ice cream from the vending machine

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"so, i know you're pissed off and whatever, but can i have a dollar? i really want ice cream from the vending machine." haechan asks minseo as they sat in lunch together. minseo gives him a glare but takes a dollar out of her pocket and hands it to him. he squeals in excitement and gets up to head over to the vending machine.

since being friends, the two and mark sat together during lunch every single day, occasionally their three friends, jaemin, jeno, and renjun joining, whom minseo had only recently met. minseo had hardly said a thing all day and mark was worried but didn't want to run her off the edge, so he tried not to mention it.

"do you wanna go to the arcade after school? or to the movies? i know you love the movies—"

"mark, i know you're trying to make me feel better but it's fine. i'm fine." minseo reassured. mark just nodded, but couldn't shake the guilt. haechan soon came skipping back happily with an ice cream sandwich in hand.

"guys what should we do after school? and yes minseo, you have to go. you're not going home to sulk in bed like an absolute loser."

minseo glared again and hit his arm, almost knocking the sweet dessert out of his hand. "hey!"

the bell rung for their next class to start, and they all went their separate ways. the next class minseo had with doyoung, which she was dreading all day. for some reason she felt guilty with him seeing the photo of her and jaehyun, even though they had established they were just friends and all feelings were platonic.

when she walked in they made eye contact almost immediately, but he looked away after a second, almost as if he was avoiding her. she ignored the pain in her chest and went over to him.

"hey, um, i'm sorry you had to see that. it wasn't what it looked like, i swear, we just—"

he placed his hand on her shoulder, stopping her from saying more, "minseo, it's okay. you don't owe me an explanation. and you have every right to be upset." deep down he knew something about the two made his heart hurt just a bit, but he tried to shake the feeling as much as possible.

"i just feel like i ruined everything. none of this would've happened if i just kept everything neutral."

"it is not your fault. i'm honestly disappointed in taeyong, and i would be one dumb bitch to lose you the way he did."

minseo smiled even though she felt like that wasn't true, but she appreciated that anyways.

after class she again met up with mark and haechan, and this time eunha.

"this is your free period, right?" haechan asked minseo. minseo nodded, confused.

"okay, good, cause' we're meeting up with renjun in the computer lab," he stated, "to do that hack-ey thing. the ip address thing."

minseo furrowed her eyebrows and cocked her head back slightly in confusion. "he knows how to do that?"

"yeah, he takes technology classes for college credit, pretty advanced stuff." mark explained.

"well okay."

once they got to the lab, renjun was indeed sitting their waiting for them with a banana milk in his hand, sipping away. there's not even drinks allowed near the computer lab so who knows how he even got away with it.

"thanks for doing this," says minseo walking up to the boy.

"oh its really no problem, this is fun for him."

"oh my gosh, yes, thank you so much," haechan exclaimed dramatically swinging his arm over renjuns shoulder, being way too touchy. he rolled his eyes and pried his arm away with disgust.

"this isn't gonna take long, is it?" eunha asked, already yawning.

"why? got somewhere to be?"

"yeah, actually, a girls got plans with hendery."

now it was haechans turn for his face to twist in disgust, resulting in a smack on the head from eunha.

renjun immediately got to work on the school computer after minseo gave him the number from the unknown number.

it only took a few minutes but he successful pulled up a name and address from the number.

"dude that was so quick— oh shit. no way."


the four of them had their mouths gaped open in shock, not even being able to believe what they were saying.

"hang on," minseo pulled out her phone and opened her contacts, checking the number under doyoungs contact and seeing that they didn't even line up.

"thats not his number though?"

"could be a throw away number, i don't know."

minseo felt her heart sink to her stomach in disappointment. "why did he do that?"

"minseo—" eunha tried, not getting to finish her sentence because her friend had grabbed her bag and left. she stomped her way to her locker to switch her books for her next class, just thinking why she had to go and fuck up everything good in her life.

this is all my fault. i'm so stupid.

she slammed her locker shut and got ready to walk away but only bumping into someone. to her surprise it was haechan, leaning against the locker doors waiting for minseo to notice him.

she just stared at him and huffed in annoyance. "i'm seriously not in the mood for your jokes, or whatever. i wanna be alone." she said as she tried to walk away, but he kept blocking her path.

"i will leave you alone, later, but as of right now i'm like, very worried you might drop kick someone."

"i really hate you." minseo said. she meant this as a joke but for some reason she felt tears welling up in her eyes. haechan went wide-eyed.

"oh god, don't you dare cry," he says as she breaks out into a sob. not knowing what else to do, he awkwardly pulls her into a hug and allows her to cry tears and snot into his uniform.

"this is disgusting. you're so lucky we're kind of friends." he mumbles to himself grumpily, rubbing her back up and down to hopefully calm her.

minseo sniffles and muffles 'asshole' into his chest.

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