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Damn, I had this fetish over someone whose more intelligent and talented as me. Now, I knew I have a crush for Aelrex. Their party was talented and I can picture their wins already but I am Kinn Mariae I should at least put up a fight right?

"Woaaah! This party is an amazing band huh?" Even Ate Tere is amazed by them. They're not called SPA for nothing. Their program supports Aelrex as their candidate because he's the first one who had the guts to run for the student council. "Now, for the other party. Let's welcome them with a round of applause." Ate Tere smiled at us, encouraging us to stand on the stage. She gave the mic to Chris for us to proceed in introducing our party.

"Good morning students!" Chris is the Leader of our drum and lyre corps so many students yelled his name. I knew that if he my runs, he will win without a doubt. This man is irritating the hell out of me, why does he want me to run? I rolled my eyes. Someone laugh at the backstage where we at and I saw Aelrex laughing looking at me.

"What?" I mouthed. He just smiled and gestured a fighting pose. Gay, but cute. Wait what am I thinking? This isn't a time for that. I smiled back at him.

I saw Chris entertaining the students with his wits, accepting questions about our party.

"Why didn't you run?" A female student asked. Tsk, see? Even the students knew Chris was capable of handling the council.

"Why? Hmm. Lemme think." Chris glances at our side and smiled. "I think I want someone to surpass her limit? She can handle the responsibilities and she doesn't knew that 'cause she doesn't interact with others that often. He doesn't talk a lot but she had a lot of guts." Tsk. He's making me blushed. "She's the governor in our party, vote for her. You'll vote for her right?" Chris voice seems like pleading and that got all the girls giggles. This man is a playboy, I smiled at that thought. "Let's proceed to our party!" Chris asked us to introduce by the lowest position to the higher position.  Our party is confident now in introducing, they're amazing. I'm thinking about all my platforms that I wanna say, I'm storing them up in my brain so that when its my time I wouldn't mumble nonsense things. "And now, the time is up for our governor to finally introduce herself and break her walls." Chris laughed, he's making fun of me. "Let's welcome our Mariae!" Avi pushed me and if Aelrex doesn't catch my wrist I would fall immediately. I glare at Avi but she just made a peace sign so I sighed.

"Thank you." I'm fixing my hair before I went up on the stage.

"Good luck, Mari!" He whispered lowly that only I can hear him. My heart beats erratically.

"Thank you, again." It gave me courage as I set my feet on the stage. The students was silent so I don't know what I'm gonna do or talk. I glance at my party encouraging me to talk so I exhaled a big breath before speaking. "Hi." It was the first word that I utter at a large crowd. I close my eyes because I don't wanna see their reactions but as I open them after a few seconds they are all smiling at me so I smiled, for the first time in front of the students. The boys yelled my name immediately, what did happen? The girls also giggles saying I'm pretty and cute.

"Good morning." I started saying again. They all respond to me enthusiastically. "I'm Kinn Mariae Alfonso, running for the position of Governor for the student council."

"Woaaaahh! Can I get your number?" A student at the back of the line yelled and all of his classmate teases him. "That's supposed to be a mumble." He said while scratching his nape and that made us all laugh. "Now, I'm in love with you laughter." He said seriously, his friend from behind punch him. He's a year older from me and he's graduating.

I gulped before saying my platform. They are interested that's what I can see in their eyes as I end my speech. I bowed at them and thanks them for hearing me out. Chris went to my side and ask if we want a little entertaining show from my party and they all agreed, maybe because they don't wanna attend their classes. I laugh at my thoughts. Everyone on our party takes this part seriously and showcases their talents. When its Avi's turn Chris doesn't wanna give the mic but Avi grabs it.

"Do you wanna hear me sing?" She's talented and I knew that her voice is soothing.

"Tsk. I don't wanna hear them hear her voice." Chris on my side mumbles. Jealous, eh?

The students yells and agreed. "Oh, sorry but I'm just gonna play." Avi showed her guitar. "Someone's grumpy already." She smirk before glancing at our side. "If you want someone to sing chose from them but I'd rather want Mariae to sing." I glare at her and it only made her laugh. "She doesn't even prepare anything so if you want to hear her voice again, convince her."

The line from the boy who yelled that he wants my number teases the guy again and yelled my name. They all went silent after the guy coughed. "I want to hear Kinn Mariae's voice please." The students giggles at that.

"Someone's requesting, Mariae. Are you kind enough to accept that?" Avi's says on the mic and it made me embarrassed as the crowd says yes with my name in it, encouraging me to sing so I nodded.

"Now that's my girl!" The guy from earlier said lowly but the crowd went quiet because of the strumming of the guitar so they all laughed again at his remarks.

I don't know what's Avi's  to play but when I hear her strumming I knew that I can sing that song. When I always visits her at her house, this is the one song that she always listens to so I end up memorizing the song. Its Taylor Swift's song, teardrops on my guitar. As I sang the song, I close my eyes so that I can't see the crowd and imagine myself singing at the bathroom. As the song ended I open my eyes and see all the amuse expressions of the students and they all yelled my name again with Avi, this is the first time I sang at a crowd and it made me confident of my voice.

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