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I wake up with Will's arm draped over me and his lips in my neck. I shiver as I feel his breath against my skin and allow myself to enjoy this for a while. I close my eyes and snuggle closer to him, enjoying his warmth.

Then realization hits me. Today is the day I start my revenge on his sweet posterior. I grin evilly and elbow him hard in the ribcage. He sits up suddenly, breathing hard.

"Wha-" he looks around, shaken, and calms down when his gaze meets mine. His face now expresses a more serious look.

"Hey." He says so softly I can barely hear it. He looks down at his hands and sighs, runs a hand through his hair and looks back at me. I try very hard and fail miserably to not look at his perfectly sculpted chest. My gaze slowly travels up his delicious body until my eyes finally meet his beautiful blue eyes.

"Cassie, I can't tell you how sorry I am for what I've done. I was wrong, I shouldn't have put you through that. I didn't know you very well at the time and I didn't think much of it but you're right, I shouldn't have used you like that. Please believe me when I say I was trying to help you, I promise it will never happen again but you must understand that I truly meant no harm towards you. The truth is Cassie, I've fallen in love with you... And I can't get you out of my mind, no matter how hard I try to keep you out of it that beautiful damn face of yours keeps coming back..."

He's now holding both my hands and I'm sitting up across from him, staring intently into his eyes.

"Damn it, say something..." Will whispers.

I search the windows to his soul for sincerity, and I know it's there. But I can't let myself risk it anymore. I want to believe him, but my heart can't handle being broken again. And what do you do when your heart hurts so bad that you want to hide it away and protect it from anything else shattering it to pieces? You pretend you don't have one.

I draw in a shaky breath and smile sweetly even though I can only feel fury deep down in my stomach as I remember how he's used me. Well it's your turn now, buddy.

"Mmh, your body is just..." I decide to change the subject and I bite my bottom lip as I trail a finger down his perfect abs. His eyes widen in shock as his gaze follows my hand and he shivers under my touch. HA! Oh this is working just too well...


His chest rises up and down and I grin, my finger coming down to just above his belt causing his breathing to quicken. He looks me in the eyes, his eyes pleading me to keep going. I laugh mentally at him for hoping such a thing. I slowly lean over him, his body shuddering under me and his eyes looking hopefully down at my lips as my face approaches his until our lips are inches apart and we're breathing hard, looking deeply into each other's eyes and heaving chests touching. I then begin to lean in very, achingly slowly, when suddenly I reach an arm behind him to quickly grab my phone.

I raise an eyebrow at him as I lean back away from him and look at the time.

"Oh shit I'm late! Well, I gotta run. This was fun; we should do it again some time." I get up from the bed and his eyebrows knit in confusion as I wink at him and walk out of his room, closing the door behind me.


I collapse onto my bed and laugh, unable to contain it any longer. This feels good, so very good... I couldn't help but grin at this new found power inside me I had discovered. I was in control now, and damn I loved it. Maybe I should be queen of the world.

I shake off the thought and sit up to walk over in front of the mirror. I admire my long slender legs and my tanned, toned arms. I lift up my shirt slightly and notice my flat stomach. Mmh, all of this stress of having hot stuff on legs over there has decreased my appetite. I turn around to stare at my perfectly round ass and wink at myself. Yup, I still got it.