Imagine 17- Messing around 😊

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Billie's POV
I'm currently on tour right now and I'm currently in New Mexico getting ready for my show that's gonna happen later on tonight.

I have roughly two hours until sound check so I decided to go back to the bus and chill for a little bit before the check happens.

When I got back to the tour bus, I saw Y/n sitting on the ground on her phone "Hey baby, I'm back!" I said which made Y/n look up "Hey Bil" she smiled.

"So I have about two hours before my sound check starts what do you wanna do by then?" I asked her "Oooh uhmm I don't know" She shrugged.

"Well I'm sure we can think of something together" I said "Ooh I know what we could do" Y/n spoke up "And what is it?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Let's play tag around the arena!" She suggested "But not just any game of tag, let's add in the scooters" she smiled.

"Ooooo good Idea!" I told her Y/n puts her phone away then we get out the bus soon after and back into the arena venue.

This is pretty convenient of her to suggest the idea since it is two hours before my sound check and I'll be in the area anyways to it'll be easier and quicker for me to get to the stage faster.

Once we got to the arena we went out backstage to find the scooters and once we did, we unfolded them and got on.

"Soo..." I started "Tag! You're it!" Y/n giggled after she quickly rode of with her scooter "HEY NO FAIR YOURE CHEATING!" I quickly yelled as I zoomed after her.

I could hear her giggling throughout the hallway but eventually I caught up to her and got close enough where I could tag her "Tag!" I smirked now it was my turn to giggle and rid off.

"Hey!" She playfully pouted I rode my scooter faster and turned the corner soon after as I was riding along I see Y/n in the hall coming up just standing and smirking.

I quickly came to a stop once I was getting closer "What happened? Where is your scooter?" I asked "Put it away B" Y/n said and I did as told "What are we doing?" I asked her.

"Tag" She smirked and started running off into the area "Oh no you don't" I smirked as I ran after her for a while we ran all around the arena area just tagging each other constantly until it got to where we were on the stage.

"Oh no looks like you're trapped aren't you now" I smirked as I saw Y/n on the floor of the catwalk helpless and trying to find a way to escape.

"You did this to yourself mamas and there's no where else to turn to" I said as my voice was getting lower and I was walking more closer towards her.

"Looks like I win and you loose" I smirked as I was basically hovering over her at this point "Tag baby! You're it" I said with the same smirk still playing on my face.

"Now admit that I've won yes?" I said she sighed still making eye contact "Go on I'm waiting" I said trying to lead her on to her next sentence.

"Fine, you win Bil" She Said playfully rolling her eyes and smiling "Good girl" I smiled "Bil!" I heard my mom call out from behind so I turned around to look for her.

"They wanna do sound check now" My mom informed me then she went backstage "I'll continue what I've started later" I said winking at Y/n as I went back to hovering over her.

She snickered a little bit "I'd like to see you try Eilish" She smirked "Don't get too cocky now" I told her as I stopped hovering to let hey get up and leave.

"Make me!" She said "Oh you'll see later tonight" I told her as she was leaving "Horny ass!" She yelled "Do your sound check!" She giggled after she left.

I playfully rolled my eyes soon after she'll get what's coming to her soon.

Soon after, Finneas and Andrew went on stage and we began sound check.
A/N: Hey guys it's been a bit! I just wanted to update you guys and say that my upcoming book "Eva" is still being worked on and I expect to be done with it by some point in September!
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this imagine and who knows maybe I might make a part 2 🤷‍♀️👀

Bye for now!
Words- 784

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