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Esmè lay in bed next to Tom and looked to him and smiled

"I hate this" he said as she looked to him and frowned

"what" she asked as he looked to her and smiled

"that I have to sneak out, I just want to be here with you and Abigail and I have to sneak out soon so that she doesn't see" Tom said as she looked to him and sighed

"I know Tom but we agreed, we agreed to do this and we said it was for the best. I know it's hard I do and I don't want this either but I love what we have and I do want to try, we have to do it right" Esmè said.

Esmè knew that she didn't want to rush back into anything and she was scared. She was scared over how things were and she didn't want to tell Abigail yet

"I want us to come as a couple again es" Tom said as Esmè frowned

"I don't know tom" Esmè said as Tom sighed

"look I know I have messed up in the past and I have hurt you but I swear that the last thing I ever wanted was for this, I want us" he said as he pulled them close and kissed her.

Esmè moaned into the kiss as she ran her hands through his hair.

He pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her 
Esmè got to work and smiled as she stood in the staffroom. She looked to see Mia as she walked in and smiled

"are you okay" Mia asked as Esmè sighed

"I guess. I dunno. Tom wants us to be together. A family. He wants us to tell Abigail we are back together but it's not that easy I mean you know what he did and you know how he hurt me and how Abigail caught up. Our own daughter caught him cheating on me and she was so hurt and confused by it all. I just don't know" Esmè said as Mia looked to her and smiled

"I know it's a lot for you and that's okay. But Tom is a good man, he has changed and become a better person and he might do it again and he might not, but you can do this, you can be happy and be a family you just have to take the risk, all I know is Tom clarkson is still the love of your life despite all that he has done" Mia said as Esmè looked to her and smiled.

Esmè knew that Mia was right and she knew that she had to try and find a way to trust again knowing how much Tom broke her heart

Esmè smiled as she walked into Abigail's room and looked to her and smiled

"are you okay" Esmè asked

"yes mummy. Why is daddy here" Abigail asked as Esmè smiled

"because he and mummy are going to try again, if that's okay with you" Esmè asked as Abigail frowned

"but he hurt you"

"I know he did baby and I know he hurt you but we are trying, we are trying to be a family and it won't be easy but we love each other and we love you"

"can daddy move back in" Abigail as she saw Tom as he stood in the doorway smirking

"maybe soon if he's a good boy" Esmè said as she stood from where Abigail was playing as Tom pulled her close and kissed her

"I promise you it's all going to be okay" he said as she smiled

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