Imagine 10- Rainy day times 🌧

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Your POV
🕒12 pm Noon🕒

It is now the next day and it's been a bit of time now and...I'm bored me and Billie decided to have a bit of a chill day after yesterday and it's also a rainy day so it's a perfect day for the both of us. "Billieeeeeeee!"  I called out from the living room stretching out the 'e' "What's up!" Billie called back to me "I'm boredddddd" I called to her again. I changed my position on the couch from sitting up to laying down my body sprawled out all over the couch after that Billie comes out of her room and into the living room she then stands in front the left side of the couch so that way we could face each other.

Billie's POV
"So...Your bored huh" I said with a small chuckle "Yea" Ellie replied I then went over to the kitchen to make a small snack for myself "What do you want to do?" I ask as I'm still making a snack "I don't know" She replied "Well we can't go outside because it's raining" I explained soon enough, I felt a pair of arms go around my neck and a head on my right shoulder "We should build a blanket and pillow fort" Ellie said cutely "Ok baby let me go get some pillows and you can go get some blankets" I smiled at her. I went to my room to collect some pillows and blankets. Before I could do that though I came out of my room to find Ellie chilling against the kitchen counter while scrolling through her phone "Wait I thought you didn't like to be called 'baby'" I asked her a smirk tugging at the corner of my lips Ellie looked up from her phone "Well Yea but...I got used to it" she shrugged and smiled after that I went back to my room to collect pillows and blankets. As I was doing that, I also started to think about Ellie she's so cute when she has her Lil ideas but then again she's cute when it comes to whatever little thing she does. I wish I could tell her everything I even keep convincing myself 'one day' but will that one day even happen?

Your POV
While Billie went to go get pillows and blankets I went to go look for some things to hold up our fort and seeing how we live in an apartment together there weren't many things to find and seeing how it's starting to get a little late out when it's still raining didn't help either. All I found was the one chair in my room now,  I considered using the 2 desks I have but I'm too lazy to put everything back after I've moved it off (yes I have 2 desks in my room don't ask). After a moment of finding literally nothing, I come back out to the living room to find billie with a lot of pillows and blankets while sitting on the carpet messing with the corner of one of her blankets "So where are we going to set this up?" I ask "Uhhhh...Fuck...We don't have anything to hold this up don't we..." Billie said sounding concerned "Yep" I shrugged "That's ok" Billie piped up I slightly tilted my head and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion "Let's just go to the store and find some things" Billie said happily as she jumped up from her spot on the carpet "But Billie...Don't you think it's late and-" "It's ok it's not that late and it stopped raining" Billie cut me off I then looked out the window to see that the rain had stopped. "Well then...Let's go!" I said with that, Billie grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of our apartment then she went racing down the stairs to her matte black dodge challenger pulling me behind after that we both got in her car and went to the store. The ride on the way to the store was really fun Billie had her playlist of songs playing through the radio because she had her aux cord plugged into her phone then me and her started jamming out to all of the songs in her playlist. When we arrived at the store we walked to the slide open doors then went inside when we got inside Billie grabbed a cart then we started looking around for random things that could hold up our blanket fort. After looking we decided to get wooden chairs "wanna get some snacks?" Billie asked me "Yea let's go" I replied "Get in" Billie told me while smiling at me I don't know how but something about her smile is cute and it makes me fall for her every time. When I got in the cart I looked at Billie and she smirked at me and went by my ear so she can whisper in it when I saw Billie smirk at me I blushed a little but then I shook it off "I want you to grab as many takis as you can" Billie whispered in my ear. I look back at Billie and nod to her as a sign that I will accept her challenge Billie then took off running to the chips aisle of the store with the cart that carried me and the chairs when we got to the chips we got near the takis then I started grabbing all the ones in the purple bag. Me and Billie switched places in the cart and I told her to grab some fruits me and her went zooming down the hallway grabbing things we need then we went to the checkout station to pay for everything then we went home.


When we got home we got out of Billie's car and grabbed everything we got in the store from the trunk then we went inside our apartment. As soon as we went inside we it was dark outside but that didn't stop us from building our pillow and blanket fort.


After we built our pillow and blanket fort we turned off all the lights in our house, got some snacks and turned on the tv to Netflix. Me and billie decided to start with watching the office then the shining and then end with the office.  After watching our movies and eating snacks I decided to start a little pillow war.
So because I'm bored, I copied and pasted another chapter I wrote from a different book I have that I might put out eventually....😉👀

Words- 1111

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