13. The Cadejos, part two

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13. The Cadejos, part two

When night fell, the black Cadejo clawed its way through the town and nearby fields, using its seething red eyes to put humans and animals alike in a trance like state before devouring them in a gruesome fashion. By the time morning arrived, the townspeople could only stand by in terror as multiple bodies of known friends and valuable livestock were left strewn throughout San Juanita. Felipe was enjoying breakfast when he heard of that morning's discoveries, only to become equally horrified by the dead. From one body at the edge of town came a trail of dried blood over the dirt and through the grass reads that led back into the woods.

Followed by a group of people from town, Felipe took the initiative and wandered through the woods to discover what was capable of such tragic atrocities. In a forest clearing, the search party came face to face with the blood drenched muzzle of the black Cadejo, whose bellowing howl made Felipe and the group scatter back to town in a hurry. Each spoke to the masses of a giant dark beast lurking in the woods, a beast that most of the town was all too willing to get rid of. Within hours, some of the best marksmen and hunters in town had been collected for an open season on the black Cadejo, while the people of San Juanita expected their swift return. 

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