Chapter 8~First Date

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I’m super excited and nervous. Today, Josh is taking me on our first date. We decide to have it after the finals and after my two weeks of being grounded were up. (For coming in at 1:30 in the morning, and they punish me by babysitting Lily and Brat!) So since that study session, when Josh sort of asked me out, I haven’t spoke to him face to face. In a way, I kind of miss him.

I was going through my clothes, searching for something nice to wear when Lily cam in my room.

“Going on a date?” she asked, grinning devilish. I didn’t say anything but continued to search.

“I knew it! Can I help?” I shook my head and pull out a long sleeve blue dress and my knee high, heel boots.

“Aw, come on Iy! I’ve been on more dates than you. I know exactly what to do,” Lily told me. Yes, sadly, Lily been dating since she was ten and every few months, she had a new boyfriend. For only being thirteen years old, she’s kind of a slut.

I’ve only dates like one or two boys (Before KayC knew). In the end, KayC chases them off (After KayC knows). Since KayC isn’t here, maybe this one will last more than two weeks.

I turned to look at her. Lily had perfectly curly blond hair that she always choice to leave short. She also had purple eyes (better on her than me) and her skin doesn’t look burnt either.

“Okay, see my outfit?” She got off my bed so I could see. Red, tons of cleavage, short sleeve shirt and a 360 white mini skirt. I looked back at her face.

“Guys love it when girls show a bunch of skin. Plus, it’s really cute,” she twirled around.

“Thanks but no thanks,” I told her and went back to see if there was anything else better.

“Aw, come on Iy! You will look so cute. Leave your hair down,” Lily yanked my scrunchy out of my hair and exploded how long it really is.

“Show off some skin,” she pulled my dress out of my hands, displaying the purple tank top I was wearing along with the shorts.

“And your huge cleavage,” she touched one of my boobies. I blushed hard.

“Get out, now!” I shouted, shoving her toward the door and slamming it shut.


“Hawk, man, stay with me,” I told Hawk on the phone. My phone was on speaker while I drive to Iva’s house. I was nervous already about tonight and Hawk panicking on me just making things worst.  

“Sorry… Hey, there it is,” I heard Hawk said.

“You found Wimp?” I asked. Wimp is Hawk’s pet spider. He likes to let him sleep on the wall on top of his bed, He claim he won’t go anywhere but now he’s missing.

Wimp got his name when he refused to bite Hawk and poison him and trust me, he tried everything.   

“Nah, just some molded cheese… It doesn’t smell like blue cheese,” he answered.

“Don’t eat that,” I warned. “What are you planning to do about Wimp?”

I don’t know. I guess I’ll wait until he shows up. For punishment, he’ll sit in the pit with Venom for three days,” he explained. Venom was his pet snake. She got her name after biting him with poisonous venom and sent him to the hospital for a few days. What can I say, the dude likes putting his life in danger.

“Anyway, I called to wish you luck on your date tonight,” Hawk pointed out.

“Yeah? Thanks,” I muttered, pulling up into her driveway.

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