Imagine 4- Christmas with you 🎄

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Your POV
Today is Christmas Day and while usually I would be spending time with my family, Billie thought it would be a good idea if I spent Christmas with her and her family. "Thanks for inviting me to spend Christmas with you" I said to Billie "Awww no problem my love" Billie cooed "I'm glad that your family was ok with this" Billie added. "I'm glad they were ok with this too Bil" I smiled "So do you know what we're going to do?" I asked Billie "Honestly...I don't know but all I heard was that my mom is going to cook some good food" Billie smiled at the thought of food. "Billie! Y/n! Come here please" You both hear a voice call out which sounded like Maggie's voice so you both got up and went over to where Maggie was. "What's up mom" Billie said "Did you need us?" I asked "Yea...Do you wanna help me cook some food for later?" Maggie asked "Yea sure I don't mind helping" I smiled at Maggie "Same here" Said Billie.  "Alright well can you girls go pick up something for me?" Maggie asked "Yea sure what do you need us to pickup?" Billie asked "Well here I'm going to give you girls this list and you two can pickup some things together ok?" Maggie said "Alright" I replied. "Ok are you ready princess?" Billie asked "Yea let's go!" I smiled.


When we got to the store we looked at the list that Maggie gave us which only had four items.

The list
•Fruit (any kind)
•Hot chocolate
•Candy canes

"Ok so who's getting what?" I asked Billie "Hmmmmm...I'll get the fruits and candy canes and you get the lemons and got chocolate" Billie said "Alright" I smiled "Good girl" Billie said which made me blush.


After we got our items from the list we went back to Billies place "Did you girls get the things that were on the list?" Maggie asked us "Yep" I nodded "Wonderful" She


Eventually all the Christmas food was already ready so Me, Billie, Finneas, Maggie and Patrick all gathered around to eat then after we ate we opened our presents. Eventually it became night time and me and Billie were laying down in her bed "Goodnight mamas I love you" Billie said softly "Goodnight Billie I love you too" I smiled.
Another cute chapter for you guys 🥺 Anyways Merry Christmas or merry whatever you celebrate I hope you guys have a good day and uhhhh yea once again goodbye for now! 👋

Words- 436

Billie Eilish ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now