Art Thing

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"I thought we supposed to get back tomorrow morning. Did I hear wrong?"

Sitting on the couch beside him, Britt answered, "Yes, that's what the other planned. But there is this party at the other side of the beach tomorrow night. Jens and Mojo said anyone can join. And they all want to go, so Zoe had booked for one more night."

"It's funny how no one ask me."

Britt looked irritated. "Sander, they asked me, and I told them we are going. What is your problem?"

Sander didn't say anything. He took out his phone to text his mom, so that she won't be worried.

Britt looked at his phone and said, "I've told your mom. She asked me about school, and I told her you don't have class that day."

Sander stopped typing. "What? I do have classes that day. And why did you just go and tell her?"

"So what? Why are you angry?"

Sander looked at her in disbelief, "So, you will decide everything for me now huh? What will I wear for the party tomorrow, pick them yet?"

Britt snorted. "Don't be a child. It's just some art thing. Like you care that much about skipping class."

Sander can't stand it anymore. He stood up and left the room. Britt was calling him, but Sander keep walking. The pressure was building inside his head, he was shaking with anger. Skipping class was not even the problem. He did miss classes, and it was not like he did it on purpose. He didn't mind though, but it was the way she just dissmissed his study, like everything else. And talking to his mom like that behind his back?

He went down the beach. Some of the boys and girls were playing football, others were chatting and laughing. He looked around, and saw Robbe sitting by himself again, alone some distance away. He did that a lot. This morning, he happened to see him went out by himself, wearing headphones. Sander had followed him from some distance. He just stood and watched him, sitting; listening to music and looking at the distance sea. He wanted to go to him. He wanted to listen to his music, to ask him what he was thinking, to laugh with him again, but he didn't.

He didn't feel like playing with the others so he just walked around taking photos. He had grabbed his camera before he went out. Sander wondered why Noor was not with Robbe. Maybe they fought or something. There were times when Sander caught Robbe staring at him from accross the room and Robbe would look away then. Sander found himself walking into kitchen or sitting room or just lingering somewhere Robbe happened to be, only so he can heard his voice. When they crossed path, they would smiled at each other, and Sander would said something insignificant. But sometimes Robbe would gave him an angry look that he didn't understand.

When he went back inside, Britt was waiting for him. Sander turned to the kitchen to make some coffee. Britt followed him, and hugged him from behind.

"Cmmon Sander, don't be angry.."

He turned around, "Could you stop treating me like a kid for once?"

She opened her mouth, and closed it again. She crossed her arm, and stared at the floor. He didn't understand why she looked like he had hurt her.

"It's fine. We don't have to talk about it anymore."

Britt took his hand and pressed her body to him.

Sander said, "Why don't you go out and play with the others babe?"

Britt frowned, letting go of his hand. Sander sighed and went to the bedroom. He took his bag, and put his camera back inside. Taking out his sketch book, he put it on the bed. Britt came in and sit on the bed.

Sander was looking through his clothes, when Britt said, "Why do you have Robbe's picture on your book?"

Sander froze. Britt was looking at a sketch of Robbe he drew yesterday. Robbe was captured in the act of laughing, his hair blowed around his head.

Sander shrugged with nonchalant air, "I plan on drawing everyone, well, mostly everyone."

Britt stared at him. When she was about to flip the pages again, Sander snatched it from her.

"Stop it. It's not like you ever show any interest on my 'art thing' right?" Sander said with emphasize.

Britt said with anger in her voice, "Let me see, I am showing interest now, aren't I?"

Sander snorted, "No."

"You draw someone else? Why won't you let me see?"

"Just stop it Britt."

She put her hand out to him. "Give. it. to. me."

Sander laughed without humor, "I won't have your insult all over my drawings."

She keep staring at him. Her face was getting red, and she looked like she was about to cry. Sander felt like leaving. He was sick of their fights. He should just broke up with her. He had lost count of how many times they fought and made up again.

"I am tired of this Britt."

Britt burst out crying then. She covered her face with her arms and sobbed into them. Sander looked at her and felt torn. This was the longest relationship he ever had with anyone. But then he would irritated her and she always got angry or dismissive. In a way, Britt did took care of him, she was there when he was at his lowest. There was a part of him that thought Britt looked glad when he was like that, when he needed someone so much. Sometimes he thought that, it was the only reason she was still with him.

He pulled her arm down slowly, wiping her tears with his fingers, said softly, "I am sorry. Don't cry anymore.. I am sorry okay."

She was silent. But she didn't push his hand away. Sander hugged her and kissed her hair. After a while, Britt's arms hugged him back.

Sander and Robbe, Minute by MinuteWhere stories live. Discover now