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(and this is valid for any other man)

-step 1: Catch him staring at you and walk away, after giving him a look to die for. Look him straight in the eyes, stick your chest out a little, maybe bite your lip... give him a peek of what he could have and leave the rest to his imagination.
-step 2: Be busy. Don't sit around all the time waiting for him, in fact try not to be around at all, until he's down on his knees begging for your attention. You have other things better to do than wait around for a horny idiot: go to the gym, study at the library, learn the guitar, start taking ballet, travel... Just make sure you're out a lot, doing interesting stuff that you enjoy.
-step 3: Be confident. Smile easily, but not too much- you don't want the thick headed asshole to think you've fallen head over heels for him. Just act normal and relaxed while looking smoking hot at the same time.
-step 4: Flirt with him. Make him want you bad, tease him and play with him until he's hot and needy and begging for more while never actually giving it to him. So basically torture him.
-step 5: Work out. You want to look your best if you want him crawling behind you begging to touch you. Dress nice, fix yourself up but don't over do it. You're naturally beautiful, remember that, you just need to bring out the good stuff. Get your sexy on woman.
-step 6: Make him jealous. Flirt with other guys, go on dates, let him now you still got it.
-step 7: Punish him when he doesn't follow your exact orders. He needs to learn who the boss is. If he misbehaves, tease him and stop everything just before things go too far. Leave him wanting and begging for more. Just let him know you're in control so he won't get too full of himself.
-step 8: DON'T HAVE ACTUAL SEX WITH HIM. Remember, the whole purpose is to get what you want out of him, not to give him what he wants.
-step 9: NEVER give him what he wants. Remember, you need to make him pay for what he did. You cannot let him win, the war has already begun and right now he's in the lead, SO GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASS AND MAKE THIS BITCH WISH HE WERE NEVER BORN.
-step 10: Do not, under any circumstance, fall in love with him. If you don't think you can play this game without falling on your face all over again and getting your heart shattered, then forget about it and spend your time otherwise. If you think you can handle it, well then... let the games begin, baby.


I heard him coming before I saw him. His keys struggled to unlock the door and soon the door banged open and footsteps followed. I closed my laptop and looked up at him as he stopped dead in his tracks. His blue eyes were wide and slightly red, and I couldn't help but feel my heart ache at the sight.

I mentally slapped myself. Get it together woman! I stood up, unsure of what to say.

"I thought you'd left." He stated. His face was emotionless, I couldn't tell if he was mad or gratefulI I was still here. I cleared my throat.

"Yeah... About that. I'm sorry, I overreacted. I was just a bit shocked I guess, I don't exactly enjoy being studied like a lab rat." I suddenly remembered how I hated him, but I kept a calm and even face as I stepped towards him, a slow, fake as hell smile forming on my lips.

"But, you were just trying to help, right? It's ok, I understand. Listen I don't exactly have the time to find another roommate and I really can't afford to live alone, so let's just forget this ever happened and get on with our lives. Just don't do any experiments on me, like ever again, are we clear?" I couldn't help but clench my teeth at the last sentence as I kept on the probably scariest smile ever. Way to keep your cool, Cassie.

He simply nodded, looking at me with a thoughtful expression for what seemed like a minute before he walked over to his room, closing the door behind him.

What the hell??? I was the one that should be locking myself in my room away from him! I was the one that should be giving him the silent treatment! So what, he thought he didn't owe me a freaking apology?? What an jerk! I could literally feel smoke coming out of my ears. It was time to step up my game, big time. I needed to make him suffer, and I needed it to happen fast.