I was with A Boy

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When he got home, his mom was sitting in the kitchen, typing on her laptop. Sander tried to sneak upstairs, but his mom had noticed him and called out. Sander groaned but walked nonchalantly into the kitchen.

"Hey! Morning mom! Breakfast yet?" He said in a cheerful tone.

She arched an eyebrow, "Where were you last night? I know you were not home."

"I— eh.. why are you always checking? Zzz, it's Saturday mom."

"Of course I check. Were you with Britt? It's okay, I just need you to tell me next time."

Sander was about to nod to end the discussion, but he stopped. Leaning on the wall, he said, "I wasn't with Britt. I am not with her anymore."

Her mom frowned in puzzlement. "What? when? why?"

"Zzz, seriously mom?"

"Come and sit down honey."

Sander groaned. "I broke up with her mom, that's all." He tried to change the subject, "How's work?"

His mom didn't bite, she closed the laptop and gestured to the chair.

Sander sighed and sat down.

"What's going on? I thought it's been good between you? Did you do something honey?"

"Mom! really?"

"Sorry honey, but you know how you can be.." She trailed off, seeming trying to find a more subtle word.

Sander raised his eyebrow and started to tease her, "Reckless? impulsive? rash?"

Her mom raised her palms up, "Your words, not mine."

She smiled and Sander chuckled.

"No, really, tell me, come on."

Sander knew she wouldn't let it go. He and Britt had been together for more than half a year, and his mom knew her, not that closely, but she came often. There was possibility of them bonded over his BD, he didn't know how he felt about it.

"We just don't work anymore, mom." Sander never told her about the slaps Britt gave him a couple of times.

"I see.." she said in contrast to her baffle expression. Then she dropped it and said, "Okay, so last night, you were with who?"

Sander wanted to tell her about Robbe, to show her this beautiful boy that he loved so much. His happiness was so intense, he wanted to tell everyone. But then.

"I was with a boy.."

"Oh.." her mom trailed off again in surprise.

Sander arched his eyebrow, "What? I came out to you long ago mom. Pfff, I hate that word, 'came out'."

His mom looked hesitant and then she said, "I know sweetie.. I am just surprise and I thought that with Britt and all.."

"I don't understand what you are saying, mom."

"How long has this been going on? with this boy? why you never bring him home?"

"This is why I am not telling you, always so many questions."

His mom touched his arm and said gently, "Honey.. I am just worried you know with—"

"Yes yes, my BD." Sander cut her off irritatingly.

"I need to know who are dating my sweet boy.. I will worry less if there was someone out there who could take care of you, and I know who that person is.."

Sander sighed, "I know mom, it just.. still new, I will bring him home soon, okay?"

"I just don't want you to be rash and regret it later honey."

"Are you still talking about Britt?" Her mom looked pained and uncomfortable.

"So, even if I don't love her anymore, I just have to keep going because she is what? safer?"

"That's not what I meant honey, I just don't want you to get hurt."

"Mom, I am eighteen. I know with my BD and all, you are worried, but that doesn't mean I am a child, okay?"

"I know hon.. but you are my boy, my only one, I will always worry for you.."

Sander said softly, "I know mom, I love you too." He hugged her and she rubbed his back affectionally.

"You still have to bring him home soon, okay?"

Sander laughed and kissed her cheek.


When he was in his bedroom, he took his phone out and called Britt.

She picked up, "Hi honey, you are okay now?"

"Listen Britt, I am sorry for the confusion, but we are not together anymore. I am with Robbe now."

"What? That again?"

"Look, we are over, okay?" Sander stated firmly.

"I don't believe that. You said that the last time."

"This time, it's for real."

He heard Britt snickered. "You always come back to me."

"Not this time." He said resolutely.

"Does he know about your BD?"

"It's really not your business. I am going to hang up now."

"I have taken care of you Sander! I stick with you, despite your illness!"

The word made him cringed. That was not completely true, Britt didn't even really understand his condition. She had never seen him on the lowest point of his life. He didn't understand why he just let her said stuff like that, reducing him to his illness all the time. Almost like he thought he deserved it.

"I have my mom for that, okay? And I am grateful for all the time you stick with me. I loved you, but I don't anymore, we don't work anymore, you must have seen that too. And I don't need you to take care of me."

She persisted, "No one else will take care of you, like me. I am the only one who gets you."

"That is so not true. I am not your project, okay? Find someone else to take care of."


"Good bye Britt." He ended the call. Whistling happily, he took a shower.

Sander and Robbe, Minute by MinuteWhere stories live. Discover now