Chapter 43

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 Oh, William. You will be the death of me. 


I wake up in the morning, my arms wrapped around Will's chest and my face nestled in his neck. His chest rises up and down with his breathing and I soak in his warmth.

I smile as I rethink back to last night. I remember how we kissed and kissed until we fell asleep in my bed and I bite my lip as I wonder what in the world I am doing.

In fact, reality suddenly hits me and I am confronted with the undeniable truth.

William has hurt me in the past. Am I entirely ready to let him do this to me again? I sigh and slowly ease off the bed as to not wake him up. I must think this over, and if there's any thinking to be done, it's not going to be with that gorgeous creature lying shirtless in my bed, just inviting me to do the exact opposite of think. 

I close soundlessly the door to my bedroom behind me and throw on a trench and my white sneakers before exiting the apartment. I decide that the cool morning air will help with the thinking. 

Once outside, I breath in the scenery. The sun has just begun to rise from the buildings and it's quite a painting. I stand their gazing for a while before commencing my walk. 

I reach a small park and sit on one of the white benches.

Oh, Cassie. What have you gotten yourself into? 

I grunt as my head falls into my hands in exasperation. Why do I do this to myself? Why do I open up to people that have hurt me before? Will I ever learn?

A breeze caresses my hair and I look up to the bright blue sky. I find a bird flying effortlessly through the sky, majestically graceful as its wings rise up and down in harmony with the wind. In that moment, I wish I could be a bird. That way, I wouldn't have to worry about everything. I wouldn't have to worry about everything that's happened to me in the past, the things that have made me the broken pile of hopelessness that I am, and I wish that I could just soar through the wind like this bird, free and peaceful and far, far away from the crazy world we live in.

Thus, its destiny is in the sky, and mine is here, on the ground. It was born with wings and I was born with legs. That's just the way life is.

Oh, William. Why do you have to do this to me? Why do you have to be so beautifully captivating that I can't stay away from you even though I know how dangerous you can be? Why can't I keep my hand from reaching into the beautiful fire that is your soul? You are burning me, William, you are burning so deep inside of me and I am afraid that if ever the warmth of your flame leaves me, I will be left a cold pile of ashes, sifting through the wind like long lost feathers.

I'm not sure I can do this anymore. I'm not sure I can play this game any longer. For, I am afraid my heart can no longer take it. I need to find stability and comfort. I'm tired of playing games...

Suddenly, a noise wakes me from my thoughts. I pop my head up and search my pocket for the source, and when I look at the screen of my phone I find his name, plastered there, daring me to answer. 

My heart quickens. I know what I need to do. I'm just not ready yet.

I hit the refuse button and put my phone back into my pocket.

How am I supposed to tell the person that means everything to me, that I can't see him anymore? 

I decide to call Aaron for support. I need to talk to someone who isn't messing with my brain with a mere look.

He answers on the second ring.


-Hey, Aaron. You busy?