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I looked at Ael's side and I saw him staring at me, intently. What? My voice was okay right? What's the meaning of his stares?

"Good job, Mariae!" Chris patted my hair, I don't know when did he make it beside me. It made me look away to Aelrex.

"I told you Mariae, you had a nice voice!" Avi's retorts made me blush. She always sang and sometimes she made me sing with her when we jam.

Chris finished up campaigning our party before handing it back to Ate Teresa. Ate Teresa shows us a thumbs up and giggles, maybe she thought we had a chance of winning after all. Good thing she thinks about that.

"Do you guys enjoy our campaign? The future student council will be responsible for the well being of the students so vote wisely, a'ight?" Ate Teresa said and all of them agrees. As the campaign ended, all the students went to their rooms. My party, Ael's party and the student council last year was the only one left.

"Come on, let's go to our office and have a five minute talk before the class starts." Ate Tere said. We followed her and her co-officers.

"Hey, I should go back to our class." Out of nowhere, Chris said. "I think I should, right?" He looks at me.

Chris knew that I'm not comfortable at talking when I don't personally knew the people. I held his wrist. I saw Avi glances at it but it was just an impulse, I don't want him to leave 'cause she's close to all this people and I don't want to give Avi a bad idea about him like liking the same person as her. I like Chris but not romantically.

"Please stay." That's all I utter and Avi's eyes saddens. Wait, what did I do?

"Okay." He patted my hair and laughs. "You always surprise me with your words and actions Mariae."

I saw Avi went to Aelrex side and they talked comfortably. I felt a pang in my chest. Are they that close? Oh, I forgot they are volleyball players. Chris never leave my side but I saw him staring at Avi's back.

"You like her right?" I asked curiously. Chris eyes widens while looking at me shocked. This was amusing.

"No! No!" He shouted.

That's make Ael and Avi look at us. I saw them sighing, both of them. Their presence shouts saddens. Chris scratches his nape and bowed while telling them sorry.

"Am I that obvious?" Chris asked after apologizing to them.

"I don't know. I just love observing people and I love reading books, maybe that's why I concluded that. Am I right? Do you like her?"

"Yes." He answers me while looking at Avi's side. This two likes each other, hmm. "But I don't know if she feels the same towards me."

It's Aviara's feelings so this is not my story to tell and I'm not a match making couple. I don't meddle with things like that but I want them both happy.

"Why don't you try telling her then?"

"You know, I tried multiple times but it always end up just trying not actually saying it." He sighs. "Maybe it's isn't the time for that."

"How will you tell if its the right time or not? I mean I read about it a couple of times in a novel that there's no such thing as the right time, just say it so that you won't regret anything. If she likes you back then its good right? If she don't, well I don't know."

"You sound like an expert but you don't know the real feelings towards that right? Like love for example or like?"

This is why I don't talk to him, we always end up rebutting each other. The perks of being a debater, tss.


I don't know but Avi and Aelrex looks at us. Did they hear us? I knew that Avi likes Chris and I don't want her to think that bad at me but when I saw Aelrex I feel happy while looking at his eyes. Avi runs at me and grabs me by my hand. She pulled me to her and I end up being at the middle with her and Aelrex, my cheeks burned at that thought.

"What are you talking about Mariae?" Avi asked looking at me.


"That doesn't sound nothing at me." She looks irritated at me and that made me laugh. "Are you laughing at me now?"

"Oh, sorry." I stopped my laughs.

"Love? What about love?" She asked again not wanting to finish the topic.

"He's asking me if you love him." I teased and she ended up closing her mouth and I saw her cheeks reddened. "Just kidding." I won't spoil her, as I've said I don't wanna meddle with things like that and I want them to build their confidence by saying that to each other. Aviara punched me and I ended up bumping Aelrex. Aelrex on the other hand helped me by holding my shoulders.

"You okay?" I blushed when I saw how our face a few inches apart from each other. I only nods as a response.

"I'm sorry." Aviara's guilty face made me went back to my senses and I pinch her arms. "Ouch, Mariae!"

I pouted at her. I glanced at Aelrex and I saw him staring at me this time. "Thank you." I said as I smile. I runs to Chris side. Aviara's glares didn't even bother me.

"What happened?" Chris looks at me. "You're blushing."

"No, I'm not." I denied. Chris only patted my hair as his response.

The offices of the clubs and organizations in the school is far from the academic buildings. I put up my earphones and shuffles a song. I saw them talking to each other and that made me smile. This scene was refreshing. I saw Apple smiling at me and I smiled back. She walks towards me, I stares to the man beside me just a little while ago but I saw Chris talking to Avi now. I ended up the song and removes my earphones.

"Hey Mariae!"

"Hi!" I timidly reply.

"You and Chris are closer now hmm."

That caught me off guard. I knew that they both have past with each other. Do she likes him after that?

"I guess so."

"Do you have feelings for him?"

My face remains stoic but I wanna laugh but since we don't talk that much with each other I ended up making my facade. She likes him.


"Or did Chris likes you?"

Didn't she notice that I only replied a short phrase with her questions? That means I don't wanna talk to her with her ridiculous topic.

"I don't know. Why should I know?" I laugh to hide my irritation.

"Chris won't like you."

Oh now she's making a boundary between Chris and I, she's so in love but I hate her kind of ways to love a man.

"I know."

I know that. In fact Chris likes someone.

"Good thing that you know." She smiles, sincerely.

Should I tell him that Chris doesn't like her anymore? Nah. This is much more fun with them battling their own emotions. I smiled back at her and she kissed my cheeks before waving at me and went to her friends side. I knew that Apple went to my party because of Chris, and I thanked Chris for that. But their story isn't mine to tell.

I didn't notice that we're front of the student council office so they went inside and me being the last one to enter, I saw Avi and Chris sitting with each other and Chris save a seat for me but I'll end up sitting beside Aelrex, what should I do? I stares at my seat and I ended up thinking what should I do and what should I react. Argh, this feelings is new to me.

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