Alternate Ending One: The Bad Ending

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Mr.Money rubbed his hand together; gleefully examining his new case. He opened it expecting fat stacks of cash, but he only found death. The last thing he saw after opening the case were several sticks of beeping C-4 and a sticky note with a penis drawn on it.

The ceiling of the seafood market blew off. The windows blasted open with a giant fireball. The shockwave knocked everyone to the ground. The van rocked back and forth, and the car alarms were blaring. The seven friends writhed on the ground, covering their blown-out eardrums.

They looked up and saw a man they thought they would never see again. It was Eugene.

"Eugene! You're back?" Nate said, overjoyed.

Eugene helped his friends up off the ground and began to explain himself, "After I left Nate's apartment, I realized there was only one thing I could do to ensure my safety. I had to switch sides. So, I went to Twain's apartment to see if I could join the Blue Team."

The friends stood there with their jaws on the floor; shocked by the revelation they were hearing.

"But when I stood outside the door, I overheard him saying something about joining up with Mr.Money. So I waited outside Twain's apartment, and when I saw the case just sitting there on the steps, I swapped them out. You see, I rigged my case to explode when it opened."

"Wait a minute! So you swapped my case with an identical case that had a bomb in it?!" Twain asked furiously. "And you just assumed I wouldn't open it, and somehow only Mr. Money would die in the explosion?

"No, I had no idea who would open it first. At any moment you could have opened the case and died in that explosion, but you didn't, so it all worked out in the end."

Volt slapped Eugene on the back, "Eugene, since when were you this cool?"

"Hey wait a minute! If you swapped the cases, then where's the case filled with the money?" Jed asked.

Eugene turned around and walked behind Twain's van. He returned with a shiny metal case and opened it to display the wads of cash inside. Everyone looks at the money with greed in their eyes.

"Looks like the Red team has won the Game of Profit," Eugene said proudly.

The seven friends had formed a circle around Eugene. The Blue Team looked at each other, and then back at the case. The red team did the same, and they slowly reached for their weapons. Sweat beaded down everyone's forehead. They stood perfectly still, but their eyes darted all over the place.

"G-Guys?" Eugene asked nervously.

They all stood there, ready to tear out each other's throats for an amount of money equivalent to the yearly salary of a minimum wage worker. Twain started to laugh. Nate laughed. Volt laughed the hardest. Even Wells laughed as he cracked his knuckles.

The faint sound of gunfire echoed throughout the Harbor District. A fisherman on a small boat could hear everything. He could hear the MP5s, the screams, and the sound of a single car driving off.

The Fisherman knew everything. It grieved him to his heart. He knew that a group of young men, with their entire lives ahead of them, threw it all away for nothing. There was no lesson to be learned. No catharsis.

Humanity was doomed.

The End

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