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Esmè lay in bed next to Tom. She looked to him and smiled

"what are you thinking About" she asked as she turned to face him and smiled

"us. You know all that has happened and how much I want to make it work and I know it won't be easy but I do want to try" he said as Esmè smiled

"I know its hard but we are doing this right, you messed up with your family and you could of lost it, you could of been with her but no, your back here and we are trying to make it work and trying to be a family again and I know that it isn't going to be easy but I do think we can do this" Esmè said as Tom nodded

"so do I which is why I was thinking that we have been talking over trying and I thought what if I moved back in and we really made a go of it" tom asked

Esmè looked to him and frowned, Esmè knew it was hard but she knew that she loved him but she didn't know if they were ready to moving back in together again and it scared her

"I don't know Tom, it could be too soon" Esmè said as he nodded

"just think about it, okay" Tom said as Esmè looked to him and smiled
Esmè got to work and stood in the staffroom and sighed, Esmè knew that it was all on her mind and how she was unsure over how Tom wanted to move back in.

Esmè didn't know if she wanted the same thing and it scared her. Esmè looked as Mia walked into the room and looked to her and smiled

"are you okay" Mia asked as emse looked to Mia and sighed

"i don't know. Things are a mess and I don't know what to think. Tom said he wants to move back in so that we can be a family and I so want to trust him you know but it's not easy" Esmè said as Mia smiled

"I know what happened with you and Tom and I know what he did. But it won't be like last time. Tom has changed and he is a good man and he deserves the chance to prove that and Abigail would love it, you deserve to be happy and if it means letting Tom move back in and being a family officially again then you should do it" Mia said as Esmè smiled.

Esme knew that she didn't know what she was going to do but she knew that she needed to think about it all before she made a decision

Steph walked into toms classroom. He looked to her and frowned

"Steph, how can I help you" he asked as she sighed

"we need to talk, I know that you are back with Esmè and I know that she is saying that she is happy and I don't want to see her hurt again so if you are going to end up hurting her again leave how as I know my daughter and if you are going to break her heart again then she won't cope, so I mean it don't hurt her again" Steph said as Tom looked to her and nodded

"I swear I am not going to hurt Esmè again" Tom said as Steph nodded but would Tom keep that promise 

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