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"Kinny!" A loud shout downstairs wake me up from my slumber. I checked my cellphone and it's 6:30 in the morning. My mom's probably stress right now 'cause I will be late again. What's new right? I heard footsteps outside, maybe my mom will check me out if I'm ready for the school or probably gonna yell at me for being late and I always knew its the latter. I walked to my closets to find my uniform before going to the bathroom. I didn't lock the door 'cause I knew my mom would always have our spare keys. I'm taking a bath when my mom knocks at the bathroom door.

"Yes?" I politely ask even though I knew what she's going to say.

"Hurry up, you'll be late again." My mom worries too much, being late in school is okay if you don't wanna attend the flag ceremony, I laugh at my thoughts.

After taking a bath, I wore our school uniform. A baby pink long sleeves and grey mini skirt and grey neck tie partnered with white knee socks, our uniform is cute but it's not appropriate for hot weather. Good thing I'm enrolled in a private school so its okay. I took my back pack with me. As I was walking down the stairs I saw my mom packing up foods in a container. She looks up and saw me, she frowns immediately.

"Good morning mom." I kissed her cheeks before drinking water.

"You're always late every Monday!" She frowns again when I face her. "You're in the special class so be appropriate and act as one." She's scolding me again. I knew that from the start, who wants to be in the class? I only follow her orders so that she would be proud of me. I just shrugs my thought and nod, she's my mom after all. She gave me the container filled with foods and kiss my cheeks again. "Eat your breakfast at your school. Just buy lunch." I nodded.

"Good bye mom. See you later." I saw my brother going down and he smile when he saw me.

"Take care Kinny." He said before kissing our mom.

I saw our driver wiping the car.

"Good morning Kinny." He's my driver when I was in elementary and I told him that I don't want to be addressed formally so she calls me like that.

"Good morning Kuya." I smile and he smile back at me. "Do you eat your breakfast?"

"I already did. How about you?" He asked as I enter the passenger seat. Kuya Mark's 5 years older than me and I consider him as my older brother so we talked comfortably to each other.

"No Kuya. I'm late so I'm going to eat in the school." I laughed. I'm comfortably talking to other people. "So let's go."

He started the car and I stares outside. Some where walking going to school. I saw an old lady struggling to walk in the pedestrian.

"Kuya, please stop- " I stopped as I saw a man wearing a different uniform, a white polo shirt and light blue pants but were in the same school. He helped the old lady pass the pedestrian even though he's late. I admire him for that. Our school is divided into three class; special science class - the one I'm taking, special program in the arts - the man's uniform is in this class, and the basic education curriculum. You could tell the specializations of each curricula by just seeing the names.

"Yes Kinny?" My thoughts was interrupted by kuya sudden question. He already stopped the car so I guess he hears me.

"Its okay Kuya. Let's go." He nods before driving again. I stares outside and I saw him taking a cab. I smiled.

The drive was smooth so far even though I was late. I don't wanna attend the flag ceremony so I told Kuya to take his time driving. We arrived at the school's front gate and I bid Kuya goodbye telling him that I'll text him if I'm going home. I enter the school grounds with the people wearing the same uniform as me lining up to enter the building.

"Mariae!" I saw my classmates lining at the back since were already Grade 9. I smiled and wave back. "Come on!" Avi shouted again, the people were looking at us because of her shout so I stare on the ground instead. She laugh as I reach them. "You're late again."

Our room is on the second floor of the building. It's the floor for the special science class so all you could see is people wearing the same uniform as mine, we only occupies the second floor because we only have 4 grades of special class and other curriculum has a lot of section in each grades. Grade 10 room's for basic education curriculum was upstairs and on the ground floor is administration's offices and laboratories. Other grades in basic curriculum are on the other buildings same with the art class.

I sat beside Avi since the seats assigned alphabetically, she's Aviara Banes.

"So what time did you wake up?" She asked as she sits.

"6:30" I simply answered.

"You really don't like attending flag ceremonies?" She laugh. "I remember one time you hide on the comfort room pretending to clean it. Good thing the CAT officers isn't roaming our floor." Her laugh surrounded the room so our classmates stares at her.

"You're late again huh?" Chris asked me. He's a friend of mine since elementary, Chris Fernandez. The top of our class in elementary and even now, he's running for valedictorian again.

"What's new?" Avi laughed again. I frowns at them but they laugh even more. Good thing the teacher enters the room so Chris left our seats and Avi behaves as well.

"Good morning class."

"Good morning sir." My classmates response, I don't bother greeting at all.

"Unfortunately, we have a meeting today." Our class cheered even though Sir Randy's not even finished with what he's about to said. "Quiet class!" He taps the table and all the cheers quiets down. "Since I'm not going to teach and the student councils election is upcoming, its kind of a tradition in special class that we should have at least run on the position of the governor. I'd like you to elect in our class the suitable person in that position. I knew that you all know whose responsible enough in this class. If ever you're elected you're gonna handle the whole school so its a big responsibility, think carefully. That's all. I will leave the election to Chris." Sir leaves the room and Chris immediately take the floor for the election since he's our president in the class.

"Before the election, I would like to say that I can't handle this big responsibility." My classmates responses was mostly 'awww' 'cause they all want Chris to be the Gov since he's smart and popular. Avi raise her hands.
"Yes Avi?"

"Why?" She asked.

"I'm this class president right? I'm also the president of three clubs so I can't handle this one. Let's vote for another person to participate since I knew that you all decided that it could be me." The class laugh as he ended. I agree, Chris suits being the leader.

"So since it all comes to that, let's vote." He stares at the class before continuing. "The governor's position is open for nomination."

Avi raise her hands again and Chris acknowledged her. "I'd like to nominate Mariae."

I stares at her and she just laughed. I saw my classmates nodding their heads. Oh my god! Now I'm doomed.

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