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Esme walked into work with Abigail. She hadn't had change to drop her off and she had a meeting and she knew Tom was at work.

Esme knew that everything was a mess but Tom and she hadn't decided if she wanted to be with him. Esme grabbed her back and picked up Abigail and smiled

"let's go find your daddy before mummy is late" esme said as Abigail nodded. Esme walked down the hallway and into the staffroom as she saw Tom. He looked to her and frowned

"how come your here. With abi" he asked as she sighed

"I only get told of a meeting like half an hour ago. I haven't had time to drop her off. I don't suppose you can. I mean she's love you to. Your her dad" esme said as Tom took Abigail from esme and smiled

"I'll take her don't worry" Tom said as esme nodded as she went to walk off as he grabbed her arm and smiled

"esme breathe. It's fine okay" he said as she nodded.

Esme knew that she hadn't decided what she was going to do over her and Tom. She knew she'd love to forgive him but she knew it wasn't that easy. Esme knew it was complicated    

Esme sat in her classroom as Mia walked in and looked to her

"I thought you would be in the staffroom. Is everything okay?" Mia asked as esme sighed

"if I go in there Tom will want to talk. I don't know what to say to him mi i mean I know I kissed him again but it's just so hard with us and I am scared. I'm scared that he will end up hurting me and I just can't put myself through that heartbreak again" esme said as Mia looked to her and smiled

"I get that. I get how hard it is for you but you will be okay. You and Tom are getting on better I mean you can talk without killing each other ever since he dumped her. So you can maybe try again. I know that deep down that you still love him and that's okay. He is a good guy despite cheating on you" Mia said as esme looked to her and smiled.

Esme knew that Mia was right but she knew just how scared that she was and she knew just how much Tom had hurt her before and she didn't know if she could put herself through that again as it killed her

Esme sighed as she got to toms. He answered the door and frowned

"esme. Is everything okay. Where's abi" he asked

"she's with Mia. I wanted to talk to you" esme said as Tom nodded. She asked inside and sighed

"I have been thinking I have been doing a lot of thinking and I still love you despite what you did to me but you broke my heart and it won't be that easy to forgive. I want us to try again but I want us to take it slow. We rushed into it last time and I feel pregnant quick. I want us to do it properly" esme said as Tom looked to her and smiled

"I want that too" he said as she looked to him and smiled but was esme making the right decision by giving him a second chance

Betrayed hearts *Waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now