The Great Mira Pillow War (Story, 1/2)

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Cast: Player, Veteran, Captain, Stoner, Mr Cheese, Dum, Mother, Angel, Sheriff, Ninja
Crewmates (Blue Team): Player, Dum, Captain, Veteran, Stoner
Impostor(s) (Red Team): Angel, Sheriff, Ninja, Mother, Mr Cheese
Plot: Its time for a pillow fight, no, pillow WAR.

Mira HQ. A large company building located high in the sky, familiar to Player and most of his companions. He and nine others had chosen to stay there after a incident happened with their ship, The Skeld. Nobody liked getting into the details of what happened, so they never brought it up. Simple, huh?

It was a typical Saturday, without any Impostors on board. As a result, everyone could freely access the vents and use them as frequently as they chose. (It may sound pointless, but it comes in handy later.) Two examples of what everyone was doing were Stoner and Ninja trying to have a conversation and Player was simply trying to beat Dum in a video game. Veteran was in Admin when a announcement came, as a shout through said vents. Sure, Captain could have used the intercom, but he liked this method more.

"OK you guys! Meet me in the Cafeteria, I got news. And it's big, so no skipping!"

Veteran sighed, readjusing his crown before stepping outside of Admin and starting to walk to the Cafeteria as requested. As he approached it from the hallway, he watched Sheriff and Angel jump out of the nearby vent one after another. It made Veteran sigh, why didn't he just use the one he was close to?

Shortly after, he and everyone else arrived in the large room. As soon as they were seated, Captain raised his foot onto the main table, causing a loud thump and a bit of yogurt to spill on Player. After clearing his throat, he spoke with powerful confidence.

"Alright guys, listen up! Tonight we're having a humongous pillow fight for no reason other then the fact I'm bored, and playing that weird vacation game[1] that Dum has isn't cutting it anymore! Sorry babe."

"Hey! At least my brother likes it! But you're forgiven for being cute."

"Thank you. Anyways, here's how this is gonna go down. There's gonna be two teams, who we'll label as Crewmates and Impostors despite no killing actually being involved. Or the Red and Blue teams, whatever floats your spaceship."

Briefly moving his foot off the table and sitting down, Captain thought out some rules before clearing his throat again and speaking up once more.

"And here are our, uh, MY rules. One, no killing! Because this is a no-violence war. Two, fight as fairly as you can. Sure, we have advanced medical technology, but who here can even use it?"

Stoner briefly raised his hand, although it was ignored.

"Exactly, nobody. And three, uh, the winner gets dibs on what we watch for our weekly movie night. And by winner, I mean that we'll only stop when one team member remains. For example! Say that Mr Cheese and Mother, who were the last members on their team, had just defeated Ninja and Angel, the last two on their team. Then those two would duel, and whoever won that picks the movie!"

Barely anyone understood, but the message got through well enough that everyone was ready to get on with revealing what team they were on. Captain had placed himself on the team with Dum, but also with Player, Veteran and Stoner. He was at least on a better side then the remaining people, consisting of Mother, Ninja, Angel, Sheriff and Mr Cheese. Annoyance with Veteran aside, his odds of winning were pretty good.

(Time skip brought to you by The Airship, dropping March 31st!)

One minute before the war began. Player and Dum stood back to back in the Medbay, holding a pillow in one of their hands. Captain was gripping two pillows tightly, one for attacking and one for defending, while also hiding out in the Storage. Veteran awkwardly stood in the Office, his pillow laid on the floor. Stoner was just standing in the Cafeteria, not caring about being in the open.

On the opposite team, they were also prepared and in place. Ninja was hidden in a Locker Room locker, with two half empty pillow cases in his hands like nunchucks. Mr Cheese was in the Greenhouse, trying to disguise himself as a plant even though he was doing a terrible job. Angel had just cracked her knuckles and looked around the Reactor, where she had chosen to begin. Sheriff stood on the Balcony, incredibly tense about his situation. Finally, Mother was in Admin and pacing in circles. Everyone had already agreed her kids should stay on the sidelines as they would give her a unfair advantage.

A digital timer ticked down, and everyone was ready to begin.





With that, it had begun.

(Well, here's the first part of The Great Mira Pillow War, or maybe just TGMPW for short. I may do another humanization before part two, but who knows?
Comment who you think might win! If you actually want to I guess.)

[1] Dum's game is Go Vacation, Switch edition! Not sure if you've heard of it, but I really love that game.

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