Circuit's Dead

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Robbe and Noor were late. They had ordered drinks and sitting at a table facing the window. Listening to Britt gossiping about her friends; Sander absently chewing on fried peanuts on the table, glanced to the street outside through the glass once in a while. He took one from the bowl and offered it towards Britts like he was about to feed her. She opened her mouth to take it from his hand; Sander pulled his hand back and ate the peanut, just because he can. Britt gave her a look and then took one from the bowl for herself.

He looked back through the glass window. Noor was approaching the pub, her arms folded under her chest. Robbe followed behind her, stirring a bike. Robbe rest his bike at a table outside and chased Noor. They looked like they were fighting. Sander tapped Britt's arm and pointed at them. The fight was getting more intense outside. They both watched silently from the window. Noor seemed to be screaming something, and Robbe was waving his arm around his head in a frustated gesture. Noor turned and walked away from him.

"I think I better check on her," Britt said from across the table. She grabbed her jacket and went outside. They both know the double date was probably not happening. Sander stood and walked outside. Britt was calling and chasing Noor down the street. Standing outside the pub, leaning on the wall, he looked at Robbe's distressed face.

Sander approached him slowly. Some people at the side street were glancing between them and the girls at the distance. Robbe was still standing rooted on the spot, staring at the street. Sander looked at the girl's disappearing figure, thinking of a way to lighten the mood.

He started singing the opening lyric to Space Oddity, "Ground control to Major Tom."

Robbe turned to him.

He continued singing, "Circuit's dead, there is something wrong."

Looking at Robbe, he raised a questioning eyebrow, No? Robbe just shook his head.

"Come, you need a drink." He gestured his head towards the pub; they went inside.


They both had been sitting there, drinking in silence. Sander; watching Robbe's morose expression, rocking the glass in his hand lightly. Once in a while Robbe would took a sip and went back staring into his beer. There was a gold chain around Robbe's neck with a pendant. Sander stared at the angel on the pendant and back to Robbe's face. He looked truly upset to him. Sander wondered if Robbe did care about Noor and what was he actually felt for her. He thought of a way to lift up his mood or to say something that might comfort him. Nothing came to his mind. The door opened; they both looked up. It's not the girls. Sander knew there was no way they would come back. The fight looked quite brutal to him.

He said in a gentle voice, "Doesn't look like those two will be coming back."

Robbe sighed, "Fuck."

He said to Sander, "Could you maybe send a message to Britt?"

Sander frowned, "Why?"

"I forgot my phone at home."

Sander shrugged, "Okay."

He took out his phone and texted Britt. Well, that was done. Looking at Robbe's adorable face, he knew it was time to leave. They can't just sit there all night. And he had been dying for days to see him, he can't missed the chance. He wanted to do something together with him. Robbe needed some cheering up anyway. He gulped down his beer and stood up.

"Ready?" He grabbed his jacket off the seat.

Robbed looked up, "What?"

"You're not gonna stay here all evening and be depressed, right?"

Robbe didn't budge.

He shrugged on his jacket. "The night is still young." He started to walk out.

"But Sander, how if they come back?"

A text message from Britt came in. Sander read it; Noor needs some time alone. Sander smirked and turned, showing it to Robbe.

"I told you. Come on, let's go and have some fun."

Robbe sighed again and stood up, "Okay."

Sander and Robbe, Minute by MinuteWhere stories live. Discover now