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Is the name a shop title? It is if you want it to be lmao

Giving Blue / Monster that hoodie was basically a REQUIREMENT, just to make him pop out

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Giving Blue / Monster that hoodie was basically a REQUIREMENT, just to make him pop out. I imagine these two as those 14 year olds desperate to show off to their friends, hence how they became cheaters. Also Monster's a bit of a desperate goth, because who else would wear a spike collar on top of their hoodie? Oh, you potentially would? Neato.

Then there's Not Orange. I felt like I did a good job on him, mainly when it came to bis shoes. Probably the best sneakers I've drawn up in, well, ever. I included his mini crewmate as a worn plushie that he basically glued onto his helmet. He has to keep his hands free for tasks, you know?

Speaking of hands fact, the ending message on my Angel doodles might tell you where this is headed. I would put a lenny face, but I don't have access to it. :')

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