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"So what are you working towards in college?" John asks before taking another bite out of his sandwich.

I was on a date with him in his condo- he'd brought me here with his private jet.

That's right, you heard me right. The guy owned a freaking jet.

Turns out, the man was heaping rich; apparently he was this genius scientist that was currently working on a new project for google, and before that he worked with Nick Woodman to invent the GoPro.

And at this moment we were lunching on his beautiful (and might I add, enormous) balcony with a breathtaking view of the Big Apple.

Oh yeah, did I mention I was in New York? I mean the man owned a jet, you know, so I guess he could permit himself to fly across the country for his dog and a date.

"Well originally I was going towards a typical undergraduate diploma in advanced literature, but recently I've started taking classes to rather go towards a medical diploma. I mean I love literature, but I'm realizing that when I picture my life in the future, I just don't see myself as an English teacher. I'd rather be out in the world, traveling from country to country as a doctor with vaccinations and cures for the unfortunate in developing countries. I'll find other ways to keep literature alive in my life, of course. Maybe I'll even write a book, I've always wanted to do that."

John is looking intently at me, hanging on to my every word like a man hanging off a cliff. I suddenly feel a bit foolish for rambling so much to a man I've just met, but he quickly pushes that thought out of my mind.       

"That's amazing, Elizabeth."

We spend a moment just looking into each other's souls, as if at that point in time we were connected somehow and we knew everything about each other; every little thought, emotion, fear and heartache...

I clear my throat, breaking the silence.

"So john, tell me more about this millionaire life of yours. You must have women swooning at your feet, what with the jet, the money and of course the good looks."

I mention to his face with my glass and he laughs.

"It's actually rather lonely here most of the time. I'm not exactly the kind of guy that has a different girl in my bed every night, if that's what you're asking. I like dating smart, interesting women; someone I can have an adult conversation with who wouldn't throw herself at me on any occasion she gets. Plus, I like a bit of a challenge."

He winks at me and I grin.

"Someone like me, would you say?" I tease.

"Someone exactly like you, darling."

Suddenly the friendly, playful air around us is gone and is replaced with a thick, steamy cloud of passion heating my vision so that all I can see is his intense brown eyes that are devouring me like a hungry wolf.

My pulse quickens and all I can do is stare back for what seems like an eternity.

I gulp and look away, cutting off the electricity between us. I take a sip of my lemonade as an attempt to cool down the heat he's driven into me with nothing but a simple stare, but as I do so I can feel his eyes still on me, watching my every move like a predator.

Jeesh, keep it in your pants will you?

"Well, I'd better be going. I have an important exam I need to study for. Thank you so much for such a nice lunch, your condo is amazing and the view is just... magical." I say, setting down my drink and smiling at him.

He smiles back, in a way that makes me wonder what sort of filthy thoughts are going through his mind right now.

"Of course. My apologies, I didn't mean to keep you so late." He says and stands up, offering his hand to me. I take it and stand up as well.