Imagine 7- Sing along 🎶

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Billie's POV
Today I decided to surprise y/n by coming home a day early from touring she won't even know what's coming I can't wait to see her run to be in my arms.

When I got home I put my things down then I heard the sound of a ukulele coming from me and y/n's room recently I got y/n a ukulele for her birthday because she's always been talking about wanting one so I got her one.

I walked to me and y/n's room and put my ear to the closed door and yep there was definitely a ukulele with her in the room and it sounded like she was messing around with some chords.

That's when I decided to go in our room "Messing around my love" I smiled "Billie!" Y/n smiled putting down her ukulele to run up and hug me "I missed you I thought you were supposed to come back home tomorrow" She said "Well...I wanted to surprise you" I chuckled.

"Anyways so what were you doing there with your uke?" I asked her "O-oh nothing much" She said blushing "Haha you're cute" I smiled looking in her eyes which made her blush even more then we went to sit on our bed.

Silence fell for a moment "Billie..." Y/n said looking over at me "Yes mamas?" I replied looking back at her  "Can we sing something together on my ukulele?" Y/n asked "Yes baby of course what did you have in mind?" I asked "Can we sing my future?" Y/n asked "Anything for you princess" I smiled and kissed her nose.

"You know the chords don't you?" I asked "Yea" Y/n confirmed "You ready?" Y/n asked "Always" I replied and as soon as she started strumming the song on her ukulele that's when we both began singing with y/n singing and me doing the background vocals.

🎶 I can't seem to focus when you don't seem to notice I'm not here I'm just a mirror
you check your complexion to find your reflections all alone I had to go
Can't you hear me I'm not coming home do you understand I've changed my plans
Cause I, I'm in love with my future can't wait to meet her and I, I'm in love but not with anybody else just wanna get to know myself...🎶

Then her strumming sped up a bit-

🎶I know supposedly I'm lonely now know I'm supposed to be unhappy without some but aren't I someone (aren't I someone yeah yeah)
I(I) like to be your answer (be your answer) cause you're so handsome (you're so handsome)
But I know better than to drive you home cause you'd invite me in and I'll be yours again
But I, I'm in love (love love love love) with my future and you don't know her

Then her strumming slowed down-

And I, I'm in love (love love) but not with anybody here I'll see you in a couple years🎶

"That was amazing" I said complementing her which then y/n blushed again she's cute when she blushes "I love you" I told y/n "I love you too Billie"
Hey guys! It's been a while anyways...So the inspiration for this imagine was basically me playing my future on my ukulele and thinking about a scenario like this and uhhhh yea 😌

Words- 575

Billie Eilish ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now