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I wake up and put my slippers on.

Just as I'm walking to my door my brother jumps infront of it. "Jesus Ben." I put my hand on my heart.

"Hey, sis!" He excitedly says. "What's the excitement about?" I raise an eyebrow and lean on my door frame.

"Today is a no training day." He reminds me.

"Oh yeah." I chuckle. "So wanna do something crazy?" He suggests.

"What ideas do you have?" I say standing back up straight.

I begins to walk out my door and down the hall, Ben follows just behind.

"I was thinking, maybe we could pull some pranks on the others." He smiles brightly.

"You are a genius Ben Hargreeves." We start walking downstairs.

We walk into the kitchen giggling.

"Hey guys." My brother Five turns around from the coffee machine.

"Oh hey Five. I take mom didn't want to make coffee for you." I motion to the coffee machine.

"Yeah, she says it's bad for me or something like that." He shakes his head.

Me and Ben sit at the table.

I look around and see the newspaper on the table. I pick it up and start reading.

"Don't you ever wonder what it would be like to live in a normal household?" I ask no one in particular.

"All the time." Ben nods slowly.

"I don't really care to be honest." Five blankly says as he sits across the table from me and Ben with his coffee.

"Oh." Me and Ben say in unison as we both frown.

I notice a slight look of hurt in Five's eyes.

"Hey Five?" I out the newspaper down.

He takes a sip from his coffee. "Hm?" He hums still sipping his coffee.

"You okay?" I question.

"Mhm." He nods clearly hiding something. "Okay." I say not believing him.

Me and Ben look at each other. Ben leans into my ear. "He's lying."

"No shit sherlock." I whisper back.

"What are you two talking about?" Five looks between me and Ben.

"Oh nothing, just about problems." Ben stupidly deflects.

"What problems?" Five furrows his eyebrows.

Me and Ben both ignore the question.

"Come on bennarino. Let's go get ready for the day." I pat Ben's chest and get up.

Ben does the same. Five looks up at us as if he wanted us to stay.

Me and Ben walk out. "What is wrong with you?" I whisper-shout at Ben.

"What else was I supposed to say?" He throws his arms up in defense.

"Something's going on with him." We walk up the stairs.

"Agreed." Ben and I walk to our rooms.

I get into my uniform.

I walk out of my room and Ben finds me and we walk back down stairs.

"So what about those pranks?" Ben questions.


I can't get rid of the hurt behind Five's eyes. It's haunting me. It makes me feel sorry for his stubborn ass.

Me and ben decide to prank Luther.

We hide in his wardrobe and wait for Luther to walk into his room.

A few minutes later he walks in.

Me and Ben spring out of the wardrobe and Luther shrieks.

Me and Ben burst out laughing.

I fall onto the ground and roll around laughing loudly.

Ben also laughs uncontrollably.

Luther grunts. "You guys!"

I'm still on the floor while Ben is trying to collect himself.

Five walks in. "What's going on?"

I stop laughing and look at Five.

I stay silent and then start laughing again.

Ben snorts. "We scared Luther."

Five smiles a little and looks back at me. "Is she okay?"

"Just give her a minute." Ben says casually.

I slowly stop laughing. Ben helps me up and I snicker. "That was amazing."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Pack it up mischief squad." Luther shoos us out of his room.

"Why did you scare him?" Five looks at us both.

"Because it's fun." Me and Ben answer in unison.

Five chcukles a little.

We all walk back down stairs.

We all sit in the kitchen.

"You guys want coffee?" Five asks.

"No thanks, whatever mom says is probably true." I say.

"I'll have coffee." Ben smiles.

"Okay." Five goes to the coffee machine.

"Who even let's you use that thing?" I question Five.

"Myself." He blandly answers.

"Right." I form my lips into a thin line.

"What are the others doing?" Ben asks.

"Luther and Allison are probably making out somewhere. Klaus is probably getting high. Diego is probably sat in his room reflecting on his life. Vanya is most likely playing the violin." I answer putting out a finger for every reason.

"Oh." Ben sits back in his seat.

Five hands Ben his coffee.

"I'll be right back." I say getting up.

I walk out and up to my room. I sit on my bed for a moment and the go to my desk drawer and open it.

I pick up the photos I have that I took on my Polaroid camera and inspect them.

In a lot of the Polaroid photos we were about 8 because I was obsessed with taking pictures.

I find one of me, Five and Ben.

I'm pretty sure Allison took the photo but me, Five and Ben were laughing in the photo and by the looks of it Five was mimicking our father.

What happened to Five? He was so innocent.

I sigh and drop the photos into the drawer.

I close it and walk back downstairs.

I walk back to the kitchen to see Five and Ben talking.

I sit down. "Where were you?" Ben asks. "The toilet." I snicker.

Ben grimaces slightly.

Five chuckles a little. "Hey Five do you remember when you made fun of dad?" I look at him.

"Yeah, I do actually." Five smiles slightly.

Ben giggles. "He even drew on a fake moustache."

I giggle too and Five smiles.

Later that day we all sat up at the table.

Knives were stabbed into the table.

There was an arguement.

Five never came back.

He was so innocent.

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